
Templar Assassin in Dota 2: A Guide to Mastering the Hero

Templar Assassin is a ranged agility hero in Dota 2, known for her high mobility and burst damage. She... Fragster | 26. October 2023

Templar Assassin is a ranged agility hero in Dota 2, known for her high mobility and burst damage. She is a versatile hero that can be played in various roles, including carry, mid-lane, and even off-lane. Her abilities allow her to deal significant damage to enemies while also providing her with an escape mechanism.

One of Templar Assassin’s defining abilities is Refraction, which grants her a shield that can absorb a set amount of damage and provides bonus damage to her attacks. She can also place traps that deal damage and slow enemies, making it difficult for them to escape. Her ultimate ability, Psionic Trap, allows her to place invisible traps that can be detonated for damage and slow.

To play Templar Assassin effectively, players must have good positioning and timing skills. She is a hero that requires a high level of skill to play, but in the hands of a skilled player, she can be a formidable force on the battlefield. With her mobility and burst damage, she is a hero that can quickly turn the tide of a battle in her team’s favor.

Hero Overview

Templar Assassin, also known as Lanaya, is a ranged agility hero in Dota 2. She is a versatile hero with high mobility and damage output, making her a popular pick in both casual and competitive play.

Her primary attribute is agility, which increases her attack speed and damage. Additionally, she has a high base movement speed of 310, allowing her to quickly move around the map and dodge enemy attacks.

One of Templar Assassin’s key abilities is Refraction, which grants her a shield that blocks incoming damage and increases her damage output. This ability can be used to quickly clear waves of creeps and take down enemy heroes.

Another ability that makes Templar Assassin a formidable hero is Meld, which allows her to become invisible and deal bonus damage when she attacks from invisibility. This ability is useful for initiating fights and picking off lone enemy heroes.

Finally, Templar Assassin’s ultimate ability, Psionic Trap, allows her to place traps on the ground that slow and damage enemy heroes. These traps can be used to scout out enemy movements and set up ganks.

Overall, Templar Assassin is a powerful hero with a high skill ceiling. Players who can master her abilities and use them effectively in team fights will find her to be a valuable addition to their lineup.


Templar Assassin is a hero in Dota 2 that has four abilities: Refraction, Meld, Psi Blades, and Psionic Trap. Each ability plays an important role in her kit and is essential to her gameplay.


Refraction is Templar Assassin’s first ability. When activated, it provides her with a shield that blocks incoming damage and increases her damage output. The shield has a limited number of charges, and once they are used up, Refraction goes on cooldown. Refraction allows Templar Assassin to be more aggressive in lane and can help her survive ganks.


Meld is Templar Assassin’s second ability. When activated, it allows her to become invisible and deal bonus damage on her next attack. Meld has a long cooldown, but it can be used to surprise enemies and deal massive damage. Additionally, Meld can be used to dodge incoming projectiles, making it a versatile ability.

Psi Blades

Psi Blades is Templar Assassin’s third ability. It allows her attacks to pierce through enemies, hitting multiple targets at once. Psi Blades can be used to clear creep waves quickly and deal damage to enemy heroes behind their creeps. Additionally, Psi Blades can be used to harass enemies in lane and secure last hits.

Psionic Trap

Psionic Trap is Templar Assassin’s ultimate ability. It allows her to place traps on the ground that slow enemies and deal damage when triggered. Psionic Trap can be used to scout areas, control choke points, and set up ganks. Additionally, it can be used to escape from enemies or chase them down.

In summary, Templar Assassin’s abilities allow her to be a versatile hero that can deal massive damage, survive ganks, and control the battlefield. By mastering her abilities, players can dominate the mid lane and carry their team to victory.

Role in the Team

Templar Assassin is a versatile hero that can be played in several roles in a team. Her abilities make her a valuable asset in any team composition. In this section, we will discuss the different roles that she can play in a team.


Templar Assassin can be a great ganker in a team. Her ability to move quickly with her second skill, Meld, and deal high burst damage with her third skill, Psi Blades, makes her an excellent choice for ganking enemy heroes. She can also set up traps with her ultimate, Psionic Trap, to catch enemies off guard.


Templar Assassin can also be a good pusher in a team. Her ability to deal high damage to enemy creeps with Psi Blades and Refraction makes her a valuable asset for pushing lanes. Her Meld ability can also be used to escape from enemy ganks while pushing.


Templar Assassin is primarily played as a carry in a team. She has high agility growth and can deal massive physical damage with her abilities. Her ultimate, Psionic Trap, can also be used to slow down enemies and give her team an advantage in team fights.

In summary, Templar Assassin is a versatile hero that can be played in several roles in a team. She can be a great ganker, pusher, or carry, depending on the needs of the team. Her abilities make her a valuable asset in any team composition.

