
Top 10 Best Supports for Ashe in League of Legends | May 2024

In League of Legends, teaming up Ashe with the right support can really change your game. Choosing the best... Aleksandar | 26. April 2024

In League of Legends, teaming up Ashe with the right support can really change your game. Choosing the best supports for Ashe means you’re setting up for more wins because the right duo can control the game from start to finish.

Whether you’re looking for a support who can protect Ashe, help her catch enemies, or boost her attack, finding good supports for Ashe is key.

In this guide, I’ll help you understand which supports pair best with Ashe, so you can make smart picks and improve your gameplay. Ready to find out which supports work best with Ashe? Let’s get started.

The Importance of Synergy Between Ashe and Her Supports

Playing Ashe isn’t just about shooting arrows at enemies. It’s about how well she works with her support to really shine in the game. The synergy between Ashe and her support is crucial. Why? Because Ashe needs to stay well-positioned to be effective. She’s great at hitting from a distance and slowing down enemies, but she’s not the quickest on her feet.

That’s where the right support comes in. The best supports for Ashe are those who can protect her and help set up her shots. For example, a support that can stun or slow enemies makes it easier for Ashe to land her attacks and stay safe. Also, some supports can boost Ashe’s damage or speed, making her even more deadly.

Picking good supports for Ashe means you’re not just playing two separate characters but teaming up to create a powerful combo. Good synergy makes it tough for opponents to target Ashe and disrupt your game plan. So, when you choose the right support, you’re not just helping Ashe survive – you’re setting up your team for more kills and, hopefully, more wins.

Top 10 Best Supports for Ashe

Choosing the right support for Ashe can transform your gameplay, enhancing both your offensive and defensive capabilities. Each support brings unique strengths to the table, making your duo a force to be reckoned with in the bot lane.

Here, we’ll talk about some of the best supports for Ashe, focusing on how their abilities synergize with her to create winning strategies.

1. Renata Glasc (win rate: 56.97%)

Renata Glasc Support in League of Legends

The best support with Ashe ADC, Renata Glasc, is a master of manipulation and control. Her ability to mark enemies with her passive, Leverage, allows Ashe to capitalize on extra damage, which perfectly aligns with Ashe’s frequent attacks.

Renata’s Handshake not only roots but can also reposition enemies, setting up Ashe for easy volleys. Meanwhile, Bailout offers a life-saving mechanic that encourages aggressive play, which fits well with Ashe’s need to keep the pressure up without risking a premature death. 

Hostile Takeover is the game-changer, causing chaos among enemy ranks, which Ashe can exploit with her long-range slows and stuns.

2. Seraphine (win rate: 54.30%)

Seraphine Support in League of Legends

Seraphine and Ashe form a duo that excels in both crowd control and lane sustain. Seraphine’s ability to echo her spells means more shields, heals, and crowd control, which can help Ashe stay in lane longer and fight more effectively.

Her Surround Sound boosts mobility and survivability, which is crucial for Ashe’s kite-centric gameplay. Beat Drop and High Note offer layered crowd control and damage, aligning with Ashe’s slows to keep enemies right where you want them.

Seraphine’s ultimate, Encore, extends these effects across the battlefield, turning any skirmish into a potential team-wide advantage.

3. Soraka (win rate: 53.85%)

Soraka the easiest support champion in league of legends

Soraka is a guardian angel for Ashe, providing unmatched healing and sustain that allows Ashe to remain a threat throughout prolonged engagements. Her global ultimate, Wish, ensures that Ashe can survive sudden bursts of damage, which is vital during critical team fights.

Soraka’s Equinox can silence and root enemies, disrupting their attempts to dive Ashe. This support allows Ashe to focus on dealing damage and controlling movements with her arrows, knowing her back is covered when it comes to health and safety.

4. Nami (win rate: 53.31%)

Nami in League of Legends

Nami and Ashe are a classic combo that brings utility and damage to the lane. Nami’s Ebb and Flow offer healing and poke, which complements Ashe’s ability to harass opponents from a distance.

With Tidecaller’s Blessing, Ashe’s attacks slow enemies more effectively, making it nearly impossible for them to escape or engage without consequence.

Nami’s ultimate, Tidal Wave, works wonderfully with Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow, setting up for either initiation or disengage scenarios, making them a versatile pair capable of adapting to various game phases.

5. Vel’Koz (win rate: 53.14%)

Vel'Koz Support in League of LEgends

Vel’Koz is not a typical support choice, but his ability to control the lane with high precision and long-range damage makes him a formidable partner for Ashe.

