
Dota 2 patch 7.33 key item and hero changes

Dota 2 patch 7.33 is massive and it will probably take months for people to get used to the... Radu M. | 22. April 2023

Dota 2 patch 7.33 is massive and it will probably take months for people to get used to the new version of the game.

Dozens of heroes have suffered radical changes. A lot of items have been removed, others were added to take their place. This article explores some of the biggest changes and how they might affect the meta.

Big item changes

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Valve Corporation

One of the biggest item changes in Dota 2 patch 7.33 is that consumables can no longer be bought in unlimited numbers. The supply is now finite and quite low in every single case.

This means that managing your HP and mana now plays a much bigger role in winning. It also means that sustainability items are much more valuable and should be prioritized in the early stages of the game, when your hero’s health and mana pool are typically low. The first neutral item should always be one that helps in this regard.

One HP or mana regen item should also be considered among the first few purchases. A lot of players will still prefer the good old Bottle, but there are other options too. The price of regen items has generally gone down, which makes it much easier to buy what you need to keep your hero in excellent condition at all times.

For example, a Ring of Health now cost just 700 gold instead of 825 and offers 5.25 HP regen, while Void Stone costs 700 gold and offers 1.75 mana regen.

Cloak used to cost 500 gold and offer 15% magic resistance. Now it costs 800 and offers 20%. The price is significantly higher but the benefits will be useful for much longer, even if you don’t upgrade it into anything. In the case of an upgrade, Pipe of Insight and Eternal Shroud are the go-to items.

The upgraded Blink Daggers are now much stronger. Their cooldown is just 7s instead of 15s, and their blink range is 1400 instead of 1200. These changes make them extremely important on any carry hero.

Black King Bar is a far less useful item in Dota 2 patch 7.33. And that’s because the stuns are weaker and it’s generally a better idea to become tankier than to spend 4000 gold on an item that you may not even get to use in fights. For that amount of gold, you can buy a lot of stats, armor, and magic resistance.

Here are some of the key items that were removed from Dota 2:

  • Flicker
  • Witchbane
  • Tome of Knowledge
  • Hood of Defiance
  • Wraith Pact

Here are some of the items that were added to the game:

  • Phylactery
  • Harpoon
  • Dispenser
  • Pavise
  • Cornucopia
  • Diadem
  • Blood Grenade

Experiment with all of them and see what works for you. Right now, the game offers countless new possibilities and it’s up to every player to find the best way to win.

Big hero changes

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Valve Corporation

There are lots of hero changes, which means that all of us will need to play hundreds of games to get used to this new version of Dota 2.

One of the heroes that got significantly changed is Zeus. He can now be played as a right-clicker because of the Arc Lightning buffs. Its damage is 85–160 but it also deals 3%-6% of the target’s current HP as damage, which translates to an enormous amount.

On top of that, buying an Aghanim’s Shard grants Zeus Lightning Hands, which increases his attack range by 100 and augment his attacks with Arc Lightning. The proc chance is 50% for the hero and 20% for his illusions. This means that a Manta Style Zeus is completely overpowered at the moment.

The heroes who rely quite heavily on stuns are now much weaker than before, especially if they haven’t received any major buffs. And that’s because of the Comprehensive Disables Reduction policy. All the stuns in the game were nerfed by around 10%-25%. This will result in more fluent gameplay, but the balance of the game is now in question.

Just take a look at Hoodwink, who got completely destroyed by the new patch. Other heroes suffered less significant nerfs, but the changes are still major. A 10%-20% nerf on a key ability is guaranteed to lead to a lower win rate.

Another big change introduced by Dota 2 patch 7.33 is the new hero category. We used to have strength, agility, and intelligence heroes. Now we also have universal heroes and in some cases, they are truly bizarre. For example, a level 25 Medusa will have just several hundred HP because of the changes.

The best heroes to play in Dota 2 patch 7.33 are those that deal a lot of physical or magic damage and don’t have any stuns. Naturally, just because of the new rules and map changes, these heroes will do much better than the rest.

Header: Valve Corporation