
Best Zed Combos for Maximum Damage in Season 14

Zed, a shadow warrior in League of Legends, is all about quick moves and sharp attacks. Getting good with... Aleksandar | 15. March 2024

Zed, a shadow warrior in League of Legends, is all about quick moves and sharp attacks. Getting good with Zed’s moves can turn the tide of any game. Season 14 brought some changes, shaking up how we play him.

This guide dives into the best Zed combos to help you win more in this new season. Whether you’re new to Zed or looking to sharpen your skills, these tips will up your game. Let’s jump in and master Zed’s shadowy art of battle together!

Zed’s Abilities Overview

Zed’s moves in League of Legends are like a puzzle. Fit them together, and boom, you’re a champ. Let’s break down his skills:

  1. Razor Shuriken (Q): Zed throws sharp stars. It’s perfect for hitting enemies from far away.
  2. Living Shadow (W): The champion sends out a shadow clone. This clone copies his star throw and slash, making it great for tricky moves and escapes.
  3. Shadow Slash (E): He spins, cutting all nearby. It slows foes down and is perfect for setting up big plays. This move gets better because it makes his clone come back faster.
  4. Death Mark (R): Zed’s big move. He jumps on an enemy, marks them, and after a bit, the mark explodes, dealing extra damage. The trick is to hit them with everything you’ve got before the mark pops. 

Mixing these moves right can make Zed unstoppable. Each skill adds its own spice, making combos that surprise and take down opponents. 

Learning to switch places with his shadow or timing the perfect mark can turn a fight around. Dive into these moves, and you’ll master Zed in no time!

Core Combos for Maximum Damage

Mastering Zed in League of Legends means knowing the right moves at the right time. Let’s dive into his core combos, breaking them down from early to late game.

This guide will help you deal maximum damage, whether you’re just starting out, making plays mid-game, or dominating team fights later on.

Early Game Combos

Starting strong with Zed in League of Legends means knowing a few key moves. Let’s look at how to poke opponents and farm efficiently, plus a cool way to use Zed’s shadow for extra pressure.

Basic Poke and Farm Strategies

Zed’s Q, Razor Shuriken, is your bread and butter. Use it to hit minions for farming and catch enemies at the same time if you can.

It’s about getting those last hits on minions while keeping the other player on their toes. Positioning is crucial – stand where your shuriken can slice through the most minions and poke your opponent.

Using Zed’s Shadow for Harassment

Zed’s W, Living Shadow, throws a shadow that copies his attacks. This is great for messing with the enemy. Toss your shadow beside or behind them, then quickly hit them with your Q and E Shadow Slash.

This move not only scares them but also chips away at their health. It’s one of the best Zed combos early in the game because it puts pressure on your opponent, making it harder for them to farm.

Mastering these early-game strategies sets the pace for the rest of the match. With practice, you’ll keep your enemies guessing and control the lane.

Mid-game Combos

Mid-game is where Zed shines in League of Legends. It’s time to use his best combos to secure kills and snowball ahead.

Here’s how you can make the most of Zed’s abilities to turn the tide of the game and also get out of sticky situations when things get too heated.

Strategies for Securing Kills and Snowballing

If you want to secure kills, the W-E-Q combo is your go-to. But, when aiming to take someone down, add your R, Death Mark, into the mix. Here’s the move:

  • Use W to throw your shadow close.
  • Hit them with E and Q. Now.
  • Dive in with R and land that final blow.

This combo deals tons of damage, often finishing off your target. It’s perfect for catching an enemy off-guard and giving you the edge.

Combos for Escaping Tight Situations

Are you caught in a tight spot? Zed has the moves to slip away. Use W to place your shadow in a safe direction, then R to target an enemy. This confuses them for a second, which is often all you need.

If they follow, snap back to your W shadow to create distance. You can also use this trick to dodge big spells or jump walls. Keeping cool and knowing when to use these escapes can save Zed from tricky situations.

Mastering these mid-game tactics will help you control the match, secure kills, and stay safe. Practice these combos to become a real threat on the battlefield.

Late-game Combos

Late in the game, Zed becomes crucial in team fights and picking off key enemies in League of Legends. His shadowy skills can turn the tide of battle, so knowing the best Zed combos is essential for victory.

Maximizing Damage Output in Team Fights

In big team clashes, Zed aims to spread his damage far and wide. Start with your W to place your shadow among the enemy group. Then, unleash your Q and E to hit as many foes as you can.

When you spot a chance, dive in with your R on a squishy target to ensure their quick defeat. This tactic not only spreads chaos but also softens up the enemy team so that your allies can finish off.

Securing Kills on High-priority Targets

In the late game, it’s key to take out the most threatening enemy. Look for the high-damage dealers or healers in the back. Use your W to get close, then R to mark them.

Immediately after, hit them with everything: Q, E, and an auto-attack if possible. Often, this combo can eliminate them before they know what hit them. If they try to escape, your R’s second activation can close the gap, ensuring they can’t escape.

Getting these combos right can make Zed a hero in the late game. With practice, you’ll master these moves and lead your team to victory.

Advanced Combos

Diving deeper into Zed’s toolkit reveals combos that can leave opponents stunned, both literally and figuratively.

Top players harness these advanced techniques to adapt and conquer, turning every match’s tide. Let’s break down these high-skill moves and situational plays that can give you the edge in tight matchups.

