
Top 5 Urgot Counters in League of Legends in Season 14

In Season 14 of League of Legends, learning how to counter Urgot can make a big difference in your... Aleksandar | 26. April 2024

In Season 14 of League of Legends, learning how to counter Urgot can make a big difference in your top lane battles. Urgot, known for his tough exterior and devastating attacks, often turns the tide in fights.

Understanding his strengths and weaknesses is key to overcoming him. Whether you’re just starting or looking to sharpen your skills, knowing the best Urgot counters is crucial.

In this guide, I’ll share with you the champions who can stand up to Urgot and how you can use them effectively to secure your lane and win your game. Stick around to learn exactly how to turn the tables on Urgot this season.

Understanding Urgot in Season 14

Urgot remains a formidable force in Season 14 of League of Legends, particularly in the top lane. As a champion, Urgot is a terror with his blend of ranged attacks and deadly close-combat skills.

His main abilities include a corrosive charge that can slow you down and a fearsome ultimate that drags an enemy in for the kill. Players find Urgot challenging because he’s not just tough – he also deals a lot of damage and can control the pace of the fight with his crowd-control abilities.

Learning Urgot’s strengths and his vulnerabilities is important. By figuring out the best counters for Urgot, you can turn his own power against him, giving you the upper hand in the lane and beyond.

Champion #1: Trundle

Trundle Jungle Players Are Struggling

Trundle stands out as one of the most effective Urgot counters, boasting a win rate of 52.49% in 2,713 games against him. Why does Trundle work so well against Urgot? It boils down to Trundle’s unique ability to sap the strength of his foes, turning their power against them. His skill set allows him to excel where Urgot struggles.

When facing Urgot, use Trundle’s ‘Chomp’ (Q) to reduce Urgot’s damage output while boosting your own. This ability not only steals Urgot’s attack damage but also briefly slows him, disrupting his ability to trade blows effectively. Timing this ability right after Urgot uses his own skills can swing the lane in your favor.

Another key tactic involves Trundle’s ‘Frozen Domain’ (W) and ‘Pillar of Ice’ (E). Use the Frozen Domain to enhance your movement and healing from all sources, which is crucial for surviving Urgot’s burst damage. Strategically place the Pillar of Ice to block Urgot’s escape routes or to separate him from his team, making him an easy target in team fights.

Finally, Trundle’s ultimate, ‘Subjugate,’ is perfect for dueling Urgot. This ability drains Urgot’s health and defenses, making him much easier to take down in prolonged fights. By turning Urgot’s strengths into his weaknesses, Trundle can dominate the laning phase and control the pace of the game.

Champion #2: Kayle

Kayle in league of legends

Kayle proves to be a formidable opponent for Urgot, with a solid win rate of 51.58% in 2,435 matchups. Her ability to scale into a late-game powerhouse makes her an excellent choice for players looking to counter Urgot effectively.

In the early game, Kayle needs to play cautiously. Her ranged attacks allow her to farm safely and poke Urgot from a distance. Keep in mind that Urgot’s threat level spikes with his ability to lock down targets with his ultimate.

Kayle can counter this by using her ‘Divine Ascent’ passive, which grants her increased attack range and helps her stay out of Urgot’s reach. As the game progresses, Kayle’s strength grows exponentially. Once she reaches level 11, her attacks become fully ranged, allowing her to deal significant damage while maintaining a safe distance.

This is crucial in handling Urgot, who struggles to close gaps without his ultimate. Use Kayle’s ‘Celestial Blessing’ to heal and boost your speed, enhancing your ability to kite Urgot effectively.

Transitioning into mid and late-game, Kayle should focus on getting items that enhance her attack speed and damage output. In team fights, use her ‘Radiant Blast’ and ‘Starfire Spellblade’ to break through Urgot’s defenses.

Remember, the key with Kayle is patience. Scale safely into the late game, and you’ll find yourself capable of overpowering Urgot and turning the tides in crucial team battles.

Champion #3: Skarner

Skarner rework in League of Legends

Skarner, with a 51.12% win rate against Urgot in 2,369 games, showcases unique advantages that make him a strong pick to counter Urgot. Skarner’s reworked abilities enhance his control and mobility, which are crucial for mitigating Urgot’s impact in the game.

Skarner’s new passive, ‘Threads of Vibration,’ allows him to apply Quaking with his basic attacks and abilities. Once an enemy hits max stacks, they suffer additional magic damage based on their max health, which is particularly effective against tanky champions like Urgot. To use this effectively, maintain consistent aggression to keep the Quaking stacks active.

His ‘Shattered Earth/Upheaval’ (Q) serves dual purposes. Initially, it empowers Skarner’s attacks, making his melee more threatening. The ability to throw a boulder as a projectile offers Skarner a tool to harass Urgot from a safe distance or disrupt his positioning in skirmishes. Use this to poke Urgot before committing to a full engagement.

‘Seismic Bastion’ (W) grants Skarner a shield and emits a damaging shockwave that slows enemies. This ability is key for entering skirmishes, providing both durability and a crowd control element to limit Urgot’s mobility.

‘Ixtal’s Impact’ (E) enhances Skarner’s ability to engage. Use it to navigate through terrain and catch Urgot off-guard, slamming him against a wall to secure a stun. This move is perfect for initiating fights or escaping unfavorable encounters.

