Dota 2 patch 7.34 introduced massive changes. Some heroes got nerfed while others got buffed. Its subsequent patch, 7.34b, continued to change heroes in an attempt to make viable what was no longer viable, and to nerf what was completely overpowered.
Strangely enough, some of the most overpowered heroes were created by patch 7.34. IceFrog may have not realized it at the time, but he did create around a dozen monsters that had to be dealt with in the 7.34b update.
One of the Dota 2 heroes that received excellent buffs in the latest patches was Nature’s Prophet. In fact, his buffs began in patch 7.33. But they weren’t enough to change his win rate significantly. But after patch 7.34, the hero went from having one of the lowest win rates to having one of the highest win rates in the game.
The jump was more than 10%, which is huge. So what caused this improvement?
Nature’s Prophet’s strengths
NP has always been a great farmer and ganker. He can easily teleport anywhere around the map and utilize his Treants to farm with ease. On top of that, he can also use Sprout to trap an enemy for 3-6s. That’s a very long duration root for a hero that cannot escape it. And thanks to the latest buffs, a hero can no longer blink out of it using Blink Dagger.
Sprout now deals damage during its entire duration and it also blinds targets completely if the level 20 talent is chosen.
Another terrifying aspect of Nature’s Prophet is that his level 15 talent gives him either +5 Treants or +4 Teleportation stacks. This means that potentially, he could just teleport freely several times in a row, without any limitation. In other words, you no longer need TP scrolls or BoTs.
This hero gains phenomenal map mobility after level 15 and that tends to happen just 20-25 minutes into the game.
These strengths are further amplified by an ultimate that can kill both enemy heroes and creeps around the map, making NP significantly wealthier with every use.
The last NP ability that gives him great power is Curse of the Oldgrowth. This ability slows enemy heroes and deals damage to them based on how many trees or Treants they are surrounded by. This is very powerful against heroes like Monkey King and Treant Protector.
Header: Valve