
How to Get Out of Bronze in League of Legends

Being stuck in the Bronze tier can be frustrating for many League of Legends players. But we are here... Aleksandar | 14. March 2024

Being stuck in the Bronze tier can be frustrating for many League of Legends players. But we are here to help. The key to moving up to higher ranks lies not just in playing more games but in adopting a strategic approach to improvement. 

This guide offers practical steps to enhance your skills and how to get out of bronze.

Adopt a Growth Mindset

Our first tip if you want to really improve is to change your mindset a bit. Your attitude when approaching the game fundamentally influences your ability to climb ranks.

A growth mindset involves understanding that skills and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence.

First, you’ll need to acknowledge that improvement is a process. Becoming better takes time and consistent effort. Every match, win or lose, offers a learning opportunity, so make sure to learn from past mistakes.

Next, you’ll need to set specific goals. Instead of a vague aim like “get better,” set clear, measurable objectives. For instance, “increase my CS (creeps slain) per minute” or “reduce my average deaths per game.”

For example, I’m a Nautilus player and I’ve realized that my vision score is lower compared to Grandmaster players. So, I keep in mind to put more wards throughout the map to keep up with the greats. You can do that as well!

Lastly, you need to learn from your mistakes and not get frustrated. Instead of getting frustrated with losses or mistakes, analyze them to understand what went wrong and how you can avoid similar issues in future games.

Master the Basics

A strong foundation in the basic mechanics of the game is crucial for climbing out of any rank, especially Bronze.

Last-Hitting Minions

Breaking a Freeze and Bouncing Waves in lol

One of the most fundamental skills is efficiently last-hitting minions to maximize gold income. More gold means better items, which can lead to a significant advantage over your opponent.

To get better, make sure to practice in a custom game. Spend time in custom games focusing solely on last-hitting. Aim for a high creep score without the pressure of an enemy laner.

What you can do next is to understand your champion’s attack animation. Each champion has a unique attack animation, and Knowing how long it takes for your attack to land helps you time your last hits accurately.

Map Awareness

Knowing where your opponents are on the map at all times can prevent unexpected ganks and lead to strategic plays. Pro players frequently check the mini-map. So, make a habit of looking at the mini-map every few seconds.

You can also ward strategically by placing wards in key areas to provide vision of enemy movements. Remember, vision saves lives.

Optimize Your Champion Pool

Focusing on a smaller set of champions allows for deeper mastery, increased comfort, and better performance in games.

Start by selecting a few champions (around 3-5) that you enjoy playing and fit well into the current meta. Comfort and enjoyment lead to better learning and performance.

With a smaller champion pool, you can learn the ins and outs of specific matchups, knowing when you’re strong against an opponent or when to play cautiously.

While being flexible is good, specializing in one role can accelerate your improvement. It allows you to deeply understand the nuances of that role and how to impact the game from that position.

Strategic Warding and Communication

Warding for countering specific champions

Warding is like placing eyes around the map. It gives you and your team the vision to see where the enemies are or might be heading. Here’s what you need to learn:

  • Types of wards: Know the difference between Control Wards, Stealth Wards, and the warding trinkets. Control Wards reveal hidden wards/enemies and don’t expire, while Stealth Wards are invisible but expire after a certain time.
  • Key warding spots: Place wards in the river bushes, jungle intersections, and near objectives like Dragon or Baron to give your team valuable information on enemy movements.
  • Warding timings: Pay attention to the game’s timing. Before attempting to take an objective, ensure that the surrounding area is warded to avoid getting ambushed by the enemy team.

Talking with your team helps you plan and execute strategies more effectively. So, make sure to use Pings. Pings are a quick way to communicate with your team. Use them to signal danger, call for assistance, or point out objectives.

You can also use the voice chat feature to talk to your party. If possible, use voice communication for more complex strategies. It’s faster and can be more precise than typing in chat.

More importantly, stay positive and encourage your team. Avoid blaming or flaming, as this can discourage teammates and affect everyone’s performance.