Strategies and Tactics

Early Game

In the early game, Templar Assassin should focus on farming and harassing the enemy mid-laner. She should use her Psi Blades to hit the enemy hero and the creeps behind them, maximizing her gold and experience gain. Templar Assassin should also use her Refraction ability to absorb damage and trade effectively with the enemy hero. She should purchase a Magic Wand and a Bottle to sustain her mana and health, and a Blight Stone to increase her damage output.

Mid Game

In the mid game, Templar Assassin should look for opportunities to gank the enemy heroes and take down towers. She should use her Blink Dagger to initiate fights and her Meld ability to surprise and burst down enemy heroes. Templar Assassin should also complete her core items, such as Desolator and Black King Bar, to increase her damage and survivability. She should join her team in team fights and focus on taking down high-priority targets, such as enemy carries and supports.

Late Game

In the late game, Templar Assassin should focus on dealing damage and securing objectives. She should purchase luxury items, such as Bloodthorn and Assault Cuirass, to increase her damage output and utility. Templar Assassin should use her Psionic Trap ability to scout the enemy movements and control the map. She should also communicate with her team and coordinate her attacks to take down the enemy base. Templar Assassin should be careful not to get caught out of position and focus on staying alive in team fights.

Overall, Templar Assassin is a versatile hero that can excel in different stages of the game. She requires good positioning, timing, and decision-making skills to be played effectively. Templar Assassin can be a formidable opponent when played correctly, and a liability when played poorly.


When it comes to itemization for Templar Assassin, there are several options available that can help her dominate the game. In this section, we will look at the starting items, core items, and situational items that can be used to maximize her potential.

Starting Items

There are a few starting items that can give Templar Assassin a good start in the game. These include Tango, Wraith Band, Faerie Fire, and Healing Salve. Tango provides health regeneration, while Wraith Band and Faerie Fire give her early game damage and survivability. Healing Salve can be used to save her from death in critical situations.

Core Items

The core items for Templar Assassin include Blink Dagger, Desolator, and Black King Bar. Blink Dagger is essential for mobility and positioning, while Desolator increases her physical damage output. Black King Bar provides her with magic immunity, which is crucial in team fights.

In addition to these core items, Ring of Aquila and Phase Boots are also important for early game damage and mana regeneration. Boots of Travel 2 can be useful in the late game for mobility and split pushing.

Situational Items

There are several situational items that can be used depending on the game situation. Diffusal Blade can be effective against heroes with high mana pools, while Moon Shard and Bloodthorn can be used to increase her attack speed and damage output. Eye of Skadi is a good choice for additional health and mana, as well as slowing down enemy heroes.

Assault Cuirass and Butterfly are luxury items that can be used when Templar Assassin is ahead and wants to further increase her damage output and survivability.

Overall, the choice of items for Templar Assassin should depend on the game situation and the role she is playing in the team. With the right itemization, she can become a formidable force on the battlefield.


Hero Counters

Templar Assassin is a formidable hero in Dota 2, but like all heroes, she has her weaknesses. Here are some heroes that can counter Templar Assassin:

  • Ember Spirit: Ember Spirit’s Flame Guard can easily burn through Templar Assassin’s Refraction charges, making it easier for his team to kill her.
  • Leshrac: Leshrac has immense farming and wave clear potential, and his Pulse Nova can quickly burn through Templar Assassin’s Refraction charges. Additionally, Leshrac’s Split Earth can stun Templar Assassin, making her an easy target for his allies.
  • Venomancer: Venomancer’s Poison Sting can easily break Templar Assassin’s Refraction charges, and his Plague Ward can harass her in lane.

Item Counters

In addition to hero counters, there are also some items that can counter Templar Assassin:

  • Radiance: The burn damage from Radiance can easily break Templar Assassin’s Refraction charges, making her more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Urn of Shadows/Spirit Vessel: These items can prevent Templar Assassin from regenerating health and can also reduce her armor, making her more vulnerable to physical attacks.
  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: Eul’s Scepter can be used to disable Templar Assassin, making her an easy target for her enemies. Additionally, it can be used to dispel her Refraction charges.


Templar Assassin is a versatile hero who can be played in various positions. However, she excels in the mid lane where she can farm quickly and dominate her opponents. To maximize her potential, Templar Assassin needs to have allies who can support her and complement her strengths. In this section, we will discuss the heroes that work well with Templar Assassin.

Hero Synergy

Shadow Fiend

Shadow Fiend is an excellent ally for Templar Assassin. He can take the safe lane and farm while Templar Assassin takes the mid lane. Shadow Fiend’s presence in the game can create space for Templar Assassin to farm and gank. Additionally, Shadow Fiend can provide Templar Assassin with a damage aura that can increase her damage output significantly.


