
Overwatch 2: PC vs. console

Despite being accessible on all major platforms, Overwatch 2 has a significantly larger PC player base than on other... Maria | 17. January 2023

Despite being accessible on all major platforms, Overwatch 2 has a significantly larger PC player base than on other platforms. This is perhaps why it has been considered a PC game primarily.

Members of the gaming community have been debating over which platform is superior. For a long time, there has been the impression that PC gamers are exceptional. However, recent events may have put that discussion to rest.

Overwatch 2 console players put a team of pro gamers to the test

Popular Overwatch 2 pro gamer Christopher “Jay3” Pavloff sought an answer to whether console or PC players were superior. He organized a brief battle between WISP and a group of five console players to decide the question.

What could have been a one-sided contest turned out to be an exciting duel. Although WISP, a North American professional Overwatch team, won the game, the opposing squad put up a great effort. Simple rules were used. The winning team would be the first to score three points. The console players tied in the next game after WISP won the previous game. They made a great effort but lost two games in a row in the end.

While this match may not end the never-ending discussion, it shows that players on both platforms can become excellent. Given that WISP is an experienced group that regularly competes in scrims, it makes sense that they would do well.

However, the console team has not practiced as a unit, and two of the five players had to be substituted at the last minute. Given these circumstances, it was understandable that the console team in the Overwatch 2 scrim was at a disadvantage.

Comments about the match

Game organizer Jay3, via his Twitter account, commented:

“I respect console players now.”

“But ximmers can fuck off.”

The ximmers are the players who use the mouse and keyboard on the console. So basically, they have the aiming assistance of the console and the ease of use of mnk.

Also, thanks to everyone who participated.

Test results

This game’s outcome helps balance the scales between the debate between PC and console gamers. Therefore, it would be misleading to say that one platform is superior to the other because the player’s skill determines most of the results.

However, this debate is not likely to end any time soon. Since Overwatch 2 is among the few shooter games played competitively on consoles, this debate cannot be settled until more games are on this platform.

Counter-Strike Global Offensive barely made a brief appearance, unlike VALORANT, which has not yet arrived on consoles.

Header: Blizzard