
Gragas in League of Legends: A Guide to Mastering the Barrel-Throwing Champion

Gragas is a champion in the popular online game, League of Legends. He is known for his rowdy and... Fragster | 22. October 2023

Gragas is a champion in the popular online game, League of Legends. He is known for his rowdy and imposing personality, as well as his love for brewing the perfect ale. Gragas is a melee tank that can cause significant damage to his opponents while also being able to sustain himself in the heat of battle.

Gragas has a unique set of abilities that make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. His Q ability, Barrel Roll, allows him to roll his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode and damage enemies, or will explode on its own after a set amount of time. His W ability, Drunken Rage, allows him to guzzle down brew from his cask, granting him damage reduction and increased attack damage. His E ability, Body Slam, allows him to charge forward, dealing damage to enemies in his path and slowing them down. Finally, his ultimate ability, Explosive Cask, allows him to throw a cask that explodes on impact, knocking back enemies and dealing significant damage.

Gragas is a versatile champion that can be played in a variety of roles, including top lane, jungle, and even support. With his unique abilities and tanky build, Gragas can be a valuable asset to any team looking to dominate their opponents on the Rift. Whether you’re an experienced player or just starting out, Gragas is a champion that is definitely worth trying out in your next game of League of Legends.

Gragas Overview

Gragas is a playable champion in the popular online game, League of Legends. He is a versatile champion that can excel in both the jungle and top lane positions. Gragas is known for his tankiness, crowd control abilities, and high burst damage.


Gragas has four unique abilities that allow him to control the battlefield and deal significant damage to enemy champions. His passive ability, Happy Hour, allows him to heal himself each time he uses an ability. This makes him a formidable opponent in extended fights.

His Q ability, Barrel Roll, allows him to roll a barrel that explodes upon impact, dealing area of effect damage to all enemies caught in the blast. This ability can be used to clear waves of minions or to harass enemy champions.

Gragas’ W ability, Drunken Rage, provides him with increased damage reduction and attack damage for a short period of time. This ability can be used to mitigate incoming damage and increase his damage output.

His E ability, Body Slam, allows him to charge forward and deal damage to all enemies in his path. This ability also provides him with a brief period of crowd control, as it slows enemies hit by the ability.

Gragas’ ultimate ability, Explosive Cask, allows him to launch a cask that explodes upon impact, knocking back all enemies in the area and dealing significant damage. This ability can be used to separate enemy champions from their allies or to initiate team fights.

Role in the Game

Gragas is a versatile champion that can be played in multiple positions. In the jungle, he can clear camps quickly and provide his team with valuable crowd control and initiation abilities. In the top lane, he can bully enemy champions with his high damage output and sustain.

Gragas is also a valuable pick in team fights due to his crowd control abilities and high burst damage. He can initiate fights with his ultimate ability and provide his team with valuable zoning tools.

Overall, Gragas is a powerful champion that can excel in multiple positions and provide his team with valuable crowd control and damage output.

History of Gragas

Gragas is a champion in the popular video game League of Legends. He was released on February 2, 2010, as part of the game’s initial champion roster. Gragas is a vanguard legacy fighter mage who primarily plays in the jungle position. He has a mana resource and a melee range, with an adaptive type of magic.

Gragas was born in the Freljord, but little is known about his past. He is a rowdy carouser who loves to drink and fight. He is always in search of the most potent and unconventional ingredients to toss in his still. Gragas is impulsive and unpredictable, making him a risky drinking partner. Despite his love for fighting, Gragas is not a violent person and prefers to use his strength to protect his friends.

Gragas’ abilities reflect his love for drinking and fighting. His Happy Hour ability periodically heals him upon using a skill, while his Drunken Rage ability increases his damage reduction and attack damage. His Barrel Roll ability allows him to roll a barrel that damages and slows enemies, while his Body Slam ability allows him to charge and deal damage to enemies. Finally, his Explosive Cask ability allows him to throw a cask that deals damage and knocks back enemies.

Over the years, Gragas has received several updates and changes to his abilities. In previous versions, his abilities were different, and he had a different splash art in North America and China. Despite these changes, Gragas remains a beloved champion in the League of Legends community, known for his unique playstyle and rowdy personality.

Gameplay Strategy

Gragas is a versatile champion that can be played in various roles such as Jungle, Top, or Mid. His kit offers a mix of crowd control, burst damage, and sustain, making him a strong pick in team fights. In this section, we will discuss Gragas’s gameplay strategy in different stages of the game.

