
Aurelion Sol temporarily disabled in LoL

The latest League of Legends champion, Aurelion Sol, has undergone a complete gameplay overhaul. It has also been temporarily... Maria | 13. February 2023

The latest League of Legends champion, Aurelion Sol, has undergone a complete gameplay overhaul. It has also been temporarily removed from active servers.

In response to a series of “gameplay issues,” Riot Games has deemed the champion unplayable for the time being, according to a statement released through the League client.

Until the gameplay difficulties with the champion are resolved, players who sign up for League and want to choose Aurelion Sol in a ranked or regular match cannot do so.

Aurelion Sol was disabled from the game

The long-awaited Aurelion Sol update hit the servers early last week, but League players were not very happy with it. Since the champion update went live, the solo queue has been one of its strong points, as its total play rate has skyrocketed from 1% to over 20% in just one patch.

However, if you have been playing solo with the updated Aurelion Sol, you should temporarily postpone your rank up, as the champion is currently unavailable, even in classic matches.

Riot Games has informed all players that Aurelion Sol has been temporarily disabled on active League of Legends servers.

A notification with the following message appears in the League of Legends client:

“We have temporarily disabled the following champion due to in-game issues and are currently working on a resolution: Aurelion Sol.”

Riot Games have not yet given players an official explanation as to why Aurelion Sol is disabled, most likely due to a significant bug capable of ruining the game.

Possible reasons why Aurelion Sol isn’t available in the game

A video posted today by famous League bug hunter Vandril showed an issue that allows Aurelion Sol to unleash his ultimate ability. Even when on cooldown, Shooting Star offered a possible explanation for Aurelion Sol’s deactivation. This interaction is revealed when Aurelion Sol casts an ability while moving using Astral Flight (W). However, Astral Flight should not provide Aurelion access to abilities protected by cooldown.

Due to a faulty interaction, Aurelion Sol players can use their ultimate ability twice in a row, dealing a massive amount of burst damage and effectively winning any team fight.

Aurelion Sol’s incredible ability to use Singularity (E) while on cooldown during his Astral Flight; shows another bug discovered by Vandril. Riot Games probably thought it best to disable the champion until their issues were resolved.

It is unknown when Aurelion Sol will be able to return to play in the League. But if Riot Games’ previous bug fixes are any indication, his return may come in the next few days.

Header: Riot Games