Mirage is a popular map in the first-person shooter game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). It was first introduced in 2013 and has since become a staple in competitive play. The map features two bomb sites, labeled A and B, and a middle area that connects them.
Mirage is known for its balanced gameplay, as neither the Terrorist nor Counter-Terrorist side has a significant advantage. However, clever use of utility and strategic play can tip the scales in favor of one team. The map’s design also allows for a variety of playstyles, from aggressive pushes to passive holds.
Players who are new to Mirage may find the map’s layout confusing at first, but with practice and experience, they can become proficient in navigating the different areas. Understanding the angles and positions of each bombsite and the middle area is key to success on Mirage. Overall, Mirage is a well-designed map that offers a challenging and rewarding experience for CSGO players.
Overview of CSGO Mirage
CSGO Mirage is a popular bomb defusal map that was released in 2013. It is one of the oldest maps in the game not included in the original release, added in June 2013. Mirage is set in a middle-eastern town, which is thought to be Morocco, and is one of the most commonly played maps by CS players.
Map Layout
Mirage features a symmetrical layout with two bomb sites, labeled A and B, each with their own unique characteristics. The map is divided into three main areas: A site, B site, and mid. The middle area divides the two bomb sites and is a key area for controlling the map.
Key Locations
There are several key locations on the map that players should be aware of when playing Mirage. These locations include:
- A Ramp: This is a narrow ramp that leads up to the A site from T spawn. It is a common spot for Terrorists to push through when attacking the A site.
- CT Spawn: This is the starting point for Counter-Terrorists. It is a key area to control as it provides easy access to both bomb sites.
- Connector: This is a narrow hallway that connects the middle area to the A site. It is a key area for controlling the map and is often contested by both teams.
- B Apps: This is a set of apartments that lead to the B site. It is a common spot for Terrorists to push through when attacking the B site.
- Underpass: This is a tunnel that runs underneath the middle area. It provides a quick route for players to move between the two bomb sites.
Overall, CSGO Mirage is a well-designed map that offers a good balance of gameplay for both Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. It is a map that requires good communication and teamwork to be successful.
Strategies and Tactics
T-Side Strategies
The T-Side on Mirage is all about gaining map control and pushing onto bombsites. The following are some effective strategies that can be used to achieve this goal:
- A-Site Split: This strategy involves splitting the team into two groups, with one group pushing through A Ramp and the other group pushing through Palace. The goal is to take control of A-Site from two different angles, catching the CTs off guard and making it difficult for them to defend.
- B-Site Fake: This strategy involves faking a push onto B-Site to draw the CTs away from A-Site, allowing the T-Side to take control of it. The goal is to create confusion and force the CTs to make a mistake.
- Mid Control: This strategy involves taking control of Mid early in the round and using it to gain access to both A and B-Sites. The goal is to split the CTs and create openings for the T-Side to push onto the bombsites.
CT-Side Strategies
The CT-Side on Mirage is all about defending the bombsites and preventing the T-Side from gaining control. The following are some effective strategies that can be used to achieve this goal:
- A-Site Hold: This strategy involves having two players hold A-Site from CT-Spawn while the other three players hold Mid and B-Site. The goal is to prevent the T-Side from taking control of A-Site and forcing them to push onto B-Site.
- B-Site Hold: This strategy involves having three players hold B-Site while the other two players hold Mid and A-Site. The goal is to prevent the T-Side from taking control of B-Site and forcing them to push onto A-Site.
- Aggressive Mid Control: This strategy involves pushing aggressively into Mid early in the round to gain control and prevent the T-Side from using it to split the CTs. The goal is to catch the T-Side off guard and force them to rethink their strategy.
Utility Usage
In Mirage, utility usage is crucial for both the terrorist and counter-terrorist sides. Understanding how to use smoke grenades, flashbangs, and molotovs effectively can make a significant difference in winning rounds.
Smoke Grenades
Smoke grenades are essential for blocking off lines of sight and creating opportunities for taking control of certain areas of the map. For example, a common smoke grenade thrown from the T spawn towards the CT spawn can block off the vision of the A site defenders, allowing the terrorists to take control of the site.
Flashbangs are useful for blinding enemies and creating opportunities for taking control of areas. A well-timed flashbang can allow a player to peek around a corner without being seen or to take control of an area without being detected. It is important to note that flashbangs can also affect teammates, so proper communication is key.
Molotovs are useful for denying areas to the enemy team and forcing them to move. For example, a molotov thrown towards the van on the A site can force the defenders to move out of their position, making them vulnerable to attack. Molotovs can also be used to clear out common hiding spots or to force enemies out of cover.
Overall, understanding how to use utility effectively in Mirage can make a significant difference in winning rounds. It is important to practice and communicate with teammates to use utility in a coordinated and effective manner.
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
When playing Mirage in CS, there are several common mistakes that players make. Here are some of them and how to avoid them:
One of the most common mistakes that players make on Mirage is over-rotating. This happens when players over-commit to one site, leaving the other site vulnerable. To avoid this mistake, players should communicate with their team and make sure that they have enough players on each site. They should also be aware of the enemy’s movements and adjust their positions accordingly.
Not Using Utility Effectively
Another mistake that players make is not using utility effectively. Mirage is a map that requires a lot of utility usage, especially on the CT side. Players should make sure that they have enough utility to defend the sites and delay the enemy’s push. They should also use their utility to clear out areas and gain information.
Poor Positioning
Poor positioning is another common mistake that players make on Mirage. Players should be aware of their positioning and make sure that they are in a good spot to defend the site or attack the enemy. They should also be aware of the angles that the enemy can use to attack them and adjust their positions accordingly.
Not Communicating
Communication is key when playing Mirage in CS. Players should communicate with their team and make sure that everyone is on the same page. They should also call out enemy positions and movements to help their team.