Early Game

In the early game, Gragas’s primary goal is to farm up and secure objectives. As a Jungler, he can clear camps quickly and gank lanes with his Body Slam and Barrel Roll combo. Gragas can also invade the enemy’s jungle and steal their camps due to his high mobility and burst damage.

In Top or Mid lane, Gragas can use his Barrel Roll to poke the enemy and deny them farm. He can also use his Body Slam to engage or disengage from fights. Gragas’s Drunken Rage ability allows him to sustain in lane and trade with the enemy.

Mid Game

In the mid-game, Gragas’s role transitions from a farmer to a playmaker. As a Jungler, he should focus on ganking lanes and securing objectives such as Dragon or Rift Herald. Gragas’s ultimate ability, Explosive Cask, can be used to separate the enemy team and set up kills for his team.

In Top or Mid lane, Gragas can roam to other lanes and help his team secure kills or objectives. His Barrel Roll and Body Slam combo can be used to catch out enemies and burst them down. Gragas’s sustain and crowd control make him a strong pick in team fights.

Late Game

In the late game, Gragas’s role is to initiate team fights and peel for his carries. As a Jungler, he should focus on securing Baron and Elder Dragon to give his team the edge in team fights. Gragas’s Explosive Cask can be used to knock back the enemy team and create space for his carries to deal damage.

In Top or Mid lane, Gragas should stick with his team and use his crowd control to protect his carries. His Barrel Roll and Body Slam combo can be used to catch out enemies and disrupt their positioning. Gragas’s Drunken Rage ability allows him to tank damage and sustain in team fights.

Overall, Gragas is a versatile champion that can be played in various roles. His crowd control, burst damage, and sustain make him a strong pick in team fights. By following the gameplay strategy outlined above, players can maximize Gragas’s potential and secure victories for their team.

Itemization and Builds

When it comes to itemizing and building Gragas in League of Legends, there are several viable options depending on the role and playstyle. Here are some of the most popular builds for Gragas:

Jungle Build

For Gragas in the jungle, Night Harvester is a popular item choice. It provides bonus damage and movement speed after killing an enemy champion, making it great for ganking and skirmishing. Sorcerer’s Shoes are a good choice for boots, as they increase magic penetration. Shadowflame and Zhonya’s Hourglass provide additional damage and survivability, respectively. Void Staff is a great item for dealing with tanks and other high-health targets.

Top Lane Build

In the top lane, Gragas can be built as a tank or bruiser. Sunfire Aegis is a popular item for tanks, as it provides bonus health and armor while also dealing damage to nearby enemies. Trinity Force is a good choice for bruiser Gragas, as it provides a mix of damage, attack speed, and mobility. Spirit Visage is a great item for both types of builds, as it provides bonus health and magic resist, as well as bonus healing from all sources.

Support Build

As a support, Gragas can be built as a tank or utility champion. Locket of the Iron Solari is a popular item for tanks, as it provides bonus health and magic resist while also shielding nearby allies. Zeke’s Convergence is a good choice for utility Gragas, as it provides bonus armor and magic resist to nearby allies, as well as bonus damage and slow on Gragas’s ultimate ability.


When it comes to runes, Dark Harvest is a popular choice for Gragas in the jungle, as it provides bonus damage on takedowns. Aftershock is a good choice for tank Gragas in the top lane or support role, as it provides bonus resistances after using a crowd control ability. Electrocute is a good choice for bruiser Gragas in the top lane, as it provides bonus burst damage on a short cooldown.

Overall, Gragas is a versatile champion that can be built and itemized in a variety of ways depending on the role and playstyle. Experiment with different builds and runes to find what works best for you.

Counter Picks and Synergy

When playing as Gragas in League of Legends, it is important to have a good understanding of which champions to pick and which to avoid. Here are some of the best counter picks and synergies for Gragas:

Counter Picks

Some of the best counter picks for Gragas in the jungle include Elise, Ivern, Zac, Xin Zhao, and Rammus. These champions have a high win rate against Gragas and can make it difficult for him to gank and control the map.

On the other hand, Gragas can struggle against champions like Jax, Talon, Nunu & Willump, Bel’Veth, and Warwick. These champions have a high win rate against Gragas and can easily shut him down in the early game.


Gragas can work well with champions who have strong engage and crowd control abilities. Some good examples include Malphite, Amumu, and Sejuani. These champions can set up Gragas for powerful ultimates and make it easier for him to control team fights.

