
The meta of Dota 2 patch 7.33e is stale

Dota 2 patch 7.33e was released less than four weeks ago and the meta it created is already stale.... Radu M. | 8. August 2023

Dota 2 patch 7.33e was released less than four weeks ago and the meta it created is already stale. In other words, the most picked and most successful heroes are well-known at this point, and there is very little that players can do to change the tactics and strategies utilized to gain MMR or win tournaments.

To be fair, the pub meta differs considerably from the tournament meta, partly because some heroes, despite being difficult to play or not very advantageous in a chaotic setting, can be very powerful in a well-organized team or in the hands of a player who has 500+ games with them.

Take for instance Doom, whose win rate is below 41%. Or Tiny, whose win rate is below 45%. Other great heroes that dominate Dota 2 tournaments, such as Broodmother, Batrider, Morphling, Monkey King, Rubick, Terrorblade, or Templar Assassin, have abysmal win rates at the community level and are among the worst heroes to play.

What is popular in a solo-queue scenario is what can be played with ease and without the need for constant coordination with your teammates. There’s a reason why Legion Commander is picked in almost 1 game out of 4. She is very powerful and her win rate is 55.6%. Heroes like Spectre and Phantom Lancer are also beloved by many.


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What works best in Dota 2 patch 7.33e

Right now, what seems to be working really well is a combination of tanky cores that have a guaranteed way to join and win a fight.

Spectre is a great pick because you can just farm at your heart’s content and join the fight from anywhere on the map. An Aghanim’s Scepter turns this hero into a constant ganker, leading to a huge advantage for his side.

In the offlaners department, heroes like Dark Seer, Axe, and Necrophos are quite good right now. All of them have a guaranteed way to farm and can easily create problems for the enemy carry. If they choose to dive the tier 1 tower or simply escape when they’re ganked, they can do it with ease.

The best supports in the current meta are Undying, Ancient Apparition, Elder Titan, Jakiro, Silencer, Skywrath Mage, Lich, and Oracle. Warlock, Venomancer, and Omniknight are also worth considering.

For the mid role, go with something stable like Shadow Fiend, Sniper, or Ember Spirit.

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