
Riot Games reveals preview of Patch 12.12b and 12.13

Riot Games is all set to introduce a plethora of changes to League of Legends with the upcoming updates... Shubh | 29. June 2022

Riot Games is all set to introduce a plethora of changes to League of Legends with the upcoming updates 12.12b and 12.13. The forgotten league champions will receive some attention from the developers in Patch 12.13, while the micro patch 12.12b will tone the champions targeted in the previous patch.

Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, Riot’s lead designer for game balance, has recently revealed the details of the upcoming patches 12.2b and 12.13. The patches will introduce a broad range of adjustments, including changes to well-known champions like Caitlyn, Renekton, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gwen, and Volibear.

Patch 12.2b

Patch 12.12b is planned to balance the popular pick that took a hard hit in the previous patches. Shaco will receive a buff to his Passive, Q, and W ability, while Katarina’s passive, Q and R are also going to get a significant boost. Caitlyn and Leona are also going to receive some love from the developers after being on the sidelines for a while. The passive buffs to their skills might help them reestablish their dominance in professional plays.

Champions Buff

  • Shaco 
  • Katarina
  • Caitlyn
  • Leona

Champions Nerf

  • Bel’Veth
  • Senna
  • Seraphine
  • Tahm Kench
  • Wukong
  • Yuumi
  • Zerii

The Empress of the Void Bel’Veth was nerfed earlier in patch 12.2, however, she seems to be a difficult champion to balance. To reduce her impact at low ELo, developers are targeting her again with more nerfs. Riot seems to want the Empress to continue being a competitive option for higher tiers, as evidenced by the gradual sequence of changes.

Although Patch 12.12b was planned to release next week, it has been delayed and scheduled to hit the live servers tomorrow, June 30.

Patch 12.13

Due to their incredible late-game ability set, Corki and Voliber have witnessed an increase in their pick rate since the durability upgrade. Consequently, Riot aims to slow them down a little with the upcoming update because of the potential they pose to the meta. According to Riot, the patch will roll out to live servers on July 12.

Champion Buffs

  • Master Yi
  • Galio (Galileo)
  • Renekton
  • Elise
  • Karthus
  • Kled
  • Evelynn
  • Taliyah
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Vex
  • Olaf Jungle

Champion nerfs 

  • Volibear
  • Corki

System Changes

  • Divine Sunderer
  • Lethality Mythics

Gwen and Sivir reworks

Every single one of Gwen’s abilities is going to receive a mini-rework. At first, her passive is taking a hit with its AP ratio dropping from 8% per 100 AP to 6%. The base damage per snip is getting a boost along with her final snipe’s AP damage. It can now kill minions with less than 20% health, despite its damage to them will be dropped from 100% to 75%. Her W ability, Hallowed Mist, has a duration reduction from 5 seconds to 4, but its resist has been improved from 12-20 +5% to 17 to 25 +7%. 

As a result, she will be unable to spread all of her ultimate charges as quickly as earlier, which is a big nerf for her burst abilities. However, the changes will make her much more accessible for players who are not used to her mechanic.

Along with said adjustments, the patch will also bring a much-awaited Sivir rework. Sivir will receive a significant change to her base stats as well as to all of her abilities. Along with a long list of adjustments, she is also gaining boosts to her base health, mana, mana growth, and AD growth.


Header: Riot Games