Finally, Skarner’s ultimate, ‘Impale,’ is a game-changer. It suppresses an enemy champion, allowing Skarner to reposition them. Use this strategically to isolate Urgot from his team during team fights or drag him under your turret to secure a kill.

Champion #4: Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo in league of legends

Dr. Mundo has a unique advantage against Urgot, boasting a 50.7% win rate from 2,276 games. His resilience and regeneration are key to understanding how to counter Urgot effectively.

Dr. Mundo’s passive, ‘Goes Where He Pleases,’ allows him to resist immobilizing effects, crucial against Urgot’s crowd control. When hit by such effects, he loses some health but can regain it by collecting a dropped chemical cannister. This not only restores his health but also reduces the cooldown of his passive, providing a significant sustain advantage in lane.

Using ‘Infected Bonesaw’ (Q), Mundo can harass Urgot from a distance, dealing damage based on Urgot’s current health and slowing him. This ability is essential for keeping Urgot at bay and whittling down his health over time.

‘Heart Zapper’ (W) gives Mundo a way to deal with Urgot’s burst damage. By electrocuting himself, Mundo damages nearby enemies while converting a portion of the damage he takes into grey health.

In engagements, ‘Blunt Force Trauma’ (E) provides Mundo with increased damage output as his health drops, making him increasingly dangerous the longer a fight drags on. This ability synergizes well with his tendency to thrive in drawn-out battles, making him a threat Urgot cannot ignore even as he weakens.

Finally, ‘Maximum Dosage’ (R) is Mundo’s ultimate tool against Urgot. By dramatically healing himself and gaining bonus attack damage and movement speed, Mundo can recover from near-death situations and continue to pressure Urgot in the lane and during team fights.

Champion #5: Olaf

Splash art of League of Legends champion Olaf

Olaf’s early-game aggression and dueling capabilities make him a standout among counters for Urgot, reflected in a win rate of 50.06% across 1,590 games. His kit allows him to take control of the lane from the start and maintain that advantage against Urgot.

Olaf excels in one-on-one fights, which is key to challenging Urgot’s early dominance. His ‘Berserker Rage,’ which increases his attack speed as his health drops, allows him to stay threatening even when low on health. This makes him particularly dangerous in prolonged trades where Urgot typically thrives.

To maximize Olaf’s potential, start with aggressive plays early on. Use his ‘Undertow’ (Q), which throws an axe that slows Urgot upon hit, to engage and disengage efficiently. The axe can be picked up to significantly reduce its cooldown, allowing Olaf to keep the pressure up and prevent Urgot from comfortably farming or trading back effectively.

Additionally, Olaf’s ‘Vicious Strikes’ (W) provides him significant lifesteal and attack damage, which are crucial for outlasting Urgot in skirmishes. Timing this ability after landing ‘Undertow’ ensures Olaf can maximize his health return during the fight.

Finally, Olaf’s ‘Ragnarok’ (R) is critical in negating Urgot’s terrifying ultimate. Activating ‘Ragnarok’ grants Olaf immunity to crowd control, making it easier to dodge or aggressively move through Urgot’s attempts to lock him down. This is especially useful in team fights where escaping Urgot’s control can mean the difference between life and death.

Final Thoughts

To effectively challenge Urgot in League of Legends, understanding and using specific Urgot counters is crucial. Champions like Trundle, Kayle, Skarner, Dr. Mundo, and Olaf each bring unique abilities that can mitigate Urgot’s strengths and capitalize on his weaknesses.

From Trundle’s disruptive power to Olaf’s early game dominance, each champion has proven strategies that help turn the tide against Urgot. Make sure to try these tactics and see how each champion’s abilities can be optimized in gameplay, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to handle Urgot in your next match.

Give these strategies a try and see how they can enhance your performance against this formidable foe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Counter to Urgot?

The best counters to Urgot include champions like Trundle, Kayle, Skarner, Dr. Mundo, and Olaf. Each of these champions has specific abilities and strategies that can effectively challenge Urgot’s dominance in the game.

How to Counter Urgot in Wild Rift?

To counter Urgot in Wild Rift, focus on building armor since Urgot deals mostly physical damage. Items like Quicksilver Enchant are crucial as they help remove negative status effects and can mitigate the impact of Urgot’s ultimate. For penetrating Urgot’s armor, consider using Black Cleaver or Mortal Reminder.

Who Has the Best Synergies with Urgot?

Urgot works well with champions who can complement his aggressive playstyle. Strong synergies in the arena include Vel’Koz, Elise, and Veigar. In a normal Summoner’s Rift game, champions like Ivern, Kayn, and Taliyah in the Jungle can enhance Urgot’s effectiveness on the battlefield.

Does Darius Counter Urgot?

Contrary to popular belief, Darius does not effectively counter Urgot. Data from over 3,978 matches shows Darius has a 49.0% win rate against Urgot, which is lower than his average, suggesting that Darius often struggles in this matchup.

Which Part of Urgot Was Weak?

In his lore, Urgot had weak legs, which he replaced with Chemtech machinery to enhance his combat capabilities. This transformation made him a more formidable and resilient fighter.