Gragas can also benefit from having a strong ADC on his team, such as Jhin or Caitlyn. These champions can deal a lot of damage from a safe distance while Gragas engages and disrupts the enemy team.

Overall, understanding which champions to pick and which to avoid when playing as Gragas is crucial for success. By choosing the right counter picks and synergies, players can maximize their chances of winning games and climbing the ranks in League of Legends.

Tips and Tricks

Gragas is a versatile champion with a variety of abilities that can be used in different ways. Here are some tips and tricks to help you maximize his potential:

  • Use Gragas’ Q ability, Barrel Roll, to poke enemies from a distance. The ability can also be used to clear minion waves quickly.
  • Gragas’ W ability, Drunken Rage, increases his attack damage and reduces the damage he takes. Use it when engaging in fights to increase your damage output and reduce the damage you take.
  • Gragas’ E ability, Body Slam, can be used to close gaps quickly and knock enemies back. It can also be used to escape from danger.
  • Gragas’ ultimate ability, Explosive Cask, can be used to separate enemies from each other or knock them into your team. It can also be used to disrupt enemies during team fights.
  • Gragas excels at ganking due to his mobility and crowd control abilities. Use this to your advantage by ganking frequently and catching enemies off guard.
  • Gragas’ passive ability, Happy Hour, restores his health whenever he uses an ability. Use this to sustain yourself during fights and stay in the game longer.
  • Gragas is a strong initiator, so use him to start team fights and engage on enemies. Coordinate with your team to make sure you’re all on the same page.
  • Gragas’ abilities have a high mana cost, so be mindful of how much mana you have left and use your abilities wisely.

Overall, Gragas is a powerful champion with a lot of potential in the right hands. By using his abilities effectively and playing to his strengths, you can dominate the game and lead your team to victory.


In conclusion, Gragas is a versatile champion in League of Legends who excels in the top lane, jungle, and mid lane. He is known for his high mobility, crowd control, and burst damage. Gragas can be built in several ways, and players can choose runes and items that suit their playstyle.

Gragas is a great pick for players who enjoy playing champions with high damage and survivability. He can be played aggressively or defensively, making him a flexible choice for any team composition. His abilities are easy to use but require good timing and positioning to maximize their effectiveness.

Players should be aware of Gragas’s weaknesses, such as his lack of sustained damage and vulnerability to crowd control. However, with good communication and coordination with his team, Gragas can be a force to be reckoned with on the Rift.

Overall, Gragas is a strong pick for players who enjoy playing champions with high mobility, crowd control, and burst damage. He is a versatile champion who can fit into many team compositions and can be built in several ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Gragas’ abilities in League of Legends?

Gragas has four abilities in League of Legends: Barrel Roll (Q), Drunken Rage (W), Body Slam (E), and Explosive Cask (R). Barrel Roll is a skillshot that deals damage and slows enemies, Drunken Rage gives Gragas increased damage and damage reduction, Body Slam is a dash that deals damage and stuns enemies, and Explosive Cask is a ranged ultimate ability that knocks back enemies and deals damage.

What is Gragas’ role in a League of Legends team composition?

Gragas is a versatile champion that can be played in a variety of roles in a team composition. He is often played as a tanky jungler or a support with strong crowd control abilities. Gragas can also be played as a top laner or a mid laner, where he can deal significant damage while still providing utility to his team.

What is the best lane for Gragas in League of Legends?

The best lane for Gragas in League of Legends depends on the player’s playstyle and team composition. Gragas is a strong pick in the jungle, where he can use his mobility and crowd control to gank lanes and secure objectives. He can also be played in the top lane or mid lane, where he can deal significant damage and control the battlefield with his abilities.

What are some tips for playing Gragas in League of Legends?

Some tips for playing Gragas in League of Legends include using his abilities to control the battlefield, taking advantage of his mobility to dodge enemy attacks, and using his ultimate ability to knock back enemies and create opportunities for his team. Gragas players should also focus on building items that increase his durability and crowd control abilities.

What are Gragas’ voice lines in League of Legends?

Gragas has a number of unique voice lines in League of Legends, including “Time to roll out the barrel,” “Let’s get to the fun part,” and “I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” Players can hear these voice lines by playing as Gragas in-game.

What is the KDA of Gragas in League of Legends?

The KDA (Kill/Death/Assist) of Gragas in League of Legends varies depending on the player’s skill level and playstyle. However, Gragas is generally considered to be a strong champion with a high KDA potential due to his crowd control abilities and durability.