
Overwatch 2 – New Bonesplinter Mauga skin

Blizzard’s release of the new tank hero, Mauga, for Overwatch 2, is set to coincide with the launch of... | 1. December 2023

Blizzard’s release of the new tank hero, Mauga, for Overwatch 2, is set to coincide with the launch of season eight on December 5.

During a unique Twitter takeover, Mauga interacted with fans and leaked a new skin, the Bonesplinter. This skin features Mauga with armor made from the bones of his enemies and metal protrusions from his shoulder pads. It also includes a striking red necklace with blue braids and sharp blades. The design aligns with the hunting theme of the upcoming season and is reminiscent of the key art Blizzard teased for season eight.

Mauga’s new Bonesplinter skin

While the exact method to obtain the skin remains unclear, Blizzard’s usual approach to new hero releases suggests it might be part of the game’s battle pass, possibly within the first 20 levels. This reveal was part of a larger marketing effort that included an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session on Twitter, where Mauga answered fan questions. Alongside this, Blizzard also released a new animated short, “A Great Day,” focusing on Mauga’s backstory and his relationships within the Talon organization. This event marks a creative approach to engaging the Overwatch community and expanding the game’s narrative.