Magnus is another hero that works well with Templar Assassin. Magnus can use his Reverse Polarity to group up enemies, allowing Templar Assassin to use her Psi Blades to deal massive damage. Additionally, Magnus can provide Templar Assassin with an attack speed and damage buff with his Empower ability, making her even more deadly.

Vengeful Spirit

Vengeful Spirit is a support hero that can work well with Templar Assassin. She can provide Templar Assassin with a damage aura that can increase her damage output. Additionally, Vengeful Spirit can use her Wave of Terror to reduce the armor of enemies, making them more vulnerable to Templar Assassin’s attacks. Finally, Vengeful Spirit can swap positions with Templar Assassin, allowing her to escape dangerous situations or initiate team fights.


Lina is a hero that can work well with Templar Assassin. She can take the safe lane and farm while Templar Assassin takes the mid lane. Lina can provide Templar Assassin with a stun and burst damage that can help her secure kills. Additionally, Lina can use her Light Strike Array to set up Templar Assassin’s Psi Blades, allowing her to deal massive damage to enemies.

In conclusion, Templar Assassin is a hero that needs allies who can support her and complement her strengths. The heroes discussed in this section are just a few examples of the heroes that work well with Templar Assassin. It is essential to communicate with your team and pick heroes that can work together to achieve victory.

Professional Play

Notable Matches

Templar Assassin has been a popular pick in professional Dota 2 matches for many years. One notable match was during The International 2018, where PSG.LGD’s Maybe played an exceptional Templar Assassin against Evil Geniuses. Maybe’s performance helped secure a victory for PSG.LGD, and he was awarded the MVP for the match.

Another memorable match was during the OGA Dota PIT Season 3: China tournament in 2020, where Vici Gaming’s Ori played a dominant Templar Assassin against EHOME. Ori’s precise movements and calculated aggression allowed him to quickly take control of the game, leading Vici Gaming to victory.

Top Players

There are many professional Dota 2 players who are known for their exceptional Templar Assassin play. One of the most notable players is Abed, who is known for his aggressive playstyle and ability to snowball with the hero. Abed’s Templar Assassin has been a key factor in many of his team’s victories, and he is widely regarded as one of the best Templar Assassin players in the world.

Another player who is known for his Templar Assassin play is No[o]ne. No[o]ne is known for his mechanical skill and ability to outplay opponents in one-on-one situations. His Templar Assassin play is characterized by his ability to farm quickly and efficiently, and his precise execution of ganks and teamfights.

Overall, Templar Assassin is a hero that requires a high level of mechanical skill and game knowledge to play effectively in professional matches. The hero’s ability to quickly farm and deal burst damage makes her a strong pick in the right hands, and many professional players have proven their mastery of the hero in high-stakes matches.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Templar Assassin’s skills in Dota 2?

Templar Assassin has four abilities in Dota 2: Refraction, Meld, Psi Blades, and Psionic Trap. Refraction provides a shield and bonus damage, Meld allows Templar Assassin to turn invisible and deal bonus damage, Psi Blades allows her to cleave and spill damage, and Psionic Trap is a trap that slows and damages enemies.

What items are recommended for Templar Assassin in Dota 2?

The recommended items for Templar Assassin in Dota 2 vary depending on the situation, but some commonly used items include Desolator, Blink Dagger, Black King Bar, and Assault Cuirass. These items help Templar Assassin deal more damage, increase her mobility, and provide her with survivability.

How do you counter Templar Assassin in Dota 2?

To counter Templar Assassin in Dota 2, players can purchase items that reveal invisible units, such as Dust of Appearance or Sentry Wards. Heroes with abilities that can reveal invisible units, such as Slardar’s Amplify Damage or Bounty Hunter’s Track, can also be effective. Additionally, heroes with high burst damage, such as Lion or Lina, can quickly take down Templar Assassin’s low health pool.

What is Templar Assassin’s role in Dota 2?

Templar Assassin is typically played as a midlaner in Dota 2, and her role is to deal physical damage and take down enemy heroes. She is also capable of pushing towers and taking objectives, making her a versatile hero.

Which lane is best for Templar Assassin in Dota 2?

The mid lane is the best lane for Templar Assassin in Dota 2. This allows her to farm gold and experience quickly, and also gives her the opportunity to gank other lanes and secure kills.

What is the Templar Assassin Shard in Dota 2?

The Templar Assassin Shard is an item that can be purchased for 1400 gold in Dota 2. It allows Templar Assassin’s Psionic Trap ability to have two charges, and also increases the damage and slow duration of the traps. This can be a powerful tool for controlling areas of the map and setting up kills.