Season 11 of Apex Legends is right around the corner and with it comes a brand new legend: Ash! Based on everything that we’ve seen thus far, it’s fair to say that she’s all but guaranteed to leave a mark! Her abilities, therefore, definitely warrant a more thorough breakdown!
But before we delve any deeper into the nitty-gritty, make sure to give the following video a look as it does a phenomenal job at setting the stage for what’s to come!
Apex Legends | Ashe Abilities Breakdown
Needless to say, Ash looks mighty terrifying, and the same goes for her abilities, too! Her entire kit revolves around eliminating enemies one by one in the most stylish of ways, and it’s not for the faint of heart, either!
Tactical Ability: “Arc Snare” — Ash throws out a spinning snare that deals a set amount of damage and then tethers the first enemy that gets too close. Once that happens they’ll be easy to pick off and eliminate.
Passive Ability: “Marked For Death” — Ash’s map shows the location of recent deathboxes and marks all surviving attackers.
Ultimate Ability: “Phase Breach” — Ash tears open a one-way portal to a targeted location. Ash’s ultimate will, therefore, allow you to reposition and adapt based on what’s happening in the heat of battle. The distance itself isn’t all too impressive, but the point still stands.
In any case, this little teaser of sorts has definitely piqued our interest! There are still some question marks regarding Ash and her fascinating abilities, but they’ll all be resolved in just a few days’ time, so stay tuned! For a more detailed look at what’s coming our way, head over to Respawn’s official website!
Season 11 of Apex Legends is scheduled to commence on November 2nd, so make sure to mark your calendars! And, well, if you’ve been looking for an excuse to log in and queue up, now’s the perfect moment!