
Top 10 Most-Played Lol Champions in Ranked in Season 14

League of Legends (LoL) is a game that never stands still. Its ever-changing meta shapes, which champions climb to... Aleksandar | 15. February 2024

League of Legends (LoL) is a game that never stands still. Its ever-changing meta shapes, which champions climb to the top of the ranked play ladder. In this article, we dive into the most-played LoL champions, revealing why they capture the attention of players around the world. 

These champions not only reflect the current trends but also hold strategic value that can make or break a game. By exploring the favorites on the ranked scene, we offer insights into how to leverage these trends to your advantage, helping you understand the dynamics of champion popularity and success in LoL.

Let’s get started.

The Most-Played LoL Champions in Ranked

As we dive into the world of League of Legends ranked play, the champions you choose can make all the difference between victory and defeat. The following list of most-played LOL champions offers a glimpse into the current favorites dominating the ranked ladder.

1. Smolder

Smolder - Most-Played Lol Champions

  • Popularity: 28.4%
  • Winrate: 49.5%
  • BanRate: 26.2%

First on our most-played League of Legends champions list is Smolder, a dragon with a penchant for pyrotechnics and a unique scaling potential that sets him apart in the ADC role.

Smolder’s abilities revolve around fire, with a passive that boosts his basic skills’ damage through Dragon Practice stacks gained by damaging champions and killing minions or monsters. His Q, Super Scorcher Breath, is a fireball that not only deals damage but evolves with stack accumulation, eventually executing low-health champions.

Achooo! and Flap, Flap, Flap offer crowd control and mobility, respectively, making Smolder a versatile pick. His ultimate, MMOOOMMMM!, calls down a devastating fire wave from his mother, damaging and healing.

In ranked play, Smolder shines for his ability to scale into a late-game powerhouse, requiring players to master positioning to maximize his damage output and survivability.

2. Ezreal

Ezreal - Most-Played League of Legends Champions

  • Popularity: 21.9%
  • Winrate: 48.6%
  • BanRate: 9.4%

Ezreal, a favorite among the most-played League of Legends champions, received significant buffs in patch 14 that have notably enhanced his gameplay. The adjustments to his Q, W, and R abilities increased his damage output and introduced new dynamics to his play style. 

Specifically, the enhancements to Ezreal’s Mystic Shot (Q), Essence Flux (W), and Trueshot Barrage (R) have bolstered his ability to deal sustained and burst damage, respectively. These changes have markedly increased his versatility, allowing Ezreal to be more effective across various stages of a match.

In ranked play, these buffs have solidified Ezreal’s position as a highly adaptable and formidable marksman, capable of impacting the game significantly through skilled ability use and positioning.

3. Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate - highly picked champion in lol

  • Popularity: 16.7%
  • Winrate: 51.8%
  • BanRate: 17.3%

Twisted Fate received noteworthy adjustments in patch 14 that have expanded his build diversity and strategic options. These changes aimed to broaden Twisted Fate’s itemization options, making room for both AD and AP builds to be viable.

The modifications to his base stats, along with enhancements to his Passive and abilities such as Wild Cards (Q) and Pick A Card (W), now accommodate a wider range of tactics and playstyles. This evolution in gameplay allows Twisted Fate players more flexibility in responding to team compositions and enemy strategies in ranked matches.

As a result, Twisted Fate has become a more dynamic and versatile champion, capable of adapting to various in-game situations and roles, enhancing his value in team compositions.

4. Yone

Yone is Yasuo's brother

  • Popularity: 16.1%
  • Winrate: 49.2%
  • BanRate: 18.0%

Yone stands out among the most-played League of Legends champions due to his unique dual-wielding mechanics that blend physical and magical damage, making him a formidable force in ranked play.

His ability to seamlessly switch between dealing critical strikes and executing high-damage spells allows for versatile combat strategies. Yone’s kit, including his E ability, Soul Unbound, offers exceptional mobility and outplay potential, allowing players to engage or disengage with ease.

This skill, combined with his powerful ultimate, Fate Sealed, can turn the tide of team fights, making him a critical asset in the current meta. Yone’s strategic value lies in his ability to penetrate enemy lines and eliminate high-value targets, positioning him as a top pick for players aiming to climb the ranked ladder.

5. Karma

Karma - most picked support in lol

  • Popularity: 15.4%
  • Winrate: 49.4%
  • BanRate: 9.0%

In patch 14, Karma received buffs that enhanced her roles both as a mage and support, securing her spot among the most-played League of Legends champions. Her base health, Q damage (Inner Flame), and E shield strength (Inspire) were all increased, which signals a stronger presence in the lane and during team fights.

These enhancements allow Karma to offer more substantial support through increased survivability and damage output and more potent shields for her allies. In ranked play, these buffs have reinforced Karma’s role as a versatile champion capable of adapting to various team compositions.

She can now more effectively protect her teammates while also posing a greater threat to her opponents, making her an invaluable pick in the current meta.

6. Lee Sin

Lee Sin champion in league of legends


  • Popularity: 15.4%
  • Winrate: 48.3%
  • BanRate: 10.6%

Lee Sin’s longstanding popularity in League of Legends stems from his demanding yet rewarding gameplay, which requires precision and skill. Known for his high mobility and impactful playmaking abilities, Lee Sin can greatly influence the outcome of a game through early ganks, objective control, and the ability to single out key targets in team fights.

