
Radiant Virtue in League of Legends: A Comprehensive Guide

Radiant Virtue is a new mythic item in the popular online multiplayer game, League of Legends. It was introduced... Fragster | 24. October 2023

Radiant Virtue is a new mythic item in the popular online multiplayer game, League of Legends. It was introduced in the 2023 preseason along with two other mythic items. Radiant Virtue is a versatile item that offers players a significant boost in health, armor, magic resistance, and ability haste.

Upon casting the ultimate ability, players will Transcend for nine seconds, increasing their maximum health by 12.5% and causing them and all allies within 1200 units to heal for 2.5% of their maximum health upon the player. Radiant Virtue’s unique passive Guiding Light can affect untargetable allies, and for channeled abilities, Guiding Light will be activated after the channel ends.

Radiant Virtue also has a mythic passive that can grant up to 375 bonus health with five other Legendary items. The Guiding Light heal per tick has been increased to 4% maximum health from 2.5%, and the total heal has been increased to 16% maximum health from 10%. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of Radiant Virtue and how it can benefit players in different roles.

Radiant Virtue: Overview

Radiant Virtue is a mythic item in League of Legends that was introduced in the preseason of 2023. It is a popular item among players due to its unique passive ability, Guiding Light, which grants increased health and ability haste upon casting an ultimate.

Radiant Virtue costs 2700 gold and provides 350 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, and 10 Ability Haste. It is built from Aegis of the Legion, Null-Magic Mantle, Cloth Armor, Giant’s Belt, and Ruby Crystal.

The item’s unique passive ability, Guiding Light, grants a significant boost to the player and their allies within 1200 range upon casting an ultimate. During this time, the player becomes Transcended, increasing their maximum health by 10% for 9 seconds. Additionally, allies within range gain 25 non-ultimate Ability Haste.

Radiant Virtue’s passive ability can grant up to 375 bonus health with 5 other Legendary items. This makes it an excellent choice for tanky champions who rely on their ultimate ability to engage or disrupt team fights.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a powerful item that provides a significant boost to a player’s health and ability haste. Its unique passive ability, Guiding Light, makes it a popular choice among players who rely on their ultimate abilities to turn the tide of a battle.

Gameplay Mechanics

Radiant Virtue is a mythic item in League of Legends that provides players with a variety of benefits. This item is built using a recipe that costs 600 gold and has a total price of 2700 gold. Radiant Virtue provides 30 armor, 30 magic resistance, 350 health, and 10 ability haste.

The unique passive of Radiant Virtue allows players to “Transcend” for 9 seconds upon casting their ultimate. This means that players gain 20% bonus armor and magic resistance, as well as a 5% bonus to their maximum health. Additionally, all nearby allies gain 20% bonus armor and magic resistance during this time.

Radiant Virtue’s mythic passive can grant up to 375 bonus health with 5 other Legendary items. This makes it a great item for tanks and support champions who want to increase their durability and provide additional protection to their allies.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a powerful mythic item that can provide players with a significant advantage in team fights. Its combination of defensive stats and unique passive make it a must-have item for any tank or support champion looking to protect their team and survive in battle.

Radiant Virtue: Abilities

Radiant Virtue is a Mythic item in League of Legends that grants a significant boost to a champion’s health, armor, magic resist, and ability haste. It is a popular item among tank and support champions due to its powerful passive ability, Guiding Light.

Upon casting a champion’s ultimate ability, Radiant Virtue’s passive ability, Guiding Light, is activated. This ability allows the champion to transcend for 9 seconds, increasing their maximum health by 10%. During this time, the champion and allies within 1200 range also gain 25 non-ultimate ability haste. This can be a game-changer in team fights, allowing champions to cast their abilities more frequently and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Radiant Virtue’s recipe includes Aegis of the Legion, Kindlegem, and Ruby Crystal. This item has a total price of 3000 gold, making it a considerable investment for any champion. However, its powerful passive ability and stat boosts make it worth the cost for champions who rely on survivability and crowd control.

It is important to note that Radiant Virtue’s passive ability, Guiding Light, can only be activated once per champion ultimate. This means that champions who have multiple ultimates, such as Udyr or Jayce, will only activate the passive ability once per ultimate cast. Additionally, the passive ability cannot be activated by items or summoner spells, only by champion ultimates.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a powerful and versatile item that can greatly benefit tank and support champions in League of Legends. Its ability to increase maximum health and ability haste during team fights can turn the tide of battle and secure victory for the champion’s team.

