
The Best Champions for Beginners in League of Legends in 2024

Starting out in League of Legends can be quite the challenge. With so many characters to choose from, knowing... Aleksandar | 29. March 2024

Starting out in League of Legends can be quite the challenge. With so many characters to choose from, knowing where to begin is tough.

But I’m here to help! We’ll focus on the best champions for beginners in League of Legends, aiming to make your early games as enjoyable as possible. The champions we’ll talk about are picked because they’re easier to learn, which means you can start having fun right away.

Whether you’re completely new to the game or looking to get comfortable in a new role, these picks will help you build confidence and skills on the battlefield.

Why Champion Selection Matters for Beginners

Picking the right champion to play is a big deal in League of Legends, especially for those just starting out. The best champions for beginners in League of Legends have a few things in common: they’re easier to play, which means you can focus more on learning the game and less on complicated moves.

Starting with these characters can make a big difference. They can help you get the hang of the game faster, leading to early wins and a better overall experience.

When you’re not bogged down by tough controls or complex strategies, you can start enjoying the game right away. Plus, early success with these beginner-friendly champions might just build your confidence.

It’s like learning to ride a bike with training wheels before you hit the big ramps. You’ll have a solid foundation, and from there, you can try out more complex characters and strategies.

Top Lane Champions

The top lane is a crucial part of the League of Legends battlefield, where champions can truly shine on their own. For beginners looking to make their mark in this solo lane, choosing the right champion is key.

Let’s look at three champions that not only excel in the top lane but are also friendly choices for those just starting their journey in League.


Garen in League of Legends

Garen is known for his simple gameplay and resilience, making him a top choice for new players. His abilities allow him to deal damage while being tough to take down, thanks to his ability to regain health quickly when not fighting.

This makes mistakes less punishing and allows new players to stay in the game longer. Garen’s spin attack (his E ability) and ultimate move, which can finish off weak enemies, are simple yet effective tools in his arsenal. 

This champion doesn’t require precise aiming to be effective, making him forgiving and fun for beginners.


Nasus in league of legends

Nasus offers a different kind of satisfaction for new players, emphasizing growth over time. His Q ability, which powers up his next attack, becomes stronger with each enemy minion he defeats with it. This encourages beginners to practice farming – attacking minions for gold and experience.

Moreover, Nasus can start off slow but becomes a powerhouse later in the game, rewarding players for their patience and farming skills. Such scaling ability makes him a great choice for beginners who want to feel their progress tangibly as the game moves forward.


Kayle in league of legends

Kayle is unique in that her power greatly increases as the game progresses. In the early game, she’s more vulnerable but teaches new players to play cautiously.

As Kayle levels up, she gains abilities that make her attacks reach further and hit harder, transforming from a melee fighter into a formidable ranged attacker.

Her ultimate ability, which can make her or an ally invincible for a short time, offers a safety net for learning positioning and timing in battles. Kayle’s evolving playstyle introduces new players to the concept of power spikes and adapting strategies as the game evolves.

Jungle Champions

The jungle can be a daunting place for new players in League of Legends. It’s filled with creatures, and roaming it requires a good understanding of when to fight and when to help your teammates. For those new to this role, picking the right champion is crucial.

Here are three of the best champions for beginners in League of Legends who excel in the jungle, making it easier to learn this unique and vital part of the game.


Warwick - Great jungler in LoL

Warwick is an excellent choice for newcomers to the jungle. His abilities allow him to heal himself as he fights, which means you can stay in the jungle longer and practice without heading back to base too often. 

Warwick’s sense of smell can track injured enemies, showing you when and where you might go to help your team by securing a kill. This built-in guide helps you learn not just the jungle but also timing and positioning for attacks on enemy champions.

He makes learning the jungle’s complexities a bit simpler, guiding you on when to engage and when to hold back.

Master Yi

MasterYi - great jungle for begginers

Master Yi is known for his high damage and speed, qualities that make him stand out as a jungler. His straightforward abilities focus on quick strikes and moving fast. This simplicity lets you focus on the basics of jungling and ganking (surprising enemies) without worrying about complex abilities.

Master Yi’s speed and damage also mean that once you’ve learned where you should be on the map, you can get there quickly and make a big impact, rewarding fast learning with fast results.


Amumu in league of legends

Amumu is a small mummy with a big impact, especially for beginners looking to try their hand at jungling. His tankiness – natural resilience to damage – allows for some mistakes while learning.

What makes Amumu particularly beginner-friendly is his ultimate ability, a wide-range attack that can change the course of team fights. This ability doesn’t just teach you about the jungle but shows you the power of teamwork and timing.

Amumu’s simple yet effective playstyle offers a great introduction to the responsibilities and rewards of being the team’s jungler.

Mid Lane Champions

The mid lane is a battleground for control and power in League of Legends, where champions can make a big impact on the game’s outcome. For beginners, mastering this lane means understanding the balance between aggression and caution.

Here are three champions whose abilities and playstyles offer a solid foundation for those new to the mid lane, each bringing something unique to the table to help novices grasp the game’s core mechanics.