By avoiding these common mistakes, players can improve their performance on Mirage and increase their chances of winning.
Advanced Tips and Tricks
Mirage is a map that requires a lot of teamwork and coordination to win. Here are some advanced tips and tricks that can give an edge to players on this map.
1. Utilize the Connector
The connector is a crucial area on Mirage that connects the A and B bomb sites. It can be used to flank the enemy, catch them off guard, and cut off rotations. Players should use smokes and flashbangs to take control of the connector and use it to their advantage.
2. Learn the Off-Angles
Off-angles are positions on the map where players can hold angles that are unexpected and difficult for the enemy to pre-aim. These positions can be used to catch the enemy off guard and get easy kills. Players should learn the off-angles on Mirage and use them to their advantage.
3. Use the Mirage Window
The window is a position on the A bomb site that can be used to get information and take down enemies. Players can use the window to peek into the A ramp and palace areas and get early information on the enemy’s movements. They can also use it to take down enemies who are trying to enter the A site.
4. Coordinate with Teammates
Coordination with teammates is key on Mirage. Players should communicate with their teammates and coordinate their movements to take control of the map. They should also use smokes and flashbangs to create opportunities for their teammates to get kills and take control of the bomb sites.
5. Use the Mirage Mid Smoke
The Mirage mid smoke is a smoke that can be used to block off the enemy’s vision on the mid area of the map. This smoke can be used to take control of the mid area, cut off rotations, and create opportunities for the team to take control of the bomb sites. Players should learn the Mirage mid smoke and use it to their advantage.
By utilizing these advanced tips and tricks, players can gain an edge on Mirage and increase their chances of winning. However, it’s important to remember that teamwork and communication are key on this map, and players should work together to achieve victory.
Professional Gameplay Analysis
Mirage is a popular map in the competitive scene of CS. Many professional teams have their own strategies and tactics to play on this map. Here are some common tactics and strategies used by professional players on Mirage.
CT Side
On the CT side, players usually split up into two groups: one playing aggressively in the middle and the other holding the bombsites. The mid players can push up and gain control of connector and underpass, which allows them to rotate quickly and catch the T’s off-guard. The players holding the bombsites usually play passively and wait for the T’s to make a move before engaging them.
One common strategy used by CT’s is to smoke off the entrance to the A ramp and push up to the T spawn. This can catch the T’s off-guard and give the CT’s control of the map. Another tactic is to use molotovs and smokes to delay the T’s push onto the bombsites, giving the CT’s more time to rotate and set up their defense.
T Side
On the T side, players usually split up into two groups: one playing in the middle and the other trying to take control of the bombsites. The players in the middle can use smokes and flashes to gain control of connector and underpass, which allows them to rotate quickly and attack either bombsite. The players trying to take control of the bombsites usually play aggressively and try to catch the CT’s off-guard.
One common strategy used by T’s is to fake a push onto one bombsite and then rotate quickly to the other bombsite. This can catch the CT’s off-guard and give the T’s control of the bombsite. Another tactic is to use smokes and flashes to block the CT’s vision and then push onto the bombsite together as a team.
Overall, Mirage is a map that requires good communication, teamwork, and strategy to win. Professional players use a variety of tactics and strategies to gain control of the map and outplay their opponents. By studying and practicing these strategies, players can improve their gameplay and increase their chances of winning on Mirage.
Mirage is one of the most iconic maps in CS, and it has been a fan favorite for years. It is a well-balanced map that is enjoyed by both casual and competitive players alike. The map features a middle area that divides the two bombsites, and there are several callouts that players use to communicate with each other.
The provided search results include a complete list of Mirage callouts, an interactive map, and an article that explains why Mirage callouts are so important. These resources can be very helpful for players who are new to the map or who want to improve their gameplay.
In addition to mastering the callouts, players should also focus on their positioning, aim, and teamwork to succeed on Mirage. It is important to communicate with your teammates and to work together to control the map. By doing so, players can increase their chances of winning and have a more enjoyable experience.
Overall, Mirage is a great map that offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience. With its balanced design and numerous callouts, it is a must-play for any CS player.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I smoke off CT spawn on Mirage in CSGO?
Smoking off CT spawn on Mirage can be a useful tactic to prevent the CTs from getting a clear view of the T side’s movement. To do this, players can throw a smoke grenade towards the CT spawn while standing near the entrance of the apartments. This will create a wall of smoke that will obscure the CTs vision and make it difficult for them to see the T side’s movements.
What are some tips for playing Mirage in CSGO?
Mirage is a medium-sized map that requires solid team strategy to win. For the CT side, it is important to hold positions and prevent the T side from planting the bomb. For the T side, it is important to coordinate and execute well-planned strategies to plant the bomb and win the round. Some tips for playing Mirage in CSGO include learning the callouts, practicing different strategies, and communicating effectively with your team.
What other maps are in the CSGO competitive map pool?
Apart from Mirage, the CSGO competitive map pool includes Dust 2, Inferno, Nuke, Overpass, Train, and Vertigo. These maps are all designed for competitive play and offer different challenges and opportunities for players.
Where is Mirage located in the CSGO map pool?
Mirage is one of the seven maps in the CSGO competitive map pool. It is a popular map among the first-person shooter community and is used in competitive matches as well as casual games.
What is the history behind the creation of Mirage in CSGO?
Mirage was originally created by a mapper named Michael “BubkeZ” Hull for Counter-Strike 1.6. The map was later updated and remade for CSGO by Valve. It has since become one of the most popular maps in the game.
How old is the Dust 2 map in CSGO?
Dust 2 was originally released in March 2001 for Counter-Strike 1.1. The map has since been updated and remade for CSGO. The current version of Dust 2 was released in October 2017.