Ability Analysis

Radiant Virtue is a mythic item in League of Legends that provides a unique passive ability called Guiding Light. Upon casting the ultimate ability, the user becomes Transcended, increasing their maximum health by 10% for 9 seconds. While Transcended, the user and all allies within 1200 range gain 15 non-ultimate ability haste and heal for 1% of their maximum health every 3 seconds. This healing effect is increased by up to 100% based on the user’s missing health, making it an excellent choice for champions who need to sustain themselves in fights.

Guiding Light also affects untargetable allies, making it useful for champions with abilities that make them untargetable, such as Fizz’s Playful/Trickster. For channeled abilities, Guiding Light will be activated after the channel ends. The heal per tick has been increased to 4% maximum health from 2.5%, and the total heal has been increased to 16% maximum health from 10%.

Radiant Virtue provides 350 health, 30 armor, 30 magic resistance, and 10 ability haste. It costs 2700 gold and is 87% gold efficient based on its base stats alone. The item is especially useful for tanky champions who rely on their ultimate ability to engage in fights, such as Malphite or Ornn.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a powerful mythic item that provides sustain, defensive stats, and non-ultimate ability haste to the user and their allies. Its unique passive ability, Guiding Light, makes it an excellent choice for champions who need to sustain themselves in fights and for those who rely on their ultimate ability to engage in fights.

Strategic Use

Radiant Virtue is a powerful mythic item in League of Legends that provides a significant boost to a player’s health and ability haste. The item also has a unique passive ability that activates upon casting an ultimate, granting the player and their allies within 1200 units a heal for 2.5% of their maximum health.

Due to its high cost, Radiant Virtue is best utilized in the later stages of the game when players have accumulated enough gold to purchase it. It is particularly useful for tanky champions who rely on their health pool to survive team fights. The bonus health provided by Radiant Virtue’s mythic passive can be further amplified by pairing it with other legendary items that grant health bonuses.

When using Radiant Virtue, players should aim to time their ultimate ability to maximize the effectiveness of its passive ability. For example, a tanky champion like Malphite can use their ultimate ability to initiate a team fight, causing enemies to focus on them while their allies benefit from the heal provided by Radiant Virtue.

It is important to note that Radiant Virtue’s passive ability only activates once per ultimate ability, so players should be strategic in their use of ultimate abilities to ensure they get the most out of the item’s unique passive ability.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a powerful item that can turn the tide of team fights when used strategically. It is a particularly valuable item for tanky champions who rely on their health pool to survive and protect their allies.

Counter Strategies

While Radiant Virtue can be a powerful item in the right hands, there are ways to counter it and minimize its effectiveness. Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Focus on Burst Damage

Since Radiant Virtue increases a champion’s maximum health, it can make them more difficult to take down with sustained damage. However, burst damage can still be very effective against champions with Radiant Virtue. Champions like Zed, LeBlanc, and Kha’Zix can quickly deal large amounts of damage, making it difficult for a champion with Radiant Virtue to stay alive.

2. Build Grievous Wounds

Radiant Virtue’s healing effect can be a significant source of sustain for a team, especially in extended fights. Building items with Grievous Wounds, like Morellonomicon or Executioner’s Calling, can reduce the effectiveness of this healing. This can be particularly useful against champions like Dr. Mundo or Vladimir who rely heavily on healing to stay alive.

3. Crowd Control

Radiant Virtue’s healing effect is only triggered when a champion Transcends, which happens when they use their ultimate ability. Crowd control abilities that interrupt or prevent the use of ultimate abilities can be very effective against champions with Radiant Virtue. Champions like Lulu, Veigar, and Malzahar can all disrupt enemy ultimates, making it more difficult for champions with Radiant Virtue to trigger their healing effect.

4. Build Armor Penetration

Since Radiant Virtue is often built by tankier champions, building armor penetration can be an effective way to deal damage to them. Champions like Jhin, Varus, and Kog’Maw can all build items with armor penetration, making it easier to take down champions with Radiant Virtue.

Overall, Radiant Virtue can be a powerful item in the right circumstances, but there are ways to counter it and minimize its effectiveness. By focusing on burst damage, building Grievous Wounds, using crowd control, and building armor penetration, players can reduce the impact of Radiant Virtue and increase their chances of victory.

Radiant Virtue: Skins

Radiant Virtue is a popular mythic item in League of Legends that has a few skins available. These skins do not affect the item’s stats or gameplay but provide a cosmetic change to the item’s appearance.

