
How to choose good support in League of Legends?

It has often been said that the easiest or simplest role to start playing League of Legends is the... Maria | 9. May 2023

It has often been said that the easiest or simplest role to start playing League of Legends is the support role. But of course, this role also has some negative aspects. For example, in some LoL games, the player who takes the support role must be the initiator or, in other words, the bait. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of the role before you start playing it.

To make the task a little easier today, we bring an article for you to know the different types of support in the game depending on their performance. In addition, we will explain simply the basics of each of the supports and how to play it correctly.

However, it is important that you first know what each support does and how it evolves according to its concept within LoL.

Different types of LoL support

The classification of the support depends on how he fights and the role he fulfills within the team in each battle. Most supports can fit into multiple categories because almost everyone can bring more than one aspect to the game.


This type of support usually abuses their rank to win games. In many cases, they are mages that have been transformed into support, as in the case of Lux; however, some characters were designed to fulfill this role.

Among this type of support are Karma, Soraka, or Nami; these characters can benefit greatly from their rank. In turn, this advantage can help them to obtain badges or priority in the river.

Lux 7

Credits: Riot Games


This type of support can initiate conflict. They are usually tank characters and stand out for their ability to initiate team fights with great advantage. Two clear examples of this type of support are Nautilus and Leona; this type of character can pounce on the opponent and knock him out quickly from the beginning of the game.

Leona 10

Credits: Riot Games


This type of support may have the widest range of characters. For example, peel supports can gain much time and space for their Attack Damage Carry. On the other hand, they are characters with stamina skills; they can also heal and give CC to the shooters so that they have security and protection in front of them in a battle.

In this category, for example, we can find Braum or Thresh; but the supports that offer healing and shield also have a place, such as Lulu, Nami, Soraka, Yuumi, or Janna.

Janna 27

Credits: Riot Games


This type of support is probably the last one that Riot Games introduced to the game. They are characters capable of taking damage and continuing to bear the burden of battle. Two perfect examples of this type of support are Pyke and Senna. They can carry the offensive load of a team and, at the same time, take advantage of the opponent’s deaths to win the game. However, it is important to mention that more and more champions do this outside their main role.

Pyke 0

Credits: Riot Games

How to choose good support in the game?

After knowing the types of support in the game, many will wonder how to make the best choice.

First, it is important to be clear about what can be done with each character depending on the category to which he belongs. This first factor is key to its good development. On the other hand, adapting and molding depending on the choice is key to this role’s success. Now, you have to try the different options provided by the game to see which one you feel more comfortable playing with.

Header: Riot Games