
The two Dota 2 items bought on average at 700+ GPM

fragster Radu M. 28. August 2023

In Dota 2 patch 7.34, only two items are bought by heroes who reach an average of 700+ gpm. The first is Swift Blink and the second is Divine Rapier.

Both of these items are very expensive, and the first one is also extremely risky, which is part of the reason why the purchase usually occurs in the ultra-late game and in the case of heroes whose networth is immense. Such items are usually bought 6th or even 7th or 8th in a typical match.

From time to time, they’re also bought out of desperation. If you need to defend your base against an opponent whose networth is 20K higher than yours, having a Divine Rapier on your Medusa might be the only way to turn the game around.

Swift Blink’s utility

Swift Blink costs 6800 gold, so it’s extremely expensive. It is nearly 4500 gold more expensive than your casual Blink Dagger. But that’s because the item combines Blink Dagger with an Eaglesong, which costs 2800 gold, and makes it a lot stronger.

Swift Blink not only gives you the +25 agility that you get from Eaglesong. It also gives you an additional 35 agility bonus for 6 seconds after blinking, plus 40% movement speed. This means that your ability to chase targets and kill them is greatly increased and more than worth the 1750 gold that you need to pay for the recipe.

However, because of the huge cost, few players choose to buy this item before something else. Everyone buys it when there’s nothing else to purchase.

The 4550 gold that you spend to upgrade your Blink Dagger could buy you something a lot more useful, like a Black King Bar, a Monkey King Bar, or some other powerful damage item. The 60 agility you get from your upgraded Blink Dagger is great, but not better than something like a Daedalus.

Divine Rapier’s utility

Because it is dropped on death, this item is extremely risky and will not work well on most heroes. But a slippery midlaner or carry, such as Ember Spirit, can win games with it. The same is true for heroes who are naturally tanky and don’t risk dying before getting to utilize the item.

Medusa is probably the best Rapier user. Naga Siren is also excellent because she can stop fights with her ultimate and just teleport away. The +350 damage bonus that you get from this item is completely overpowered.

Header: Valve Corporation