
Riot Games decides to boost the MSI 2023 prize pool

Mid-Season Invitational is the second-largest international event in League of Legends. Apart from Worlds, this tournament is the focal... Radu M. | 25. April 2023

Mid-Season Invitational is the second-largest international event in League of Legends. Apart from Worlds, this tournament is the focal point of the season and the greatest opportunity for fans and players alike.

Regional matches are also great fun and we love watching them. But it’s very difficult to get an understanding of who the best teams in the world are until we see them playing under the same roof. And to motivate the competitors even more, Riot has decided to boost the prize pool using proceeds from event tickets and skins.

Why this method is effective

We already know from Dota 2 that offering a gaming community the chance to support the best teams by purchasing something of value is a great way to boost any prize pool. The International 10, for instance, had a prize pool of $40 million just because the Dota 2 community spent around $160 million on the Battle Pass and its related items.

Riot’s decision to do the same thing for MSI is guaranteed to work and it will greatly boost the prize pool of the tournament, which will most likely be $250.000.

LoL enthusiasts can purchase Riot’s new bundle, called the Esports Premium Bundle, which will include Inkshadow Yasuo, an emote, an Inkshadow Yasuo chroma, and the event pass. It’s been announced that 50% of the revenue generated by the pass will go toward the prize pool.

Apart from this source, the prize pool will also get boosted by 25% of the proceeds gathered from the sales of Inkshadow Event Pass and the Inkshadow Yasuo skin.

Hopefully, Riot will let us know at the end how much money it ended up giving to its teams. Maybe that way, Valve will get a bit more motivated to do more for its own game. A little bit of friendly competition never hurts, and it would be a shame to only have one great MOBA for PC in the esports industry.

Why MSI 2023 will be exciting

Riot has changed the format of the tournament. The 13 participants will compete in a tournament that will last for nearly three weeks, which should be enough to satisfy the public’s demand for high-quality LoL.

Last year, only 11 teams participated in the tournament and its format revolved around groups. This time, the double-elimination format will be used.

Header: Riot Games