
League of Legends patch 12.5B-Buffs for Master Yi and Draven and more nerf for Zeri.

League of Legends “micro update” for version 12.5 is set to go live. With patch 12.5b, the devs won’t... Shubh | 9. March 2022

League of Legends “micro update” for version 12.5 is set to go live. With patch 12.5b, the devs won’t make too many changes to the game, but they will address some balance concerns that emerged in earlier updates.

Riot Phlox, a designer on the Summoner Rift team at Riot Games, tweeted about some of the changes coming up tomorrow. The LoL 12.5b patch notes that have been revealed so far don’t delve into the specific changes just yet, instead just noting what is being buffed and nerfed on the patch day.

Master Yi, Varus, Draven, Ashe, and Lucian are the champions receiving buff, meanwhile Ryze,
Zeri, Jinx, and Aphelios are receiving nerf in the new patch 15.5b.

Master Yi and Draven’s buffs will definitely be among the patch’s more noticeable features. The League of Legends creators, on the other hand, appear to have taken the response on their last patch seriously.

Master YI’s Lethality build was toned down in the patch 12.5 update, and he was pushed more towards a playstyle that relied on items that provided on-hit effects. As a result, instead of rushing for a Duskblade, he turned to Mythics like the Kraken Slayer. As a result of the nerfs, Master Yi’s win rate plummeted after 12.5.

Changes to Swain coming to League’s PBE this week

Swain, the Noxian General and one of the most devious characters, has long been one of the game’s most lackluster champions. Due to Swain’s lack of consistency in favor of more meta mages, Riot Games has made adjustments to the champion in the hopes of making him more viable in the lanes where he may be played.

Changes to Swain are slated to go live on the PBE later this week, according to Riot Truexy, associate game designer on the Summoner’s Rift team for League. These are Swain’s first adjustments since Patch 11.1 and his first big kit changes since Patch 10.15.

Notably, the bonus passive associated with Swain’s passive is being removed, so pulling in a champion that has been immobilized will no longer deal extra damage to them, though it will still offer Swain a soul fragment.

At all ranks, Swain’s Q, his major source of damage, will have its cooldown and mana cost lowered. This could allow Swain to poke his opponents more in the early game without relying too heavily on late-game scaling, when the Noxian General may not have much room to grow.

His ultimate cooldown will be reduced from 120 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds according to the rank of the ability. Swain’s updates are expected to arrive on the PBE later this week, most likely with Patch 12.5b or later with Patch 12.6. These changes may be changed before they are released on the live servers because they are in testing.