In ranked play, his versatility allows him to adapt to various game states, making him a consistent pick in competitive scenarios. Lee Sin’s ability to execute complex maneuvers, such as the “Insec” kick, showcases a player’s skill and provides a tactical advantage by displacing enemy champions.

This makes him a staple in the jungle role, where mastery over his kit can lead to dominating performances and climbing the ranked ladder.

7. Maokai

Maokai - highly picked support champ

  • Popularity: 15.2%
  • Winrate: 54.6%
  • BanRate: 24.7%

In patch 14, Maokai saw adjustments aimed at fine-tuning his presence in the support role. Changes to his base mana regeneration and the healing from his passive, Sap Magic, were balanced with reductions in cooldown and mana costs for his Q (Bramble Smash) and E (Sapling Toss), alongside an increased cooldown for his ultimate, Nature’s Grasp.

These modifications address Maokai’s previously overwhelming support capabilities by curbing his early game sustain and poke potential without stripping away his core identity as a versatile tank.

The intention behind these changes was to slightly rein in his dominance in the bot lane. This ensures that while he remains a strong pick for his crowd control and tackiness, he does not overshadow other supports. 

Moreover, this balancing act seeks to maintain Maokai’s integral role in team compositions, providing strategic depth without leading to overpowered gameplay.

8. Jhin

Jhin - great AD Carry

  • Popularity: 15.0%
  • Winrate: 50.0%
  • BanRate: 2.5%

Jhin, the Virtuoso, captivates players with his unique artistic theme and complex gameplay, demanding precision and strategic planning. His design, revolving around the number four, requires players to meticulously calculate each shot for maximum impact.

In the current meta, Jhin occupies a strategic niche as a marksman capable of controlling the pace of team fights and securing objectives with his long-range abilities. His Curtain Call (R) can turn the tide of engagements from afar, while his traps and crit-based mechanics allow for both zone control and burst damage against key targets.

Jhin’s ability to deliver high-damage outputs at critical moments makes him a pivotal character in shaping game outcomes, emphasizing the importance of skillful positioning and timing in ranked play.

9. Caitlyn

Caitlyn - amazing adc in league of legends

  • Popularity: 13.7%
  • Winrate: 48.7%
  • BanRate: 11.2%

Caitlyn, known for her exceptional range and poke capabilities, stands out in League of Legends for her ability to dominate the laning phase. Her long-range auto-attacks and Piltover Peacemaker (Q) allow her to safely harass opponents and control the minion wave, setting the pace early in the game.

Furthermore, Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap (W) and 90 Caliber Net (E) provide utility, allowing her to secure kills and escape threats. Her consistent popularity in ranked play is attributed to her strong early-game presence and potential to scale into a late-game powerhouse.

Caitlyn’s ability to siege towers effectively and her potent headshot passive make her a formidable adversary throughout the game, ensuring her place as a favored pick for players aiming to exert pressure and secure victories from the laning phase to the final push.

10. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune - one of the best adcs in lol

  • Popularity: 13.5%
  • Winrate: 51.2%
  • BanRate: 16.5%

Last on our list of most-played League of Legends champions is Miss Fortune, renowned for her remarkable burst potential and area-of-effect (AoE) damage capabilities.

Her Double Up (Q) and Make it Rain (E) abilities allow for powerful lane harassment and zoning, while her ultimate, Bullet Time, can decimate entire teams in well-coordinated fights. This combination of skills makes Miss Fortune a terror in the bot lane, capable of swinging the momentum of lane matchups and team fights in her favor.

Miss Fortune’s appeal in ranked play lies in her ability to capitalize on positioning errors with devastating AoE attacks, making her a preferred choice for players aiming to dominate the bot lane through aggressive play and strategic positioning.

Strategic Analysis for the Most-Played LoL Champions in Ranked

The list of most-played LoL champions is deeply influenced by the current meta, which dictates the strategic value and versatility of champions in ranked play. This meta evolves through patches that adjust champion abilities, item effects, and overall game mechanics, directly impacting champion rankings.

Champions that offer versatility and adaptability to various team compositions tend to rise in popularity. They provide strategic depth, allowing teams to craft compositions that can effectively respond to a wide range of opponents.

Patch changes are crucial in this dynamic, as they can enhance or diminish a champion’s effectiveness. A minor tweak can propel a previously underplayed champion to the top of the rankings or reduce a dominant champion to a lower tier. This fluidity ensures that the meta remains vibrant, challenging players to continuously adapt and refine their strategies.

The most-played LoL champions are those who strike a balance between offering unique strategic advantages and being able to perform consistently well under the patch’s conditions.

Understanding this balance is key to mastering ranked play, as it allows players to make informed decisions about which champions to select based on the current meta, their team’s needs, and their personal play style.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve delved into the most-played LOL champions, highlighting how the shifting meta and patch updates shape the ranked play landscape. Understanding the nuances of these champions and their strategic value is crucial for anyone looking to excel in ranked matches. 

As the game continues to evolve, staying informed about these changes will be key to adapting your gameplay and strategies. We encourage players to explore these champions further, mastering their unique mechanics and leveraging the latest meta trends.