Annie - easy mid laners for begginers

Annie is a champion whose kit centers around a simple yet powerful stun mechanic, making her an excellent choice for beginners. Her ability to stun multiple enemies with her passive, when combined with high-damage spells, allows for impactful plays.

This straightforward approach helps new players learn the importance of timing and positioning in mid lane skirmishes. Annie’s ultimate summons Tibbers, a giant bear that can change the tide of battle, teaching new players the power of using big moves at the right moment.


Lux in league of legends

Lux shines in the mid lane with her long-range abilities and crowd control, creating a safer space for beginners to learn from a distance. Her skills can light up enemies from afar, ensuring that you can contribute to fights without getting too close to danger.

Lux’s Q ability roots enemies in place, her E slows and damages, and her ultimate is a long-range laser that can snipe fleeing foes. This combination teaches new midlaners how to control the battlefield and support their team from a position of safety.


Veigar - simple mid laner for begginers in lol

Veigar is a champion with a steep but rewarding learning curve, ideal for beginners who have a bit more patience.

His unique ability to increase his power infinitely by stacking ability power with his Q ability on minion kills offers a lesson in patience and timing. This mechanic encourages players to focus on farming efficiently – a crucial skill in mid-lane play.

Veigar’s cage (E ability) can control enemy movements, and his ultimate deals massive damage to one target, demonstrating the importance of target selection and timing in mid-lane duels.

ADC (Attack Damage Carry) Champions

In League of Legends, the ADC or Attack Damage Carry plays a critical role in a team’s composition, focusing on dealing damage to opponents from a distance.

Here are three of the best champions for beginners in League of Legends who excel as ADCs. Each offers a unique approach to learning the complexities of the bot lane and mastering the art of carrying a team to victory.


Ashe League of Legends

Ashe is a versatile ADC known for her utility, providing vision and the ability to stun opponents. Her Hawkshot ability reveals parts of the map, teaching new players the importance of vision in avoiding ambushes. 

Ashe’s ultimate, a long-range arrow, can stun a target from across the map, introducing beginners to the concept of global influence.

Her basic attacks slow enemies, making her attack style straightforward yet strategic, focusing on positioning to maintain distance while contributing to team fights effectively.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune - great ADC in lol

Miss Fortune shines with her area-of-effect abilities, offering lessons in positioning and timing. Her Make It Rain ability slows enemies in a selected area, while her ultimate, Bullet Time, unleashes a barrage of bullets across a wide area, dealing significant damage.

These abilities highlight the importance of positioning, encouraging new players to think about where they stand in relation to enemies and allies. 

Learning to use Miss Fortune’s abilities effectively can teach beginners how to control the battlefield and capitalize on clustered opponents.


Splash art for the prestige arcade skin for Caitlyn in League of Legends

Caitlyn stands out for her long-range and trap abilities, allowing beginners to safely understand and navigate bot lane dynamics.

Her Piltover Peacemaker and Ace in the Hole provide great damage from a distance, while her Yordle Snap Trap can control enemy movements and set up kills.

This combination of range and control helps new players learn to maintain safe positioning while being impactful. Caitlyn’s ability to lay traps also introduces the concept of anticipating enemy movements, which is a crucial skill for any ADC.

Support Champions

Support champions also play a crucial role in helping their team, ensuring their allies’ survival, and setting up kills. For beginners, choosing a support champion with straightforward mechanics can be a great way to learn the game while making a big impact.

Here are the three support champions that are perfect for newcomers, each bringing unique abilities to the table that help protect and empower teammates throughout the match.


Leona in League of Legends

Leona is the embodiment of durability and control, making her an excellent choice for beginners interested in learning how to start fights and protect allies.

Her arsenal includes a shield for defense and abilities that stun and immobilize enemies, allowing her to protect her team and set up opportunities for them to score kills.

Leona’s ability to take a lot of damage and disrupt the enemy team’s plans teaches new players the importance of timing and positioning in team fights, making her a formidable presence on the battlefield.


Soraka the easiest support champion in league of legends

Soraka is known for her potent healing abilities, making her an ideal champion for beginners looking to understand the dynamics of support without navigating complex mechanics.

Her ability to heal teammates from the brink of death and silence enemies makes her a valuable asset in any team composition.

Soraka teaches new players the importance of staying aware of their team’s health bars and positioning themselves safely during engagements, ensuring they can provide sustained support throughout the battle.


The easiest champion in league of legends - Yuumi

Yuumi offers a unique approach to the support role. She can attach to teammates and become untargetable while still casting spells. 

This mechanic allows beginners to learn the game by observing their teammates’ actions closely while offering critical support through healing, boosting allies’ stats, and harassing enemies.

Yuumi’s gameplay introduces new players to the importance of adaptive support, focusing on aiding the most impactful teammate at any given moment and learning the flow of the game from a safe vantage point.

Wrapping Up

Starting with the best champions for beginners in League of Legends makes a big difference. It lets you get the hang of the game’s basics and enjoy early wins.

Each role has champions that are perfect for new players. They show the ropes without overwhelming you with too many details. Trying out different roles and champions is key to finding what fits your style best.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. The right champion for you is the one that feels fun and allows you to learn and grow in the game.