Preseason madness is in full effect and patch 11.24, the last for season 11, just went live on December 9th, 2021. A lot of trends have emerged and the meta is significantly altered due to the preseason changes, but Riot will take its time to figure the balance out. Note that this patch is the last one for the year, with the next one being 12.1 probably in early January when the ranked season starts.
Huge buff to Ivern and Archangel’s Staff
First on the buff list is Ivern, who has felt underwhelming ever since the preseason changes to the scuttle crab. Ivern would not get level four after full clearing and getting a scuttle because of his interactions with the Krug camp. That’s why they’re buffing the amount of experience and gold they give when cleared by Ivern, from 37 to 95 experience points, and from 39 to 85 gold.
The change in the meta and the nerfs she received in season 11, also left Samira in a bad spot. Now her Ultimate costs zero mana at all ranks, down from 100/50/0, which is a nice quality of life change but it will take more to bring back Samira.
Caitlyn now gets an auto-reset when she targets enemies that are marked by traps or nets, which should reward experienced and skilled Caitlyn players a lot more. Archangel’s Staff is getting buffed by being 400 gold cheaper which is kind of absurd considering all of the stats the item gives for only 2600 gold when fully stacked.
The Chemtech and Hextech drakes are also getting buffed even though the teams with a Chemtech soul win 94% of the games. The damage amplification on the Chemtech drake is now up to 6% from the previous 5%, while the Hextech drake now gives six ability haste and a 6 bonus attack speed up from five and 5% accordingly. Conqueror also got buffed and now lasts for five seconds instead of four, while giving more adaptive damage per stack at level 18, giving 4,5 instead of the previous four.
Camille nerfs finally arrive
After being one of the best top laners for the entirety of season 11, Riot is finally nerfing Camille and everyone including the one-tricks know it’s deserved. The mid-season buffs to Divine Sunderer, the addition of Hullbreaker, and the changes to the tier two towers to give more gold made the already challenging split pusher Camille load to handle. Her E will now have a two-second longer cooldown at max rank making her less slippery later on, while her W now does less damage at every point of the game and heals her for less health accordingly.
Predator now gives 15% less maximum movement speed down to 45% from the previous 60%, and now takes 0,5 seconds longer to ramp up to that point. Crown of the Shattered Queen lost 10 ability power, down to 60 from the previous 70, but didn’t get its passive changed so the item should still be overpowered. Cosmic Drive also lost 10 ability power, 50 health, and 5% movement speed at all levels.
The new item Axiom Arc made quite a few highlights after it was introduced so its passive is being changed to refund 20% of the current Ultimate cooldown upon scoring a takedown, down from the initial 25% on release. Evenshroud proved to be too good on engage supports so its damage amplification is reduced to 9% from the previous 12% and now lasts four seconds instead of five.
Meanwhile, Frostfire Gauntlet has overperformed combined with the Glacial Augment changes so now the item has lost a lot of its base damage, and the health scaling making it more of a utility item as it was intended.
Lethal Tempo is still overpowered on melee champions
Lethal Tempo is also getting adjusted, making it weaker for melee champions while stronger for ranged. Now it gives 2% less attack speed per stack on melees and 2% more on ranged champions. Also when fully stacked it now gives 75 bonus range to ranged champions, down from the previous 100.
Tank Kled builds with Titanic Hydra have dominated the rift after the Goredrinker nerfs so Riot are adjusting his numbers and counting Skaarl’s base health as Kled’s, not separately or as bonus health because it skewed the Titanic Hydra passive. Meanwhile, Glacial Augment is getting adjusted across the board and its scalings are getting buffed to move it away from the support role and make it viable for other lanes that build damage.
This patch will last for almost a month with no changes because Riot’s team is on vacation for the holidays, so make sure to get a good read of the meta and abuse what’s strong.