
LeTigress taking break from LCS after TSM segment backlash 

 The League of Legends community has been very upset since the LCS aired a controversial segment during a regular... Eduardo | 9. February 2023

 The League of Legends community has been very upset since the LCS aired a controversial segment during a regular season game day last week. Popular LCS host and broadcaster Gabriella “LeTigress” Devia-Allen announced today that she would leave the show for the next week because of what happened.

Community anger over LeTigress’ Statements

All the confrontation through social networks came after LeTigress made a “promotion” of the upcoming match between TSM and 100 Thieves in the LCS. This comment from the host was explicitly focused on the problems between Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng and TSM.

For many community members, the comment made by the host was unprofessional. On the other hand, other fans noted that LeTigress did not treat the issue with much concern, as the issue between Doublelift and TSM revolved around the abuse of TSM players and staff members.

It was a terrible moment for the esports scene, as such a legendary figure in League of Legends as Doublelift publicly denounced the situation. And for a presenter to seize on it to promote a match or a rivalry that doesn’t exist felt very bad for everyone, including the player. Moreover, Doublelift himself gave his opinion and described LeTigress as “not very good.” he also said:

“Apologize to everyone who experienced verbal abuse and workplace harassment, then remove the useless strawman where you still see yourself as the victim, and this might actually resemble an apology.”

Letigress and the LCS apologized to the community

After the entire community crowd fell all over the presenter, she had no choice but to issue her apology in a Tweet Longer, well long indeed, admitting that they had “missed the mark.”

On the other hand, the LCS also assured that the blame for everything that happened around this broadcast segment should be placed on the entire team and not on one person. The broadcast team has to ensure that everything that is broadcast comes out perfectly.

LeTigress was horrified by the harassment she was subjected to

The presenter also emphasized that she received a lot of hate messages after the broadcast of the LCS telecast and further said:

“I am appalled by the harassment and vitriol directed at me by anonymous trolls for simply doing my job.”

As a result, the talented LCS host and broadcaster decides to step away from the LCS scene to “take a break for mental health.”. However, she also assured me that she would reflect on everything that has happened before returning for week 4 of the LCS Spring 2023.

Header: LCS