
Terrorblade is the least successful hero in Dota 2 patch 7.35b

Despite being one of the best carry choices in former patches, in Dota 2 patch 7.35b, Terrorblade is the... Radu M. | 31. January 2024

Despite being one of the best carry choices in former patches, in Dota 2 patch 7.35b, Terrorblade is the lowest win rate hero in the game. It’s hard to comprehend how we got to 43.95% and to a pick rate of just 1.68%, but he seems to be largely forgotten, at least for now.

No doubt, Dota 2 patch 7.35c will give him substantial buffs to bring him back into the meta. Unless, of course, IceFrog has decided that he doesn’t want to see him in tournaments for a while.

Year after year, professional teams used the Terrorblade strategy very successfully. This hero was everything they needed to win. He could farm quickly and independently, and then fight like he had two lives at all times thanks to his ultimate.

Against lineups that countered TB, you could always pick a support hero like Dazzle or Oracle, who can always guarantee that his ultimate will be used, leading to a really bad situation for the enemy team.

But now he’s completely useless, and nobody understands why. After all, it’s not like he got severely nerfed or anything. The meta simply changed and left him behind.

Terrorblade’s strengths



Terrorblade starts with low HP (472) but with high armor (8.7), excellent damage, and a nice attack animation that makes it easy to land last-hits. His attribute increase per level is not bad either, especially in the agility department (+4).

What’s nice about this hero is that he can use Metamorphosis as soon as the game begins. If you do it on the first wave, you will have it available every five waves for 1-2 waves. This ability gives TB 490 – 550 bonus attack range, 30 – 60 bonus damage, and a base attack time of 1.5. These are excellent buffs in the laning phase, and will allow you to farm quite easily.

Thanks to his other two basic abilities, Reflection and Conjure Image, Terrorblade can usually bully the enemy offlaner and win his lane. By the time you’re level 7, you can farm the jungle using your illusions and, to some extent, Metamorphosis.

With a small number of items, TB’s farm increases significantly. That’s why the goal of a good team will be to protect him and give him as much space as possible. Meanwhile, a strong enemy team will invade your jungle as frequently as possible to disrupt your farming patterns.

Header: Valve