
The 11 Best Champions to Pick in One for All in LoL 2024

Excited for One for All in LoL 2024? You’re not alone! This mode is all about teamwork, where everyone... Aleksandar | 22. March 2024

Excited for One for All in LoL 2024? You’re not alone! This mode is all about teamwork, where everyone plays as the same champion. Think about the fun when your whole team picks the same hero. 

It’s not just about picking your favorite but finding the champion that can bring home the win together. Imagine five of the same champion charging into battle. It’s chaotic, thrilling, and super fun. 

Also, getting the right pick can turn the game into an unforgettable match. Are you ready to dive into the action and see which champions make the best team? Let’s find out together!

1. Mordekaiser: The Iron Revenant

Mordekaiser in league of legends

In One for All in League of Legends, picking Mordekaiser is like bringing a giant to a fistfight. This guy shines in team battles. Imagine not just one, but a whole team of Mordekaisers! His special move can pull one enemy away from their friends into a one-on-one showdown. 

That means you can pick off the other team’s big players, turning a noisy team fight into your playground, one enemy at a time. It’s pretty cool because it feels like you’re bending the game’s rules. 

With Mordekaiser on your side, you’re not just fighting; you’re strategically taking apart the other team. Picture this: every Mordekaiser using their ultimate move, and suddenly, the battlefield looks more like a bunch of mini-duels. 

It’s that power to isolate and dominate that makes Mordekaiser a game-changer in One for All. So, ready to team up with the Iron Revenant and turn the tides? It’s a blast!

2. Illaoi: The Kraken Priestess

Illaoi's Ban Rate Surge in Patch 14.3

In One for All in LoL, picking Illaoi means you’re bringing the sea’s fury to the battlefield. With her, it’s all about those mighty tentacles. She can call them up from the ground to smack her enemies, making it hard for them to even get close. Imagine trying to get past a wall of swinging tentacles. Sounds tough, right? That’s what playing against Illaoi feels like.

During the laning phase, she’s like the boss of her lane. Enemies have to think twice before stepping up to her. And when it comes to sieges, she’s a beast. Her tentacles can hit multiple enemies at once, dealing loads of damage and making it super risky for the other team to push forward.

With a team full of Illaois, you control the map. You can turn any area into a no-go zone for the enemy. It’s not just about the damage; it’s about making spaces where your team calls the shots. Facing one Illaoi is tough, but five? That’s a nightmare on the rift!

3. Trundle: The Troll King

Trundle Jungle Players Are Struggling

Trundle, the Troll King, is a game-changer in One for All in LoL 2024. His pillar is like throwing a wrench in the enemy’s plans. He pops it up, and bam, the other team’s formation is all over the place. 

It’s not just a rock; it’s a big stop sign for anyone trying to get past. They have to go around, giving Trundle and his team time to strike.

Then, there’s his ultimate. When Trundle uses it, he becomes super tough. Think of it as borrowing strength from whoever he’s fighting. The tougher they are, the tougher he gets. In the middle of a big fight, this makes Trundle hard to take down. It’s like trying to knock over a mountain.

With a whole team of Trundles, it’s not just one pillar messing things up but many. And when they all use their ultimate, they become a squad of unbreakable trolls. Imagine the chaos! 

It’s this mix of disruption and durability that makes Trundle a top pick for teams looking to outlast and outplay their opponents in One for All in LoL 2024.

4. Heimerdinger: The Revered Inventor


In One for All in LoL, Heimerdinger turns the game into his own science lab. Picture this: the battlefield dotted with his turrets, making areas no-go zones for enemies. 

It’s like setting up a bunch of little guards that zap anyone coming too close. These turrets don’t just attack; they create a shield around your team, letting you push forward while keeping the bad guys at bay. 

And if an enemy dares to step into Heimerdinger’s zone, they’re in for a shock—literally. Imagine playing against five Heimerdingers. 

The map would be a maze of turrets, making it a nightmare for opponents trying to break through. It’s not just defense; it’s about turning the battlefield into a fortress where your team calls the shots.

5. Yone: The Unforgotten


Yone in One for All in LoL is like having a team of ninjas at your fingertips. His style is all about fast moves and hitting hard, giving him the chance to dash in and out before anyone knows what hit them. 

With his dual swords, Yone can unleash a storm of attacks, dealing damage in waves. His mobility is key, allowing him and his team to dart around the battlefield, setting up for those big moments. 

When five Yones coordinate their strikes, it’s like watching a well-rehearsed dance of destruction. They can jump in, unleash their fury, and zip out, leaving opponents dazed and confused. 

The real fun begins when they all use their ultimate move together, slicing through enemy lines with precision. It’s this blend of speed, agility, and raw power that makes Yone a thrilling pick, promising fights that are as quick as they are explosive.

