
All PRO Sova Lineups You Need To Know for Sunset

As a dedicated Sova main in Valorant, having a variety of powerful lineups in your arsenal is crucial for... Stalingrad | 27. March 2024

As a dedicated Sova main in Valorant, having a variety of powerful lineups in your arsenal is crucial for success, especially on the newest map Sunset. Sova’s Recon Bolts and Shock Bolts are invaluable tactical tools that can turn the tide of any round when utilized effectively. To gain the ultimate advantage, you need to master the best pro Sova lineups for Sunset.

We’ve consulted with Valorant’s top Sova expert, Jonas “Average Jonas” Navarsete, to bring you the most devastating lineups that will elevate your gameplay to new heights. Whether you’re attacking or defending, these Sunset Sova lineups will give you the edge you need to secure crucial rounds and climb the ranked ladder.

Mid Top to Mid Bottom Recon Bolt on Defense

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This lineup is perfect for gaining vital information on attackers pushing from Mid-bottom. Position yourself at Mid top and target the red tile roof. Fire your Recon Bolt with full power, and it will soar across to Mid-bottom, revealing any enemies lurking there. 

For maximum effectiveness, pair this recon with a smoke deployed at the Mid-bottom choke point. The smoke will obstruct the attackers’ vision, allowing you to safely fire your bolt without being spotted. If your Recon tags any foes behind the smoke, you can easily eliminate them.

A Lobby to A Main Shock and Recon Bolts on Attack 

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One of the easiest attack lineups on Sunset, this versatile setup allows you to deploy either a Shock or Recon Bolt from A lobby into A main. Simply aim at one of the two small windows in A lobby and fire your bolt with one bar or full power, ensuring it bounces once.

A well-placed Shock Bolt can deal significant damage to defenders holding angles in A main, softening them up for your team’s push. Alternatively, a Recon Bolt can reveal their exact positions, giving your squad a crucial information advantage as you attempt to take control of this vital area just steps away from the A site.

A Elbow Double Shock Bolt for Post-Plant on Attack

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Sova’s Shock Bolts are incredibly potent for post-plant situations on Sunset’s open layout. From the platform at A elbow, you can execute a devastating double Shock Bolt lineup to defend your planted spike near A Alley.

First, ensure your team plants the spike behind the large Radianite box. Then, align the second line of your charge bar with the wall and fire your first Shock Bolt with just one bar of charge. Immediately after, lower your crosshair slightly and unleash the second bolt.

These two arcing shock darts will continually damage any defenders attempting to defuse the spike, making it virtually impossible for them to complete the defuse unless it’s already halfway done.

B Lobby Double Shock Bolt for Post-Plant on Attack

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Just like the A site setup, this vicious double Shock Bolt lineup from B lobby can shut down any attempts to defuse your spike planted at B main. Position yourself in B lobby, placing the top left corner of your crosshair between the second and third rows of tiles on the wall.

For the first bolt, charge up two bars and fire toward the B site. Then, quickly lower your crosshair and release the second bolt with just one bar of charge. The two arcing shock waves will simultaneously strike the planted spike, obliterating any foolish defender trying to defuse it.

A Link Recon Bolt for Post-Plant Retake on Defense

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While defending, you can greatly aid your team’s retake of the A site with this strategic Recon Bolt lineup from A link. Instruct your teammates to push onto the site, then take your position in A link. Aim your Recon at the corner of the overhead walkway above A site and fire it with two bars of charge when your team is ready to strike.

The dart’s wide radius will reveal any skulking attackers attempting to guard the planted spike, allowing your retake to proceed with far greater information and a much higher chance of success.

A Link Recon Bolt for Early A Lobby Push on Defense

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For an aggressive defensive play, this A link to A lobby Recon lineup enables you to scout ahead for an early A site push. Stand in A link and direct your bolt towards the far end of A lobby. Line up the corner of your charge bar with the roof segment on the left wall column.

You can also use the two diamonds in Sova’s bounce indicator to aim at the farthest wall of the left column. Release the bolt with just one bar of charge, then immediately push with your team based on the revealed enemy positions.

Master These Lineups for Sunset Supremacy

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In the ever-evolving battlefields of Valorant, mastering the latest pro lineups for each map is essential for any Sova main looking to gain the upper hand. The open terrain of Sunset provides numerous opportunities for creative Recon and Shock Bolt plays that can completely swing rounds in your favor.

By incorporating these devastating lineups from Average Jonas into your gameplay, you’ll possess the ultimate set of tactical tools to dominate both halves of Sunset. Coordinate with your team, execute these lineups with precision, and watch as your enemies fall victim to the hawk’s relentless vision.

Whether you’re a solo queue grinder or part of a pre-made squad, elevating your Sova gameplay is key to climbing the ranked ladder efficiently. Put in practice, master these lineups, and experience the true power of being an elite Sova main in Valorant. The path to Radiant glory awaits those who can see further than their opponents.