
Is it possible to change the FOV in VALORANT?

One of the critical aspects of the game is the player’s field of view, or FoV, which can significantly... Maria | 22. February 2023

One of the critical aspects of the game is the player’s field of view, or FoV, which can significantly impact the game’s outcome. The field of view configuration modifies the observable world around the player. For example, by widening their field of view, players make characters appear more prominent, or they can widen their periphery to ensure they are not being cornered.

What is FOV?

The field of view, or FOV is the total area of the game environment that the player can see at any given time. It is measured in degrees, the default value being 90°. The wider the field of view, the more the player can see. This can be beneficial in several ways, as it allows players to spot enemies earlier and gives them a better overall awareness of their surroundings.

As a player increases their field of view, their peripheral view lengthens, and the image in front of them appears farther away. Conversely, if a player reduces their FOV, objects in front of them appear larger but limit their peripheral vision.

This is a handy feature, and some players prefer the wider FOV because they like how it looks.

Can the FOV be modified in VALORANT?

Many FPS games offer FOV settings so players can adjust their comfort level. However, unlike games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike, where you can play with parameters such as FOV, VALORANT does not include this option in its settings. So players cannot modify the FOV.

However, VALORANT allows players to explore its settings to create the perfect configuration entirely. Players can tinker with the reticle, resolution, and graphics settings to achieve a comfortable experience that makes hitting heads as easy as possible.

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Credits: Riot Games

How to modify the FOV in VALORANT?

Although there is no direct option to modify the FOV in VALORANT, players can modify their resolution. Thus altering their FOV to a certain extent. For example, players can slightly adjust their FOV by switching from a 16:9 aspect ratio to a 4:3 aspect ratio. This method is similar to playing with the aspect ratio in CS:GO. While it may not be ideal, it is currently the only option for making FOV changes in VALORANT.

By increasing the field of vision, players can be more aware of their surroundings. This allows them to detect enemies earlier and increases their chances of eliminating the enemy team and winning the game.

Unfortunately, Riot has not yet mentioned implementing this functionality in the future. So until they add the option, players will have to use the same FOV.

Header: Riot Games