Detailed Walkthrough of High-skill Combos

Top Zed players often mix up the basic combos with precise timing and positioning. Here’s how they do it:

  • The Shadow Swap Surprise: Start with W to place your shadow, then R to dive on your target. Instantly W again to swap positions, throwing your enemy off balance. Quickly follow with Q and E for a burst of damage. This combo disorients your opponent, making it hard for them to counterattack.
  • The Triple Shuriken Threat: For this combo, you need your R and W shadow perfectly placed. Use R on your target, then W to the side. Unleash your Q so all three shurikens (from you, your R shadow, and your W shadow) hit your target. This maximizes damage and often secures a kill.

Situational Combos for Specific Matchups

Different enemies require different strategies. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Against agile opponents: Use your W-E-Q combo to slow them down first. If they try to escape with a dash or flash, use R to close the distance and finish them with your basic attack combo.
  • When facing tanks: It’s all about whittling them down. Poke with W-E-Q without fully committing. Once they’re low enough, use R and focus on landing every hit to maximize the Death Mark’s detonation damage.

Remember, the key to mastering Zed is not just knowing these combos but understanding when and how to use them. Each match and moment might call for a different approach.

Practice these moves, learn from each game, and soon, you’ll be pulling off plays that amaze your team and frustrate your foes.

Tips for Executing Combos

Nailing the best Zed combos in League of Legends isn’t just about knowing what buttons to press.

It’s about when and where you press them, as well as keeping an eye on your resources. Let’s explore how to make those flashy plays happen more smoothly.

Timing and Positioning for Optimal Damage

Getting your timing right can turn a good Zed player into a great one. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Wait for the right moment: Don’t rush to use your R, Death Mark. Wait until key enemy spells are on cooldown so they can’t escape or counter you easily.
  • Position smartly: Your shadow placement with W, Living Shadow, can make or break a play. Put it where it can surprise your target, either to cut off their escape route or to hit them with the edge of your Q, Razor Shuriken, for that sweet spot damage.

Managing Cooldowns and Energy Efficiently

Zed’s power comes with a cost. Here’s how to manage it:

  • Keep track of cooldowns: Knowing when your abilities will be ready again lets you plan your next move without getting caught off guard.
  • Use energy wisely: Spamming your abilities can leave you dry at critical moments. Use your W to harass with Q and E, but save enough energy for your full combo when you go in with R.

By focusing on these aspects, you’ll not only land those killer moves but also do it with style. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it, and soon you’ll be pulling off combos like the pros.

Zed’s Build Path in Season 14

Runes for Zed

In Season 14, Zed’s gear can really make or break his game in League of Legends. Picking the right items boosts his combo damage, making him a nightmare for the enemy team.

Here’s a quick guide on what to grab and when to tweak your build based on the match’s progress.

Recommended Items to Maximize Combo Damage

For Zed, it’s all about hitting hard and fast. Start with Youmuu’s Ghostblade for speed and damage. Next, pick up Duskblade of Draktharr for that extra punch and stealth.

Don’t forget Black Cleaver; it shreds through armor, making your targets even softer for the taking. For boots, Ionian Boots of Lucidity give you cooldown reduction, meaning more ults, more often.

Recommended Build for Zed

Variations in Build Path Depending on the Game Situation

Facing tanky enemies? Get Last Whisper early to cut through their armor.

Need to dodge skill shots? Consider Edge of Night for a handy spell shield.

Behind in gold? Focus on cheaper items such as Serrated Dirk to stay relevant without breaking the bank.

Adapting your build to the game ensures Zed remains a threat, no matter the situation. With the right tools, you’ll execute the best Zed combos and lead your team to victory.

Counterplay and Matchups

Facing tough opponents like Zed in League of Legends can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

With smart strategies and knowing how to handle common counters, you can still win. Let’s explore how you can adapt your moves and deal with those who might have your number.

Adapting Combos Against Tough Matchups

When facing difficult matchups, timing and surprise are your best friends. Use your W, Living Shadow, creatively to confuse them. If they have a skill that can stop you in your tracks, wait for them to use it first.

Then, go in with your R, Death Mark, followed by your full combo. Sometimes, just poking with Q from a distance and waiting for the right moment can turn the tide.

Dealing with Common Counters to Zed

Counter Champions to Zed to Win the Lane in League of Legends

Some champions naturally make life hard for Zed. Here’s how to keep up:

  • Against tanky foes: Armor is a problem. Items such as Last Whisper become crucial. Poke and farm safely until you find an opening or your team can help.
  • Versus Mages with stuns or shields: Patience is key. Dodge their main spells with your R or W. Then, when their defenses are down, strike hard and fast.
  • When facing stealth or escape artists: Vision is essential. Control wards and the Oracle Lens can reveal sneaky enemies, making it easier to catch them off-guard.

Every match is different, but being flexible and smart with your best Zed combos can help you overcome even the toughest opponents. Remember, knowing your enemy as well as you know Zed can make all the difference.

Wrapping Up

Getting the hang of Zed’s combos is a big deal in League of Legends. They’re what turn Zed from just another champ into a real game-changer.

Remember, every pro Zed player started somewhere and got to where they are by practicing a lot. So, jump into the game, try out the best Zed combos we talked about, and keep tweaking your moves.

The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And before you know it, you’ll be the one making those jaw-dropping plays. Let’s make those skills shine in every match!