
Skarner Rework: A Fresh Look at League of Legends’ Crystal Vanguard

League of Legends is bringing exciting changes with the Skarner rework, sparking interest across the gaming community. This update... Aleksandar | 20. March 2024

League of Legends is bringing exciting changes with the Skarner rework, sparking interest across the gaming community. This update will introduce fresh abilities and an updated look for the crystal scorpion, aiming to enhance the gameplay experience.

The anticipation is building as players look forward to exploring these changes. With a focus on improving how Skarner plays and appears, this rework is expected to breathe new life into the character, making every match more engaging.

The Buzz Around Skarner’s Rework

The update to Skarner has got many League of Legends players talking. Why? Because it’s not just any change – it’s a big one.

Skarner has been part of the game for a long time. Since his arrival, the game has evolved a lot, but Skarner stayed much the same. This made it harder for him to stand out and keep up with newer characters.

Players have been asking for updates to make him more exciting to play and more powerful in battles. Now, with the rework, there’s a chance to do just that.

The updates promise to give Skarner new skills and a fresh look, which has sparked curiosity and excitement as players look forward to seeing how these changes will improve their experience with this well-known character.

Skarner’s Rework Details

The Skarner rework is all about making this character better in two main ways: how he plays and how he looks. For gameplay, the rework brings in new skills and makes his current abilities stronger. This means that Skarner will be more fun to play, with more ways to help his team and challenge opponents.

On the visual side, Skarner will get a new look that matches the updates to his skills. These changes can make Skarner fit better into the evolving world of League of Legends, making him a character players will want to pick and enjoy more in their games.

Unpacking Skarner’s New Abilities

Let’s examine Skarner’s updated abilities after the recent rework, which was designed to make him a stronger and more exciting champion in League of Legends.

Passive Ability: Threads of Vibration

Skarner’s new passive ability, Threads of Vibration, adds a layer of strategy to his gameplay. Every time Skarner hits an enemy with his attacks or abilities, he applies a Quaking effect.

Once an enemy has three Quaking effects, they take extra damage based on their max health. This makes Skarner a bigger threat the longer he stays in a fight, encouraging players to stick close to their targets.

Q: Shattered Earth/Upheaval

The Q ability, Shattered Earth/Upheaval, has been updated to make Skarner’s attacks more impactful. By ripping a rock from the ground, Skarner enhances his next three attacks with additional damage, range, and speed.

Moreover, the final attack slows down and damages the target more. You can also throw the rock if the enemy is at a distance.

This change adds more punch to Skarner’s attacks, making him better at chasing down enemies and dealing damage.

W: Seismic Bastion

With Seismic Bastion, Skarner gets a protective shield and creates a shockwave that damages and slows enemies around him.

This ability not only makes Skarner more challenging in battles but also gives him a way to slow down groups of enemies, making it easier for his team to catch up and join the fight.

E: Ixtal’s Impact

Ixtal’s Impact lets Skarner charge forward to grab an enemy while ignoring obstacles such as walls. If he hits them against a wall, they’re stunned and damaged.

This powerful move allows Skarner to surprise opponents by moving through the map’s terrain, opening up new ways to start fights or catch fleeing enemies.

R: Impale

Finally, Skarner’s ultimate, Impale, has been enhanced. Now, Skarner can grab up to three enemy champions, suppress them, and drag them along. 

This can turn the tide of a battle by removing key opponents from the fight, making Skarner’s presence on the battlefield more critical than ever.

These updates to Skarner’s abilities aim to refresh his gameplay, making him a versatile and formidable force in League of Legends.

Skarner’s Release Date and Availability

The Skarner rework is set to hit League of Legends on April 3rd. Many players eagerly await this update, and the good news is that accessing the reworked Skarner will be simple.

Once the update goes live, players can choose Skarner in their games just like any other champion. There’s no need for special events or complicated requirements to get a hold of him.

Whether you already play this champion or you’re looking to try him out for the first time, mark the calendar for the Skarner release date. It’s an exciting time to see how these changes will make him a standout choice on the battlefield.

The Impact on Gameplay

The Skarner rework is shaking things up for League of Legends players. With his updated abilities, Skarner’s role in games is set to become more dynamic.

Previously, Skarner was mainly seen as a tough fighter who could take a lot of damage and hold enemies in place. Now, with new skills that let him move through walls, slow groups of enemies, and even grab multiple opponents at once, Skarner will likely be a key player in starting fights and setting up big plays for his team.

Teams might now think of including Skarner more often when planning their strategies. His ability to surprise opponents by moving through terrain and his enhanced crowd control capabilities mean teams will need to think carefully about how to protect their key players from Skarner’s grabs.

On the flip side, Skarner players will have to be smart about when to dive into the fray and how to make the most of his new abilities to swing the momentum in their team’s favor.


The Skarner rework is bringing big changes that promise to make this champion more exciting and versatile in League of Legends. With new abilities and an updated look, Skarner is set to become a stronger force in the game.

These updates aim to improve how he plays, making him more engaging for both new and experienced players. Remember, the rework goes live on April 3rd, so mark your calendars.

Get ready to explore everything the new Skarner has to offer and see how he can change the tide of battles. The Skarner rework is sure to make waves, so don’t miss out on the action.