Together, they can keep enemies at bay with their combined poke and slow abilities. Vel’Koz’s laser and geometry-based attacks provide consistent damage output, allowing Ashe to capitalize on weakened foes from a safe distance.

This setup is particularly effective against opponents who lack mobility, making it difficult for them to close the gap without taking significant damage.

6. Janna (win rate: 53.08%)

Janna Support in LEague of LEgends

Janna is known for her protective capabilities and her ability to enhance her ADC’s offensive power. Her shields not only defend Ashe but also amplify her damage, which is crucial for securing kills.

Janna’s whirlwind and monsoon offer exceptional disengage potential, which is vital for a champion like Ashe, who lacks escape mechanisms.

This combination allows Ashe to play more aggressively, knowing she has a reliable backup to keep her safe from enemy divers and assassins.

7. Rell (win rate: 53.06%)

rell league of legends champion title

Rell offers a robust frontline presence that complements Ashe’s need for safety and setup. With Rell’s ability to initiate and disrupt enemy formations, Ashe can follow up with volleys of arrows to slow and whittle down opponents.

Rell’s magnetic storm pulls enemies together, setting up a perfect scenario for Ashe to unleash her ultimate, creating high-impact plays that can turn the tide of team fights.

Their synergy is particularly effective in clustered skirmishes where controlling space and enemy movement is key.

8. Milio (win rate: 52.91%)

milio 1536x864 1

Milio’s supportive abilities create a nurturing environment for Ashe to thrive by enhancing her sustain and reach in skirmishes. His cozy campfire not only heals but also increases Ashe’s attack range, allowing her to engage enemies from a safer distance and with greater impact. 

Milio’s protective spells shield Ashe from incoming damage and crowd control, enabling her to maintain her offensive stance throughout the fight.

This partnership excels in prolonged engagements where Ashe’s consistent damage output can be maximized under Milio’s watchful support.

9. Zyra (win rate: 52.76%)

Zyra Support in League of Legends

Zyra is a powerhouse support when paired with Ashe, offering a lethal combination of crowd control and area denial. Her plant minions and entangling roots make it tough for enemies to safely approach the lane, giving Ashe the freedom to farm and poke at will.

This setup excels in controlling the lane and zoning out opponents, allowing Ashe and Zyra to dictate the pace of the laning phase.

Moreover, Zyra’s ultimate can disrupt entire teams in skirmishes, creating chaos that Ashe can exploit with her ranged attacks and ultimate, ensuring they control team fights and secure objectives.

10. Sona (win rate: 52.71%)

Sona in League of Legends

Sona is an excellent support for Ashe due to her ability to amplify the effectiveness of any ADC she pairs with. Her auras provide a blend of healing, damage boosts, and speed enhancements, which are essential for Ashe, who thrives when she can keep her distance and deal consistent damage.

Sona’s ultimate can turn the tides of battle with its wide-reaching stun, setting up Ashe for easy picks on key targets. This duo is particularly effective in sustained fights where Sona’s continual heals, and buffs can keep Ashe in the fight longer, pushing their team toward victory.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the best supports for Ashe is important for maximizing your impact in League of Legends. The right partner enhances Ashe’s strengths and compensates for her vulnerabilities, making the duo formidable in both laning and team fights.

The best support with Ashe ADC can turn her from only a damage dealer into a game-deciding force. I encourage you to try out these top supports and see how they can change your game with your partner.

Experimenting with different supports will help you understand their synergies with Ashe, ensuring that you can adapt and excel in any matchup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is a Good Support with Ashe?

Good supports for Ashe can enhance her strengths – mainly her ability to control the battlefield with slows and stuns. Supports like Janna, Thresh, and Nami work well because they provide protection and additional crowd control.

Who Is the Best Counter for Ashe Support?

When playing against Ashe as support, effective counters include Seraphine, Yuumi, Blitzcrank, Sona, and Sylas. These champions can disrupt her positioning or out-heal the damage she inflicts, making it challenging for her to be effective in her role.

Who Is Good into Ashe?

Ashe tends to struggle against aggressive champions that can close distance quickly or outmaneuver her. Champions with strong engage potential or high mobility, such as Leona or Ezreal, are typically good into Ashe.

What Is the Best Item for Ashe Support?

For those playing Ashe in a support role, the best build usually includes Bloodsong, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Umbral Glaive, Imperial Mandate, and Axiom Arc. This combination enhances her utility and ability to control vision and the map.

Who Is Rank 1 Ashe?

The top-ranked Ashe player currently is ‘autumn rain#qqq‘ on the EUW server, holding a Master Rank with an impressive win rate of 78.4%. This player exemplifies mastering Ashe’s strategic play to maximize her impact in games.