
The Best League of Legends Yorick Build in Patch 14.7

Yorick is a force to be reckoned with in League of Legends. He is a champion famous for his... Aleksandar | 15. April 2024

Yorick is a force to be reckoned with in League of Legends. He is a champion famous for his command over ghouls and the formidable Maiden of the Mist.

Yet, behind every successful Yorick lies a meticulously crafted League of Legends Yorick build, where the choice of runes and items can determine victory or defeat.

With the right combination of runes and items, Yorick transcends mere strength, becoming an unstoppable force.

If you’ve struggled with Yorick or want to maximize his potential, knowing the best build options is your first step toward success. Let’s find out what makes a Yorick build outstanding.

Mastering Yorick’s Abilities

Understanding Yorick’s abilities is crucial to mastering the champion in League of Legends. Each of his abilities shapes his playstyle and influences his item choices.

Let’s break them down and look at how they work together with various items to enhance his impact in games.

Shepherd of Souls (Passive)

Yorick summons ghouls from the graves of fallen minions. These ghouls can drastically shift a lane’s dynamics by adding extra damage and pushing power.

Items that increase Yorick’s survivability and damage output, such as Trinity Force, make these ghouls more threatening.

Last Rites (Q)

A powerful auto-attack reset that heals him and deals bonus damage. When executed proficiently, it can tip duels in his favor.

Combining it with Death’s Dance enhances both sustainability and damage output, maximizing its impact in battles.

Dark Procession (W) 

Yorick’s Dark Procession ability constructs a temporary wall, effectively trapping enemies.

This strategic move synergizes well with area control items such as Sterak’s Gage, bolstering Yorick’s durability while he corrals foes and dictates the flow of combat.

Mourning Mist (E)

Yorick’s Mourning Mist slows enemies and commands his ghouls to assault the target. This setup aligns with items such as Black Cleaver, which is ideal for cooldown reduction and spell enhancement.

Black Cleaver facilitates armor reduction and accelerates his attacks, maximizing Yorick’s combat effectiveness.

Eulogy of the Isles (R, Ultimate)

He summons the Maiden of the Mist, a powerful ally that pushes lanes and assists in fights. Integrating items such as Spirit Visage increases the healing Yorick receives, making both him and the Maiden tougher to take down in skirmishes.

Using the Yorick best build involves maximizing these abilities at key game phases – use Last Rites for early-game trades, Dark Procession to control space in skirmishes, and Eulogy of the Isles for late-game pushes.

This strategic use of abilities and items is what makes Yorick a formidable champion on the Rift.

Core Components of Yorick’s Best Build

Selecting the right runes is crucial when you want to master Yorick in League of Legends. Here’s a look at the top rune choices for the Yorick best build, explaining why they fit so well with his style of play.


Conqueror Runes for Yorick

This is a formidable choice for Yorick, particularly in extended engagements.

With each attack and ability landed Conqueror accumulates stacks, amplifying his damage output and granting him healing based on a portion of the damage inflicted.

Picture Yorick in a tense top-lane skirmish, where every strike from his ghouls not only inflicts greater harm but also sustains him in battle, courtesy of the regenerative effects of Conqueror.

Fleet Footwork

Fleetwork Runes for Yorick

While Conqueror enhances staying power in battles, Fleet Footwork offers a different tactical advantage. It focuses on mobility and sustainability. Each attack builds up energy, and when fully charged, Yorick’s next attack will heal him and boost his speed.

This rune is perfect for dodging skill shots or swiftly moving to land the decisive Mourning Mist. It’s particularly useful in matchups where quick repositioning can outplay slower opponents.

Both runes enhance Yorick’s laning phase and his dueling capabilities, but they shine in different scenarios. Conqueror excels in toe-to-toe fights, making it ideal against tanky foes.

On the other side, Fleet Footwork is your go-to for kite-heavy situations or when you need that extra zip to chase down fleeing enemies.

Optimal Itemization Strategy

Item Build for Yorick

Getting the itemization right is critical to unlocking the full potential of any League of Legends Yorick build. Here are the essential items to help you maximize Yorick’s effectiveness throughout the game.

