Hearing Day was celebrated a few days ago, so in his honor, we bring you some tips to take care of your hearing while using your headset.
The World Health Organization believes prolonged exposure to excessive noise risks hearing health. That is why gamers or people who use their headsets for extended hours must care for their health.
Therefore, we bring some tips to help you care for your health using hearing aids.
The volume level
Keep the volume of your hearing aids at a modest setting as the first and most crucial step. You should determine the safe volume level by asking another person if they can hear what you are hearing.
If they can hear it, the volume is too high; therefore, we recommend that you lower the volume so that others cannot listen to it.
Use noise-canceling headset
The headset’s volume is often too high to cancel out background disturbances and hear the game or music more clearly.
The best solution to this problem is to use a headset with noise-cancellation technology. This ensures that outside noise does not influence the volume level at which you hear things.
Utilizing a headset as opposed to earphones
Earphones are usually complicated plastic devices that are placed inside the ear. On the other hand, headsets are devices placed over the ears and typically cover them completely.
Although the difference between earphones and headsets at an excellent distance to the eardrum may be minimal, in the long run, it is a factor that significantly influences hearing health.
Take breaks
Another tip that is very easy to do is to take your headsets off every so often. The longer you play, the more the sound effects will likely damage your hearing health.
That’s why we recommend taking 5 or 10-minute breaks every hour.
Credits: RODNAE Productions| Pexels
Limit the volume
You can set a custom volume restriction on some devices in the settings; this way, you make sure you don’t exceed the safe volume level.
Although all senses are essential, hearing is one of the most powerful. Therefore, regardless of the brand of hearing aids you use, the volume level is one of the key factors in taking care of your hearing.
We recommend avoiding exposing yourself to loud, close, or prolonged noises. In addition, when buying headsets, you should ensure they have the right design, technology, and quality combination. Your hearing can be taken care of with the help of a well-balanced mixture of these three components.
Header: RODNAE Productions | Pexels