
Features that LoL Wild Rift has and LoL PC should look to integrate

As an older game, League had more time to develop, while as a newer game, Wild Rift came with... Scott Kostov | 18. July 2022

As an older game, League had more time to develop, while as a newer game, Wild Rift came with a lot of stuff League hasn’t included yet.

All champions available in the practice tool/ Trial cards

Maybe it’s not as severe as back in the day, but getting your hands on all of the League champions is hard. With 160 champions, it takes a lot of time and grinding to unlock them all. In Wild Rift, however, every champion is available to you in the practice tool, so that you can try it out and see if it fits your playstyle before buying it. Moreover, there are Trial cards, which can be activated to use a champion for three days in non-ranked queues. Definitely something League should include.

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Credit: Riot Games

Rune pages per champ

Back in the day, the rune pages in League needed to be bought using the in-game currency. This meant players needed to grind way too much for 2-3 rune pages. If you wanted to play tanks, mages, and ADCs, you couldn’t do it with one page like you can now. But in Wild Rift, there are three pages per champion, and players can view and import the rune pages and build paths similar to the world’s best players. It’s time Riot fixes its client and makes League look like a 2022 game.

Swapping pick order in the lobby, Smite and Jungle role

One of the cooler things in Wild Rift is swapping the pick order with another teammate if they accept. This is a lot better than picking the champion for your teammate and hoping they have your champion so that you can swap. This might ruin the competitive integrity a bit, but it’s a lot more functional than the existing League format. Also, your team must have the Smite spell. The player in the Jungle role can’t remove it unless someone else takes it. These two things combined greatly improve the gameplay experience and prevent griefing.

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Credit: Riot Games

Close friends system/ Wish list

Unlike the Clubs system that got removed in League, players in Wild Rift have a close friends system. By playing with friends, gifting, or getting gifted skins, players get friendship points and reach friendship levels. Apart from being a way to show dedication to your duo that everyone can see, it’s also useful in-game. Players in this system can share their unlocked champions in non-ranked games. Meanwhile, players in Wild Rift can create a wish list of skins they would like to receive. That way, friends that want to give you something as a surprise don’t have to ask. It also stimulates more income for Riot, so it does make sense.

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Credit: Riot Games

Comeback campaigns / Improved tutorial system

Comeback campaigns in mobile games are a lot more rewarding for returning players, offering in-game currency, experience boost, and a free champion of choice. We can only wish League greeted old players like this. Also, the Tutorial system for new players in Wild Rift is a lot better than the one in League. Riot knew that it would reach a newer audience with this game, but it seemingly forgot about the new League players learning the MOBA concept for the first time.

Text and Voice languages

In Wild Rift, there are different language settings for text and voice settings. If you like watching Korean streams, the in-game text can still be English, but the champion voices can be Korean. In League, the text language setting is the same as the voice setting, and the language options are limited to the server. If you like the font and language on the Korean server, you need to modify the files.

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Credit: Riot Games

Bigger emote wheel, model viewer 

Four emotes in the emote wheel are just not going to cut it, and we should definitely demand more. Furthermore, Wild Rift also offers a model viewer for the champion in Champion select, in the champion roster and in the practice tool. This really helps out to decide if you want to buy the champion.

Skin intro animations

Something more important than this is the skin implementation. In League, there are all kinds of tiers of skins, but you only get to see them in-game. In Wild Rift, each skin has an intro and animations depending on the tier/cost. Players can view them even for the skins they don’t have, which undoubtedly stimulates more income. Also, why are we paying for exclusive skins we can only see in-game? Instead of going to YouTube, we should be able to see a preview of the skin before buying it.

Header: Riot Games