6. Lux: The Lady of Luminosity

Lux in league of legends

In One for All in League of Legends, picking Lux means you’re in for a bright show. She’s got these long-range spells that can hit enemies from far away, making her a sniper with magic. 

Then, there’s her crowd control. She can trap opponents in place, setting them up for a big blast from her teammates. But the real eye-catcher? When five Luxes unleash their ultimates at the same time. It’s like the sky lights up with lasers. This isn’t just about damage; it’s about doing it with style. 

A team of Luxes means you get to light up the whole map, making every fight a chance to show off those spectacular light shows. It’s not just fighting; it’s about turning the battlefield into your own personal fireworks display.

7. Teemo: The Swift Scout

Teemo in league of legends

Teemo in One for All in League of Legends is all about being sneaky and driving the other team crazy. His shrooms? They’re not just traps; they’re his way of controlling the map. Scatter them around, and the field becomes a minefield. Every step the enemy takes could be their last. 

And his stealth? It’s like he’s playing hide and seek, popping up when you least expect him. This little scout is about more than just hiding and seeking. He’s playing mind games. Making the other team nervous every step of the way. 

A team of Teemos turns the game into a psychological battle. You’re not just fighting against players; you’re up against paranoia. It’s about making the enemy second-guess every move they make. With Teemo, the game’s not just physical; it’s mental.

8. Lee Sin: The Blind Monk

Lee Sin Combo Guide

In One for All in LoL 2024, Lee Sin is all about speed and surprise. His mobility is off the charts. He can zip across the battlefield, jumping to friends or kicking enemies back into his team. Think of him as the game’s ninja, always where he needs to be. 

Now, picture a whole team of Lee Sins. It’s like having a squad of acrobats flipping around the map. Their kick plays? They’re not just attacks; they’re a way to mess with the enemy team’s plan. 

One Lee Sin can catch someone out of position, but five? They can turn the fight into a pinball game, bouncing enemies around. This high-flying action makes Lee Sin a thrill to play in One for All, where his abilities get dialed up to eleven.

9. Malphite: The Shard of the Monolith


Malphite in One for All in LoL 2024 is like rolling a boulder down a hill into a crowd. His ultimate is a game-changer. When he slams into the enemy team, it’s like an earthquake hit the game. 

Imagine that happening five times in a row. The whole map would shake! Besides his earth-shattering entrance, Malphite is also super tough. He’s like a walking wall, hard to take down and great at protecting his teammates. Now, think about a team full of these tanky giants. 

They could start a seismic wave, charging through enemy ranks and leaving chaos in their wake. This makes Malphite not just a defender but a force of nature in One for All. When you choose him, you’re picking power, toughness, and the ability to turn the tide of battle with a single move.

10. Shaco: The Demon Jester

Shaco in league of legends

Playing Shaco in a game is like being a magician. He’s all about tricks. With his ability to create clones, he can make the enemy think they’re fighting him when they’re not. Imagine fighting what you think is Shaco, only for it to explode in your face, and the real Shaco pops out behind you. 

Now picture this chaos with a whole team of Shacos. It’s like a circus of mayhem. The battlefield becomes a place where you question everything. Did I just see Shaco, or was it his clone?

This confusion lets Shaco and his teammates set up traps and ambushes, turning the game into a mind-bending puzzle. His trickery isn’t just for laughs; it’s a strategy to outsmart and defeat the enemy by making them second-guess every move.

11. Darius: The Hand of Noxus

Darius Toplane Getting More Ganks

Darius is the powerhouse in close combat. When he swings his axe, it’s not just about hitting hard; it’s about dominating the fight. His strength shines when he gets up close with his enemies, making him feared in melee battles. 

And his ultimate? It’s like the final act in a play where he can take down one opponent after another, each execution making him even more menacing. Now, think of a team filled with Dariuses. It’s like having an army where every soldier is a general. 

The sight of them marching together is enough to send shivers down the spine of the bravest warriors. The fear they inspire isn’t just because of their strength. 

It’s the knowledge that in a fight, they’re relentless. With every opponent they take down, they grow stronger, turning the tide of battle in their favor with each swing of their axes.

Final Thoughts

One for All in LoL isn’t just a game mode; it’s a playground for creativity and strategy. It’s where you can team up with friends or players from around the world to try out wild strategies that only work when you’re all on the same page. 

Each of the champions we talked about brings something special to the table. Experimenting with them can lead to discovering awesome team combos and tactics you never thought possible. 

So, dive into One for All, mix and match champions, and create unforgettable gaming moments. It’s all about having fun and pushing the limits of what you can do together. Let’s make One for All in LoL 2024 a blast for everyone!