
Entry Fragging guide in Valorant

There is no doubt that VALORANT is one of the most popular FPSs in the world today, but we... Eduardo | 23. December 2022

There is no doubt that VALORANT is one of the most popular FPSs in the world today, but we can also point out that it is a game with a unique and infectious twist.

Like every Riot game, VALORANT features a cast of characters known as agents. These add a distinct flavor and personality to the game, each with a unique set of skills and different classes.

VALORANT agent classes

VALORANT currently has 20 agents covering four different classes:

  • Duelist or Entry Fraggers
  • Controllers
  • Initiators
  • Centinels

A well-assembled team will typically consist of at least one player from each class, adding something different to the composition and offering offensive and defensive capabilities.

In this opportunity, we will have a guide to play as Entry Fragger.

Duelist or Entry Fraggers

Agents of this class are the most prominent among VALORANT players. That’s because they have the highest chance of getting the most kills in a game, and who doesn’t like to be first in their games?

The utility of Entry Fraggers is simple, defeat enemies head-on, fearlessly, and with a lot of skill. But if you don’t know how to take advantage of the Duelists’ skills, you won’t be able to reach the true potential of an agent.

Currently, there are six Duelist Agents in VALORANT. Their skills are different, but all agents of this class share the same tactics and strategies for attacking and defending. They are:

  • Jett
  • Phoenix
  • Raze
  • Reyna
  • Yoru
  • Neon

What type of player should an Entry Fragger be?

Players whose aim is perfect and who have a better sense of the game and greater self-confidence are recommended to play with Duelists Agents. This is because your self-confidence and aim will help get Entry-Frags for the team and affect the game’s development.

How to attack with duelists in Valorant

Entry Fraggers are those who shine at the moment of attack. The main objective of these agents is to be the first to enter the battle, without fear, to capture a position quickly and prevent the enemy from repositioning.

Of course, this requires very aggressive gameplay, so you must use your aim to the best of your ability. However, many duelists need good team strategies to start their tasks.

For example, if you attack with Jett, use the smoke to block some points and thus slide to take control of the enemy’s position. Once the smoke ends, you will be able to eliminate the enemies that are hiding.

But while this is happening, your team must be prepared to push toward the site and eliminate all the enemies controlling it.

With Raze, you can apply the same technique but send the explosive bot to detect where the enemies are hiding.

You can also use the rest of the duelist agents to attack the different sites in each VALORANT map.

Remember that you must perfectly manage all your selected agent’s skills because your attack’s effectiveness will depend on it.

How to defend with duelists in Valorant

As you might expect, Duelists are not built for the defense. But this does not mean they cannot contribute to their teams using these agents.

If you are a Duelist, you should know that you must keep enemies away from the different sites to help your team during rotations.

It is also recommended that this agent is used in open areas where they can look for a quick kill in the rounds. This would leave the enemy team with one less, and it is much easier to win a 4v5 round.

Tips for Entry Fraggers

After reading this guide, you probably already have a general idea of what you should do as an Entry Fragger. You can also follow these tips:

  • Practice your aim: This is essential for Entry Fraggers because they are practically useless without aim.
  • Don’t be afraid to use the skills: Remember that Entry Fraggers are the first to enter the battles, so don’t be afraid to use your skills and get those kills.
  • Be a good teammate: Even though you often have to enter the sites alone, you must communicate well with your teammates so they can help you anytime.
  • Create strategies: Use the Controller and Initiator teammates to use their skills and enable you to make it easier for you to get several kills in the rounds.

If you are looking to be a grand Entry Fragger and help your team at all times, following this guide, we are sure you will perform better in the games.

Header: Riot Games