
Top 3 carry heroes in Dota 2 patch 7.33c

Dota 2 patch 7.33c is full of viable carry heroes. But some of them are considerably stronger than others... Radu M. | 5. June 2023

Dota 2 patch 7.33c is full of viable carry heroes. But some of them are considerably stronger than others and have very high win rates.

They’re also relatively easy to learn, so if you don’t have them in your personal pool, you should consider adding them. These heroes could increase your MMR by at least a few hundred points.

Among the strongest heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.33c are Medusa, Spectre, and Phantom Lancer. All three of them give your team a high chance of success and are very difficult to beat if the networth between the teams is even at the 15-minute mark.

Even if you’re behind in gold, in a lot of situations you will still win if you get your core items before the big team fights begin around objectives like barracks and Roshan.


Medusa’s win rate is currently 56.5%. Her pick rate is above 15%. She is by far the most broken hero in Dota 2 and will win a lot more often than she should simply because of her numbers.

Defensively, each point in mana gives you 3.6 effective HP, which is the equivalent of 1 HP fortified with more than 40 armor and more than 70% magic resistance. The numbers are absolutely ridiculous and they allow you to not care at all about other defensive stats like armor and magic resistance.

Offensively, Medusa deals more than 400% damage using her Split Shot. This means that in a team fight, she’s extremely hard to deal with. The enemy team needs to focus her down because she’s tanky. But when that happens, she can just attack everyone at once and still win the battle.


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This hero is the perfect choice for games in which your other four teammates like to do their own thing without coordinating with you. When a fight breaks out, you can just press R and join.

With relatively little farm, Spectre becomes very hard to kill. Thanks to the buffs received by Blade Mail and Radiance, this hero is completely overpowered right now.

Phantom Lancer

The nerfs received by Aghanim’s Scepter and the buffs to Diffusal Blade have turned PL into a monster. Unless you pick him into heavy counters like Beastmaster, Medusa, or Earthshaker, you will succeed more often than you’d think, without having to do anything out of the ordinary.

Header: Valve Corporation