Starting Items

Your choice here sets the tone for your early game. Doran’s Shield is ideal for tougher lanes where you’ll face a lot of harassment. It offers extra health, health regen, and damage block from enemy attacks, letting you stay in the lane longer.

On the other hand, Doran’s Blade provides additional attack damage and a bit of life steal, which is perfect for more aggressive play if you’re confident you can dominate early.

Mid-game Items

As the game progresses, your choices should adapt to the evolving match.

Trinity Force is a staple in Yorick’s arsenal. It boosts his movement speed on hit, increases attack damage, and provides a speed burst after using an ability that synergizes perfectly with Yorick’s Q, Last Rites. This item helps Yorick become a significant threat in both duels and team fights.

Alternatively, Black Cleaver can be a game-changer against teams stacking armor. It offers health, attack damage, and cooldown reduction, plus it shreds enemy armor with each hit, making it easier for you and your team to deal damage.

Late-game Items

As matches draw longer, securing items that bolster your durability and damage output becomes crucial.

Sterak’s Gage provides a burst of health and a shield when taking large amounts of damage, ensuring Yorick can continue fighting in prolonged skirmishes.

Pairing this with a Spirit Visage enhances all healing received, which is vital when combined with Yorick’s Q and the life steal from previous items.

Tactical Gameplay Tips

Yorick in League of Legends

Playing Yorick effectively in League of Legends hinges on understanding his strengths and weaknesses during different phases of the game. Here are some essential gameplay tips to help you excel with Yorick from early to late game.

1. Early Game

Focus on farming with Yorick’s Q, Last Rites, to stack up graves quickly. The more graves you have, the more ghouls you can summon to pressure your opponent.

Also, use your E, Mourning Mist carefully to slow enemies and direct your ghouls to attack, setting up potential kills or forcing opponents to retreat.

2. Mid Game

As you transition to mid-game, begin to look for opportunities to split push. Yorick excels at taking down towers fast, especially once you have items such as Trinity Force.

Always keep an eye on the map while split-pushing. Yorick can get caught out easily if you overextend without proper vision or support from your team.

3. Late Game

Use your W, Dark Procession, in team fights to disrupt enemy positioning or protect your carries. Strategically placing the wall can change the course of a fight.

Moreover, summon the Maiden of the Mist with your ultimate when pushing lanes or during major team fights for additional damage and pressure.

Common Mistakes

Remember that hilarious time when a Yorick player trapped his own teammate with Dark Procession during a crucial escape? Always aim your W carefully to avoid such blunders.

Avoid using your ghouls recklessly in the lane without a clear purpose. They can push the lane unexpectedly, making you vulnerable to ganks.

Counterplay and Matchups

Spirit Blossom Yorick in League of Legends

Yorick shines in many matchups, but like any champion in LoL, he has his challenging opponents. Champions with high mobility or range can give Yorick a hard time.

For example, champions like Teemo, who can harass Yorick from a distance and blind him, preventing his crucial Q hits, can be troublesome.

In such cases, adapting your League of Legends Yorick build to include early boots for increased movement speed and a quick Spectre’s Cowl can help mitigate some of the poke damage.

Adjusting Yorick’s build based on the enemy team’s composition is vital for staying relevant throughout the game.

Moreover, if facing a heavy AD (Attack Damage) lineup, consider prioritizing items such as Thornmail or Dead Man’s Plate to increase your armor and survivability.

Conversely, if up against AP (Ability Power) heavy teams, items such as Spirit Visage not only boost your magic resistance but also enhance the healing effects from Yorick’s Q, making it a double threat.

Wrapping Up

Mastering the League of Legends Yorick build will take your game to the next level. As you practice, remember to adapt your strategy based on who you’re facing.

Whether you’re pushing lanes solo or jumping into team fights, the right items and runes will make a big difference.

Keep playing, keep learning, and soon, you’ll see just how powerful Yorick can be on the battlefield. Stick with it, and watch your skills grow!