
Settings to avoid input lag in CS2

Valve is granting access to the CS2 limited test to many more players as the days go by, which... Eduardo | 11. September 2023

Valve is granting access to the CS2 limited test to many more players as the days go by, which makes us think that the game’s official release is closer than ever. Many mention that the developers are waiting for the ESL Pro League S18 to end, while others claim that it’s only a matter of days before we get our hands on the new game.

However, in one way or another, many players with access to the CS2 beta have reported various problems regarding input lag in the game. However, as is never lacking in the Counter-Strike community, one player discovered which setting “slows down” the input lag the most in CS2. Furthermore, each setting adjustment seems to affect the data readout to varying “degrees.”

A user on Reddit shares a setting to avoid input lag in CS2

The CS2 community is never quiet about finding solutions regarding the game’s issues. This time, a Reddit user shared a game setting that helps avoid input lag in CS2.

I tested the input lag impact of every cs 2 setting.
byu/Piwielle inGlobalOffensive

According to the user and the image he shared, we can see that activating the “Vertical Synchronization” is one of the “safest” ways to feel input lag in CS2; besides, this option also decreases the FPS somewhat, so it is always advisable to keep it deactivated. On the other hand, the rest of the settings should have some changes that, although minimal, will help to avoid the unwanted input lag.

Similarly, those players who set the game to Low graphics quality will most likely have very little or even no input lag. However, others do not want to sacrifice the beauty of the Source 2 engine in CS2, so there are now alternatives to improve PC performance.

Explanation of the settings

As we observed in the image from the Reddit post, keeping Vertical Sync on increases the input lag by 15ms. As a result, this becomes the highest input lag provided by a single option within the settings.

On the other hand, Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode is the second highest input lag generating setting, which generates 0.89 when the “8X MSAA” option is set. Next, we have Ambient Occlusion, which, with the settings set to maximum, generates 0.33 input lag.

Finally, the rest of the settings shown in the image can be left at the maximum allowed level since the input lag they generate varies between 0.10-0.15ms, something that, undoubtedly, are imperceptible to the human eye.

If you want a unique gaming experience, we recommend lowering the settings we mentioned. However, you should also remember that we are in a limited test or a Beta of CS2, so there may also be bugs in the game that the developers could correct for the official release.

With Valve’s constant updates to CS2, many players have noticed some differences regarding different game mechanics. In addition, professional players and legends also expressed that the sprays on the weapons are different, and the shots’ accuracy on Valve’s official servers have changed.

Similarly, we will most likely continue to see changes and improvements in the following updates of the game, and, of course, we hope that the official release of the game will be as soon as possible.

Header: Valve