
LoL community reacts to Gangplank’s status

fragster Maria 20. February 2023

Several League of Legends players believes that the pirate’s passive ability and barrels should be nerfed.

According to U.GG data, Gangplank is one of the best and most potent top laners in the metagame in solo queue. The pirate is platinum level S and has a winning percentage of 50.83%. While K’Sante and Jax have become the top choices, their dominance in the pro-environment is less extreme. Still, the Scourge of the Seas remains one of the best laners. Although he has only played 89 games, his 51% win percentage has set off alarm bells.

Gangplank’s scenario is no stranger to the League of Legends community, something that has been noted on the main Reddit page. As a result, the champion has been the subject of two of the most-read posts in the past week, proposing nerfs for the champion in response.

Numerous Riot Games’ MOBA players have complained that the character’s passive ability (Proof of Fire) and barrels have less power than they should (Powder Barrel, E).

GP-s passive needs a nerf. from leagueoflegends

The League of Legends community believes that Gangplank has an “ornament” mana bar after completing the first barrel. Players note that the champion doesn’t spend as much mana compared to the amount of damage his E can provide. In addition, some have claimed that since the pirate can continuously deal damage per second after finishing the second item, “cooldown ceases to be a notion.”

Is Gangplank really supposed to not be constrained by any resources? from leagueoflegends

Has Gangplank developed an unfair passive ability?

According to the League of Legends community, the most significant criticism of Gangplank centers around his passive ability. As a result, riot Games empowered it in Season 12 by increasing base and per-tick damage. But for players, the turning point came in patch 12.14; when they got to deal more damage based on critical damage.

This has caused users to express their dismay because they feel that the pirate no longer needs to be able to apply damage thanks to the following combination: Marauder’s Claw, basic attack, and Q.

One of the rare champions that can both provide you with resources and put you in weak side mode is Gangplank. However, it is worth noting that complaints about the pirate’s passive ability are conditional on the timing of each game. You have to scale a lot to get to the point where the community has expressed dissatisfaction, which is sometimes impossible in the solo queue. Once again, the state of their heroes and the top lane was the subject of another Riot Games debate.

Header: Riot Games