
Riot Games to implement a Virtual Pass for Worlds 2023

fragster Eduardo 20. April 2023

League of Legends Season 2023 in all regions is in full swing. However, while everyone is thinking about the upcoming MSI to be played at the Copper Box Arena in London from May 2-21, Riot Games is already thinking beyond that to Worlds 2023.

There are still many months before the best teams fight spectacular battles at Worlds 2023. However, Riot has revealed some of its plans regarding this magnificent tournament that celebrates the end of the season. The LoL developers and organizers of the event would implement a Virtual Pass for fans to have a spectacular experience in this tournament.

Riot Games reveals some plans for Worlds 2023

Riot Games esports president, John Needham, has announced some plans regarding the esports ecosystem through an extensive statement on the official blog. From Riot Games, they say:

“We strive to create the best experience for fans, players, and teams around the world. This is core to the culture of Riot and key to building a sustainable future for esports”.

In one of the many sections where Needham referred to Riot’s plans, he discussed the difference between “traditional sports” and esports. It is no secret that, as the years go by, traditional sports are trying to modernize their ecosystem, either in the development of the matches or simply in the broadcasts. Similarly, esports is a clear example of what technology can do to improve the environment of sporting events.

Now, going back to Riot Games, Needham points out that traditional sports tend to depend, to a large extent, on the revenues they obtain through face-to-face events. Recall that thousands of fans pay for tickets to watch the games in large-scale basketball, baseball, and football games. In addition, merchandising concessions are critical to revenue.

However, Needham makes a really important and, to us, very correct point. And that is, through a virtual environment, esports is much more popular, especially with young people, who can tune in and watch live from anywhere in the world.

Riot announces the creation of a Virtual Pass

Following Needham’s statement, Riot creates a Virtual Pass to elevate the online fan experience. In addition, it is also stressed that this will allow revenue to be generated for both Riot and the teams competing in tournaments.

As announced, we can say that the Virtual Pass will be a “bridge” between the physical and virtual environment. This means that Riot intends that online fans will have similar experiences to those in person at the tournaments.

However, this is not all. Riot Games is also working on implementing different gifts with the Virtual Pass, just as if fans were attending the event in person. According to the press release, they intend to give away some in-game skins related to Worlds; event passes, merchandising, and other gifts.

Exclusivity with teams

In addition to the passes in general, Riot wants to have a type/version of this Virtual Pass based on each team, meaning fans can closely follow everything related to their favorite teams. Additionally, this allows fans to connect with the teams and get merchandising products and some in-game items.

In addition, the idea of implementing this Virtual Pass in Riot Games’ other titles in the competitive scene, i.e., VALORANT, is also on the table. Regarding this, Needham said they plan to do it in the shooter from 2024, with some features to be revealed soon.

There is no doubt that this Virtual Pass is a wise move on Riot’s part in its eagerness to bring fans much closer to their favorite teams and players. In addition, it is a great opportunity for the community that has never experienced a major live event to do so virtually with the best possible experience.

Header: Riot Games