Prioritize Objectives Over Kills

Drakes in league of legends

Objectives like turrets, dragons, and Baron Nashor offer significant advantages on how to get out of bronze and should be prioritized over chasing kills. Bronze players often think getting more kills equals more skill.

Securing objectives can provide your team with gold, buffs, and map control, all of which are crucial for winning the game. On the other hand, taking down turrets opens up the map. Then, it’s easier to control the enemy’s movements and secure further objectives.

When should you go for kills? While objectives should be your priority, understanding when kills can lead to objectives is vital.

Eliminating key enemy players before attempting to take an objective can make securing it much safer and easier. Just one big tip that can change your gameplay drastically – don’t overchase.

Stop being greedy and avoid chasing enemies too far. It can waste time and resources, and you might miss out on securing an important objective.

Review and Learn from Previous and Pro Gameplays

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Improving in League of Legends is a continuous process that involves looking back at your games to understand what went right and what could have been better. This self-reflection is key to climbing the ranks.

Analyzing Your Own Games

Watching replays of your matches can reveal insights you might miss during the heat of battle. Look for moments where a different decision could have led to a better outcome.

Pay attention to your positioning, map awareness, and engagement choices. Tools within the game client allow you to watch past games, focusing on these critical aspects.

Learning from Top Players

There’s much to learn from players who have mastered the game. Watching streams, videos, or replays of high-ranked players gives you a perspective on effective strategies and decision-making.

You can notice how top players manage their lanes when they choose to take objectives and how they interact with their team. Also, make sure to pay special attention to those who excel with your preferred champions. Note their item builds, skill order, and playstyle.

Handling Losses and Maintaining Focus

Losses are inevitable, but how you handle them can make all the difference in your journey to climb out of Bronze. Keeping a positive mindset and learning from each game is crucial.

Dealing with Defeat

It’s normal to feel disappointed after a loss, but dwelling on it can hinder your progress. Instead, look for learning opportunities in each defeat. 

Identifying your mistakes helps you avoid them in future matches. Remember, even the best players don’t win every game.

Staying Positive and Focused

Maintaining a positive attitude can significantly impact your gameplay and interaction with teammates. Negative emotions can lead to rash decisions, which can impact your performance.

Take Breaks

Avoid the temptation to immediately queue for another game in an attempt to “make up” for a loss, as this can lead to poor decision-making and increased frustration. 

If you find yourself on a losing streak, taking a short break can help clear your mind and reset your focus. Instead of playing the game yourself, you could watch some videos of pros playing it.

Grouping and Teamfight Participation

HLE vs KDF LEC 2024 game 2

Grouping and participating in team fights are crucial strategies in League of Legends that can turn the tide of any game. Success in these areas often hinges on effective communication and understanding the right moments to come together as a team. 

When it comes to objectives like Dragon, Baron, or Sieging turrets, being in sync with your teammates can create pressure on the map and force the enemy team into difficult positions. 

It’s important to constantly communicate, whether through pings or chat, about your intentions and listen to your teammates’ calls.

Being ready to support your team, whether by joining a fight that’s about to break out or helping secure a crucial objective, can significantly contribute to your overall win rate.

Continuous Improvement and Practice

Continuous improvement and practice are the bedrock of mastering League of Legends. The game’s depth means there’s always something new to learn, whether it’s a champion, item build, strategy, or macro decision. 

Regular play allows you to refine your skills, from last-hitting minions for optimal gold income to executing your champion’s combo flawlessly in a high-pressure situation. 

Moreover, applying lessons learned from reviewing past games, studying higher-ranked players, or experimenting with new tactics. 

This cycle of practice, application, and reflection will lead to a natural improvement over time, making the climb out of Bronze not just a possibility but a certainty.


For beginners and struggling players, the answer to how to get out of bronze is a focused effort on improvement, strategic play, and teamwork. 

Follow our expert tips, and you will significantly enhance your gameplay. In future times, you will laugh at how easy it was to rank up from Bronze.

Remember, progress takes time, though, and setbacks are part of the journey. Stay patient, stay focused, and you’ll find your way up the rankings. 

But never stop! Keep improving and progressing through the League of Legends ranks, not just out of Bronze.