
What Is Hubris in League of Legends? The Ultimate Guide

League of Legends is constantly evolving with new patches. However, with the introduction of new items and map changes,... Aleksandar | 13. January 2024

League of Legends is constantly evolving with new patches. However, with the introduction of new items and map changes, we can clearly see that the game has new dynamics. One of these new items is Hubris, which stands out for its unique attributes and value.

Hubris is not just any ordinary item. It’s very unique, and what it offers will make many assassin players smile while using it. This item has become a topic of discussion and excitement among many players, and it’s clear why Hubris became so popular.

In this article, you’ll learn all about Hubris and how it changes the gameplay for many assassin champions in League of Legends. So, keep reading to learn how to use this new item and defeat more opponents in the Rift.

What Is Hubris in League of Legends?

Hubris in League of Legends is a new item introduced in Season 14, and it is specifically designed for assassin-type champions. It’s an amazing item that offers unique abilities that can greatly impact our day-to-day gameplay.

Along with many other op items, Hubris is also available for use in this new season. Almost every LoL player talks about how these items are ridiculous and can one-shot many low-health champions.

Assassin champions already had an advantage over ADCs and Supports, but all of that changes with this new patch. There are many instances where ADCs are using items for assassins and are getting away with many kills. Everything seems a bit unbalanced lately, but hopefully, everything will go back to normal, or we’re going to adapt to the new dynamics.

The Mechanics of Hubris

Hubris Item Details

Hubris in League of Legends is a new, legendary item that can boost every player’s combat capabilities. Here’s what the item offers:

  • 60 Attack Damage
  • 18 Lethality
  • 15 Ability Haste

Players can use this item to enhance their champion’s offensive power, penetrate the defenses of the enemy, and use their abilities a bit faster.

Apart from this, Hubris also has two unique passive abilities: Ego and Eminence. The Ego passive allows the player to have a statue of their champion near the team’s fountain. This statue can change its color and upgrade its rank with every new takedown.

On the other hand, the Eminence passive is all about increasing the attack damage over time. It gives the player an extra 10 bonus attack damage for 60 seconds. However, this only applies if an enemy champion dies within three seconds after damaging them.

What’s interesting about the Eminence passive ability is that the player will gain more bonus damage as the statue rank increases. This means the more kills you get, the more damage you’re going to deal to enemy champions.

Hubris costs 3,000 gold, while its components, Serrated Dirk and Caulfield’s Warhammer, cost 1,000 and 1,100. So, keep in mind that even after buying these two components, you’d still need 900 more gold to complete the item.

How to Building Hubris: Components and Costs

To build Hubris in League of Legends, you’ll need to gather certain amounts of gold and purchase two specific items. You’ll need to obtain Serrated Dirk and Caulfield’s Warhammer, both of which are made from Long Swords and additional gold. Here’s how that looks:

Building Hubris

Serrated Dirk requires two Long Swords, while Caulfield’s Warhammer needs a Glowing Mote and two Long Swords.

Efficiently gathering these resources involves strategic gameplay. You’ll need to focus on farming minions to gather gold – just make sure not to miss those cannon minions! Also, getting takedowns, either by securing kills or assists, can give you the gold needed to complete this item.

Controlling objectives such as towers and dragons can provide you with extra gold and map control. The key is to balance aggression with smart decisions to gather as much gold as possible to purchase this item and to also buy something else. You can’t survive with only one or two items!

Hubris and Gameplay Strategy

This legendary item can greatly influence gameplay strategies in League of Legends, especially for assassins. It can enhance the assassin’s ability to deal burst damage and allow them to become more formidable in taking down squishy champions.

With the extra attack damage and lethality, assassins can now execute their opponents more efficiently. Players who use Hubris need to adopt a more proactive approach and seek opportunities to exploit the passives and maximize their impact on the game.

Hubris can dramatically change the outcomes of a match. For example, during a close team fight, an assassin with this item can quickly eliminate squishy champions (ADCs, Supports, and some Midlaners or Junglers). These takedowns can lead to a domino effect and weaken the enemy team’s position.

There are many pro Midlaners that often roam and secure kills at Bot Lane. Doing so makes the assassin much more difficult to deal with later on in the game. If Talon uses this item and roams around the map, killing opponents and gaining assists, then the game would already be decided then and there.

These examples highlight the role of Hubris in empowering assassins to make bold, game-changing plays.

Pros and Cons of Hubris

Hubris Champion Statue

The advantages of using Hubris in League of Legends are the boost to attack damage and lethality. This makes it ideal for assassins who need to roam around and quickly eliminate their targets.

The two passive abilities also make it a compelling item. They encourage players to be a bit more aggressive to gain more power with each takedown.

However, the downsides include high cost, but only if you’re not able to secure kills early in the match. If you can’t secure many kills early on, then why use this item in the first place? You wouldn’t be able to use its full power if you didn’t increase the statue rank.

Players should opt for Hubris when they are confident in their ability to capitalize on its benefits. In contrast, it might be less optimal in stations where team support or survivability is more important.

Are You Excited to Use Hubris in League of Legends?

Hubris is a game-changing item for assassins because it offers them increased attack damage, lethality, and ability haste. Its passive abilities, Ego and Eminence, encourage a more aggressive playstyle, but they will reward the player for successfully taking down enemies.

While Hubris demands a 3,000 gold investment, its potential to change the course of a match makes it a compelling choice for many players. You should consider your play style and the match before purchasing Hubris.