
WZM: Vaznev-9K best-for-mobile loadout!

fragster Paolo 24. April 2024

The Vaznev-9K is a submachine gun designed both as an efficient primary or as a quick response secondary in battle royale engagements.

The Vaznev-9k is available as floor loot in some areas of the mobile version of Verdansk, and performs well as a backup piece for entry fraggers.

While it is currently outside of the absolute meta range, the Vaznev-9k can be great for close quarters in the hands of a skilled soldier. We tested it out during both the Limited Release and the current play and found this build to work!

NOTE: MWII guns have yet to receive compatibility with MWIII attachments in Warzone Mobile. We will update this page accordingly once MWIII attachments are available.

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REAR GRIP: VEL A-568 Collapsed (unlocked at Level 10)

This rear grip allows for faster aiming and sprint-to-fire, making your Vaznev-9K a good response choice for different scenarios.

MUZZLE: Singuard Mk V (unlocked by leveling the Vaznev-9K to Level 16)

The Singuard Mk V greatly adds to the Vaznev’s bullet velocity, while also adding a small damage range increase and recoil control benefit, allowing you to engage enemies at various close-to-mid-range distances. 

UNDERBARREL: VX Pineapple (unlocked by leveling up the 556 Icarus to Level 14)

The VX Pineapple offers great stability and control when firing, especially when beaming out or in prolonged firing scenarios. This also gives much-needed stability for those wanting to use the Vaznev-9K as a hip-fire SMG.

MAGAZINE: 45 Round Mag 

Unlike other SMGs, the Vaznev-9K’s max mag capacity is at 45 rounds with this attachment. Use it to maximize the SMG’s potential in gunfights, especially at close range.

LASER: FSS OLE-V Laser (unlocked by leveling up the MTZ Interceptor to Level 11 or the EBR-14 to Level 10)

Undoubtedly the best performing laser in its class, the FSS OLE-V Laser allows for aiming stability and improved ADS times and sprint-to-fire times. This is important to mitigate the ADS and sprint-to-fire reduction penalties.



OPTIC: Cronen Mini Dot [to replace laser] 

In place of a laser, the Cronen Mini Dot can help Vaznev-9K users focusing on ADS to have a much clearer sight picture and lesser visual recoil. This can help for faster and more precise target acquisition, especially in those crucial final zones.

LASER: FTAC Grimline Laser (unlocked by leveling the TAQ-V to Level 5 or the DG-56 to Level 10)

The FTAC Grimline Laser ensures that your Vaznev-9K can have a faster sprint to fire speed while also controlling both hip recoil and spread.

These attachments can help you utilize the power of the Vaznev-9K’s, allowing you to have a weapon viable for close quarter combat!