
The Best Champions for URF Season 14: Dominate the Rift

URF mode is back in League of Legends, and it’s better than ever in Season 14! Riot brings this... Aleksandar | 24. January 2024

URF mode is back in League of Legends, and it’s better than ever in Season 14! Riot brings this fan-favorite back into the spotlight, offering a gameplay experience that’s faster and more intense than ever.

In URF (Ultra Rapid Fire), every second is action-packed, demanding quick thinking and even quicker reflexes. Choosing the right champion is key to ruling the battlefield in this high-speed arena.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the chaos, get ready to dive into a world where strategy and skill collide, making every match an unforgettable adventure. Let’s explore the best champions for URF Season 14 who can turn the tide!

When to Expect URF

Get ready for URF Season 14, launching in League of Legends on February 7, 2024. This season’s launch is eagerly awaited, with players keen to dive into the action. 

The hype is real as everyone counts down to the release date, ready to experience the unique thrill that only URF can offer. Stay tuned for an adventure that promises non-stop action and unforgettable gameplay!

The 10 Best Champions for URF Season 14

Diving into URF Season 14, we’ve picked the top 10 champions sure to shine. Their power, speed, and unique skills make them stand out in the fast and furious world of URF. Let’s check them out!

1. Wukong

Wukong - One of the best champions in URF season 14

In URF, Wukong is a master of agility and stealth. His quick dashes and sneaky moves keep enemies guessing. Wukong’s ultimate is a game-changer for crowd control, creating chaos among opponents. 

Moreover, his ability to slip in and out of fights with ease makes him a top pick. Wukong isn’t just about speed but smart plays and timing, making him a nightmare for the other team. Watch him turn the tide of battle with his clever tactics and swift strikes.

2. Fizz

Fizz - Great Champion for URF

Fizz is a standout in URF, known for his quick dodges and strong attacks. He can jump around, avoid danger, and then hit hard, surprising his enemies. This makes him tricky to catch and powerful in fights. 

Fizz is all about being in the right place at the right time and making smart moves that can change the game. He’s not just a fun champion to play. He’s also really effective in taking down opponents with his quick, impactful actions.

3. Kayle

Kayle - Good champ for URF

In URF, Kayle becomes more powerful as the game goes on. She levels up fast, making her ranged attacks really strong. As she grows stronger, her ability to hit enemies from afar becomes more dangerous. 

This means the longer the game lasts, the tougher she gets. Kayle can turn the tide in late-game fights with her powerful skills, dealing a lot of damage to her opponents. She’s great for players who like to see their champion grow stronger and dominate in the later stages of the game.

4. Master Yi

Master Yi - Fast attacker in URF

Master Yi is all about speed and powerful attacks in URF. He can move quickly around the battlefield and take out enemies fast. His skills let him keep fighting without much pause, making him great for long battles. 

Master Yi can quickly take down one enemy and then move on to the next, keeping up the pressure. His ability to deal damage and stay in the fight makes him a top choice for players who want to be constantly in the action, making big plays.

5. Jax

Jax - Imagine if he had a real weapon in URF

Jax is a strong fighter known for lasting a long time in battles. His defensive skills let him take hits and keep going. He’s great at countering enemy attacks, using his counter-strike move to turn fights in his favor. 

Jax can jump into a fight, defend against attacks, and then hit back hard. This makes him tough to beat and a real challenge for opponents. He’s perfect for players who enjoy being in the thick of the action and outlasting their enemies in URF.

6. Hecarim

Hecarim - Fast movement and abilities on URF

Hecarim is all about speed and building up damage in URF. He moves really fast, which works well with URF’s fast gameplay. This speed lets him attack relentlessly, constantly charging at enemies. 

Hecarim can quickly get into battles, deal damage, and then dash out. His ability to move fast and hit hard makes him a constant threat on the battlefield. For players who love to keep the pressure on and be everywhere at once, Hecarim is the ideal champion.

7. Teemo

Teemo - Great URF champion in League of Legends

Teemo stands out as a clever disruptor in URF. His shrooms give him control over the map, making areas dangerous for enemies. These traps not only damage but also create fear, keeping opponents on edge. 

Teemo’s ability to control space with his mushrooms turns him into a strategic asset. He makes the enemy think twice before moving around the map. For players who like outsmarting opponents and controlling the game’s flow, Teemo is a perfect choice.

8. Tristana

League of Legends: Tristana URF champion

Tristana becomes a growing threat in URF with her ability to attack from a distance and blow up objectives. Her long-range shots make her outstanding in team fights and sieges. 

With her explosive charges, Tristana can shoot down towers fast, making her crucial for pushing lanes. In team fights, her range lets her stay safe while dealing heavy damage. 

Tristana is ideal for players who enjoy seeing their impact grow throughout the game, taking down enemies and objectives from afar.

9. Veigar

Veigar - Spamming abilities in URF

Veigar’s power grows incredibly fast in URF. He can trap enemies with his stuns, setting them up for his big magical attacks. Every time Veigar hits his spells, he becomes stronger, making him more dangerous as the game goes on. 

His ability to burst down opponents with massive magic damage makes him a big threat. Veigar is perfect for players who enjoy controlling fights with smart positioning and timing, turning the tide with just a few powerful spells.

10. Vel’Koz

Velkoz - Champion for URF

In URF, Vel’Koz is all about finding the right spot to unleash his damage. His skills can hit many enemies at once, making him great in big fights. Landing his skill shots is key, as it lets him deal a lot of damage quickly. 

Vel’Koz’s playstyle involves staying back and picking the perfect moment to strike, breaking down enemy teams with his area attacks. He’s a good choice for players who like planning their moves and seeing big results from well-timed actions.


Choosing the right champion in URF Season 14 is key to having a burst and doing well. These top picks each bring something special to the fast-paced battles of URF. Give them a try, mix up your strategies, and see how much fun you can have. 

Whether you’re chasing victories or just looking for a good time, these champions can make your URF experience unforgettable. Jump into the action and discover the thrill of mastering URF with these incredible champions!