
MPL-PH: TNC nearing elimination after defeat against ECHO in S13 week 6 opener

M4 World Champions ECHO is moving closer to becoming MPL PH Season 13’s top dog after they defeated TNC... Paolo | 26. April 2024

M4 World Champions ECHO is moving closer to becoming MPL PH Season 13’s top dog after they defeated TNC Pro Team, 2-1.

With ECHO’s win, TNC Pro Team may be headed for a similar fate it faced since Season 10 by being dead last once again the MPL standings.

ECHO made quick work by demolishing nearly all of TNC’s turrets and domineering the Phoenix Army, 18-3.

ECHO’s veteran roamer Jaypee “Jaypee” dela Cruz’s Kaja pick rallied the Orca’s offense, with a 3/12 kill-assist record.

2-time world champion Karl “KarlTzy” Nepomuceno’s Barats contributed 5 more kills, while Alston “Sanji” Pabico’s Novaria pick got two dubs and 10 assists without a single death.

By game 2, TNC went back to fighting form, leveling the playing field by bringing their own double-digit smackdown of the Orcas, 16-4, with Jaylord “Hatred” Gonzales’ Novaria pick scoring 5 kills and 9 assists leading the charge.

However, ECHO went back in fighting form by scoring a 15-2 win against TNC, with Sanji’s Famais pick scoring big with a 9-5 kill-assist record.

TNC now slides to a 1-10 win-loss record, and their playoff hopes go slimmer as they need to sweep their final three regular season matches, while hoping Blacklist International loses their remaining four matches via a sweep to book their own playoffs ticket.