Currently, there are two skins available for Radiant Virtue: the base skin and the Obsidian Dragon skin. The base skin features a golden and white color scheme with intricate patterns etched into the surface of the item. The Obsidian Dragon skin, on the other hand, has a darker color scheme with red accents and dragon-like scales etched into the surface.

Players can acquire these skins by purchasing them from the in-game store or by obtaining them through various events and promotions. The skins do not affect the item’s performance, but they can add a bit of personalization and flair to a player’s build.

Overall, Radiant Virtue skins are a fun way to add some variety and customization to a player’s gameplay experience. While they do not affect the item’s stats or gameplay, they can provide a unique and personalized touch to a player’s build.

Community Reception

The introduction of Radiant Virtue in League of Legends has been met with mixed reviews from the community. While some players appreciate the item’s unique passive, others feel that it is underwhelming and not worth the cost.

One of the main criticisms of Radiant Virtue is its high price point. At 2700 gold, it is one of the most expensive mythic items in the game. Some players feel that the item does not provide enough stats or benefits to justify its cost, especially when compared to other mythic items like Moonstone Renewer and Divine Sunderer.

Despite these criticisms, some players have found success with Radiant Virtue in certain situations. The item’s unique passive, Guiding Light, can be useful for champions who rely on their ultimate abilities to engage or disengage from fights. The bonus health and ability haste provided by the passive can help these champions survive and recover more quickly after using their ultimates.

Overall, the community reception of Radiant Virtue is mixed. While some players have found success with the item, others feel that it is not worth the cost and prefer to use other mythic items instead. As with any new addition to the game, it will take time for players to fully explore and understand the item’s strengths and weaknesses.


Radiant Virtue is a powerful and valuable Mythic Item in League of Legends that can greatly benefit players when used correctly. Its high cost suggests that it is best used later in the game and is tied to the Ultimate, making it an important investment.

This item is designed to provide players with a significant boost in health and ability haste, making it an excellent choice for tanky champions. The Transcend passive, which increases maximum health and non-ultimate ability haste, can be especially useful when used in conjunction with other items and abilities.

Overall, Radiant Virtue is a solid choice for players looking to increase their survivability and team utility. Its high cost and situational use may not make it the best choice for every champion or situation, but for those who can make use of its benefits, it can be a game-changer.

Players looking to build Radiant Virtue should focus on building up their other Legendary items first to maximize the bonus health provided by the mythic passive. The build path includes Aegis of the Legion, Kindlegem, Ruby Crystal, and a Recipe, totaling 3200 gold.

In conclusion, Radiant Virtue is a valuable addition to any player’s arsenal, but it should be used strategically and in the right situations to maximize its benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular Radiant Virtue builds in League of Legends?

Radiant Virtue is a versatile item that can work well with a variety of champions and playstyles. Some popular builds include pairing it with tanky champions who can benefit from the health and resistances, such as Rell and Leona. It can also be effective on champions who rely on their ultimate abilities, such as Swain and Karma.

Has Radiant Virtue been nerfed recently in League of Legends?

As of the current date, there have been no recent nerfs to Radiant Virtue in League of Legends. However, it is always possible for items to be adjusted in future patches as the game meta evolves.

How do Radiant Virtue stacks work in League of Legends?

Radiant Virtue does not have any stacking mechanics. It provides a flat set of stats and a unique passive that triggers upon casting your ultimate ability.

How does Radiant Virtue compare to Jak’Sho in League of Legends?

Radiant Virtue and Jak’Sho are both powerful mythic items in League of Legends, but they serve different purposes. Radiant Virtue is geared towards tanky champions who can benefit from the health and resistances, while Jak’Sho is better suited for champions who rely on their abilities to deal damage. Ultimately, the choice between the two items will depend on the specific champion and playstyle.

Which champions pair well with Radiant Virtue in League of Legends?

Radiant Virtue can work well with a variety of champions, but it is particularly effective on those who have strong ultimate abilities. This includes champions like Swain, Rell, and Karma. It can also be effective on tanky champions who can benefit from the health and resistances, such as Leona and Maokai.

What are the stats for Radiant Virtue in League of Legends?

Radiant Virtue provides +10 ability haste, +30 armor, +30 magic resistance, and +350 health. Its unique passive, Guiding Light, grants a Transcend effect upon casting your ultimate ability.