
A Closer Look at the New Enchanter Items in LoL

Welcome to the new era of League of Legends, Season 14, a season that’s not just another chapter in... Aleksandar | 28. January 2024

Welcome to the new era of League of Legends, Season 14, a season that’s not just another chapter in the game but a complete overhaul of the support role. 

With several new Enchanter items in LoL, the game has opened up new avenues for support players to explore and master. 

New Enchanter Items in LoL

Enchanters are support champions known for their ability to enhance and protect their allies through heals, shields, and various buffs. 

They play a crucial role in the team’s survival and success, often turning the tides of battle with their supportive abilities.

Dawncore: The Game Changer

Dawncore New Enchanter Item

Dawncore emerges as a standout item in the arsenal of Enchanter supports in League of Legends Season 14. 

Priced at a reasonable 2700 gold, it’s a testament to the evolving dynamics of support gameplay. The item’s stats are meticulously tailored to amplify the core strengths of Enchanter champions. 

It offers a robust 40 Ability Power, enhancing the potency of heals and shields. The 20 Ability Haste provided is crucial, allowing for more frequent casting of abilities, which is vital in high-stakes team fights or clutch save moments. 

Furthermore, the 150% Mana Regeneration is a game-changer, addressing the perennial issue of mana sustainability that many support champions grapple with during extended engagements.

Strategic Use of Dawncore

  • Ideal Champions: Dawncore is particularly effective on champions like Soraka, Janna, and Nami, enhancing their healing and shielding capabilities.
  • Gameplay Impact: This item allows enchanters to have a more significant presence in the game, especially in the late stages, by bolstering their core supportive abilities.

Echoes of Helia: For the Aggressive Support

Echoes of Helia Enchanter Item in League of Legends

Echoes of Helia now revalued at 2200 gold, represents a significant shift in the support item landscape. 

This item’s revamp reflects a deeper understanding of the diverse roles that support champions play in the game. 

With an increase in both Ability Power and Ability Haste, Echoes of Helia becomes a compelling choice for supports adopting a more aggressive, play-making stance. 

The item’s passive ability uniquely rewards this aggressive playstyle, converting damage dealt into healing and shielding bonuses. 

This incentivizes supporters to participate more actively in skirmishes and provides a tangible reward for doing so.

Tactical Advantages

  • Champion Synergy: This item is a boon for supports like Lulu or Karma, who engage in poking and aggressive trades.
  • Enhancing Support Dynamics: Echoes of Helia encourages a more proactive playstyle, allowing enchanters to contribute more significantly to skirmishes and team fights.

Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer: Boosting Team Utility

Staff of Flowing Water Enchanter Item

The Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer, integral components of the support item toolkit, have been reimagined to align with the evolving meta of League of Legends. 

Now offering enhanced Mana Regeneration and Ability Power, these items have been fine-tuned to elevate the support role beyond traditional expectations. 

The increased Mana Regeneration ensures that supports can maintain their presence in prolonged team fights and laning phases. At the same time, the boost in Ability Power means that their contributions in buffs, heals, and shields are more potent than ever.

Ardent Censer

  • Enhanced Stats: Also priced at 2300 gold, Ardent Censer has seen an increase in Ability Power and Mana Regeneration.
  • Passive Enhancement: Its passive now provides a more substantial boost in Attack Speed and bonus magic damage, making it an excellent choice for supports paired with auto-attack-reliant champions.

Mastering the New Enchanter Items in LoL Season 14

Season 14 in League of Legends has significantly shifted the support role by introducing new Enchanter items in LoL. 

Understanding and mastering these items is essential for players aiming to maximize their impact in the game.

Building a Versatile Support Arsenal

Understanding the dynamics of each new item is crucial for effective itemization. The correct item selection should align with your champion’s abilities and playstyle. 

For instance, if your champion excels in aggressive play, Echoes of Helia might be suitable. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the overall composition of your team and the enemy’s. 

This understanding will guide you in choosing items that counter your opponents effectively while bolstering your team’s strengths.

Adapting to Game Situations

Adaptability is critical in League of Legends, which applies to item choices. Be prepared to adjust your item build based on the game’s flow and your team’s evolving needs. This flexibility can often be the difference between winning and losing a match. 

Paying attention to the game’s progression and the performance of both teams will help you make informed decisions about which items to prioritize.

Maximizing Impact in Game

In the early to mid-game, focus on building items that complement your champion’s strengths and address your team’s immediate needs. 

This phase is crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the game. As the game progresses into the later stages, items like Dawncore can significantly enhance your ability to sustain your team and turn the tide in prolonged engagements. 

The late game is often where the full potential of these new Enchanter items can be unleashed, providing your team with the necessary support to secure victory.

Late Game Strategies

The late game in League of Legends requires a strategic approach to itemization. Enchanters should maximize their impact by choosing items that enhance their abilities and provide significant advantages to their team. 

This might involve prioritizing items that offer more significant healing, shielding, or utility based on the specific challenges and opportunities presented by the enemy team’s composition and strategy.

Continuing to Adapt and Learn

As the meta evolves, so should your understanding and use of Enchanter items in LoL. Stay informed about the latest trends and shifts in item effectiveness. Regularly reviewing patch notes and community discussions can provide valuable insights into emerging strategies.

Also, practicing with different item combinations in various scenarios will enhance your ability to make quick, effective decisions during gameplay. Remember, the most successful players are those who continuously adapt and refine their approaches based on the ever-changing dynamics of League of Legends.


Season 14’s new Enchanter items in LoL are not just additions to the game but a redefinition of the support role. 

With Dawncore, Echoes of Helia, Staff of Flowing Water, and Ardent Censer, the possibilities for support champions have expanded, offering new strategies and playstyles. 

Whether you’re a seasoned support player or new to the role, these items offer exciting opportunities to impact your games significantly.