
The 15 Least Played Champions in Top Lane in LoL

Every patch in League of Legends shifts the tides of the meta and what champions thrive. However, there are... Aleksandar | 10. April 2024

Every patch in League of Legends shifts the tides of the meta and what champions thrive. However, there are always those who struggle to find play, no matter the state of the game. 

By using data from the stat-tracking site U.GG, we can see which 15 champions have the lowest pick rates in the top lane position.

Let’s take a look at these least-played champions in the top lane in LoL and learn why they might be overlooked.

The Least Played Champions in Top Lane

There are over 160 champions that players can select from to play in the top lane, but certain ones see much less play than others. Based on their pick rates, let’s look at these least-played champions in the top lane in LoL.

1. Rengar

Rengar in League of Legends - Least Played Champions in Top Lane in LoL

Rengar, the ferocious hunter, skulks in the top lane with a modest pick rate of 0.5%. Despite being seen more frequently in the jungle, his prowess in the top lane should not be underestimated.

With a win rate of 49.83%, Rengar can effectively use the brushes to ambush his prey and secure kills. His ultimate, the Thrill of the Hunt, provides map pressure, allowing him to pick off isolated targets and tip the scales in his team’s favor.

Players adept at managing Rengar’s unique passive and mastering his leap can dominate the top lane with this predatory champion.

2. Karma

Karma in League of Legends

Karma’s presence in the top lane, with a 0.6% pick rate and a 47.83% win rate, is a testament to her versatility. As a champion who can both dish out and mitigate damage, she offers a unique playstyle that can frustrate opponents and provide substantial utility to her team.

Karma’s empowered abilities afford her excellent poke, wave clear, and survivability. Her ability to shield and speed up her team combined with a well-timed tether, can turn the tide of skirmishes and secure objectives.

While not traditionally a top lane pick, Karma’s adaptability makes her a formidable choice for those looking to break the mold.

3. Lee Sin

Lee Sin Combo Guide

Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, is an unconventional top laner with a pick rate of 0.6% and a win rate of 44.04%. Renowned for his high skill ceiling, Lee Sin demands precision and quick reflexes to maximize his potential.

With the ability to execute impactful plays through his Dragon’s Rage kick and mobility from Safeguard and Sonic Wave, he can outplay opponents and secure advantageous positions. 

While challenging to master, a well-played Lee Sin in the top lane can provide early pressure, roam to assist teammates, and secure kills with his high burst damage.

4. Vladimir

league of legends vladimir title

Vladimir, holding a 0.6% pick rate and 49.20% win rate, is a top lane enigma. This champion excels at sustaining through the laning phase with his Transfusion, gradually becoming an unkillable force.

His Sanguine Pool offers a unique escape mechanism, rendering him invulnerable and allowing him to avoid ganks and crowd control. As the game progresses, Vladimir’s damage output becomes immense, especially when he activates his ultimate, Hemoplague, in team fights.

Players who can deal with his early-game vulnerability will find themselves rewarded with a champion who can single-handedly carry games in the later stages.

5. Sylas

winterblessed sylas

Sylas enters the top lane fray with a 0.6% pick rate and a 49.76% win rate. This rebellious mage thrives on chaos, turning enemies’ ultimates against them with his Hijack ability.

His kit is designed for close-quarters combat, allowing him to duel effectively and come out on top with the sustain from Kingslayer. Sylas excels in skirmishes and can adapt to various team compositions thanks to the versatility of his stolen ultimates.

While his early game can be challenging, Sylas players who reach mid to late game often find themselves in a position to change the course of the match.

6. Smolder

Players Aren't Satisfied With Smolder

Despite a low pick rate of 1.0%, Smolder ignites top lane battles with a win rate of 47.31%. This enigmatic champion’s abilities are shrouded in mystery, offering a fresh playstyle that’s yet to be fully explored by the community.

Players who harness Smolder’s fiery arsenal can outmaneuver traditional top lane bruisers and tanks.

His potential for damage and disruption, combined with the strategic use of his unique skills, could make Smolder a sleeper hit in the hands of those willing to experiment and master his gameplay.

7. Poppy

Poppy in League of Legends

Poppy, the stout-hearted hero, stands her ground in the top lane with a 1.0% pick rate and a win rate of 51.54%. Despite her small stature, she brings immense utility and crowd control to her team.

Her steadfast presence can single-handedly thwart enemy engages with her steadfast presence, and her ability to pin adversaries to walls with Heroic Charge makes her a disruptive force.

Poppy players who can effectively use their kit not only prove to be durable front-liners but also turn the tide in team fights with well-timed ultimates.

8. Kennen

Kennen in league of legends

Kennen, the Heart of the Tempest, strikes with a 1.1% pick rate and a 48.00% win rate. This electrifying champ disrupts the top lane with his agile mobility and potent area-of-effect ultimate, Slicing Maelstrom, capable of turning the tides in team fights.

Kennen excels at poking down opponents and setting up stuns with his Mark of the Storm passive. While he may be a less conventional choice, mastering Kennen’s nimble playstyle can shock enemies and secure a lead for his team.

9. Wukong


Wukong, the Monkey King, swings into action with a 1.1% pick rate and a solid win rate of 51.96%. His deception with Warrior Trickster and the knock-up from Cyclone allow him to excel in both duels and team fights.

Wukong players can manipulate the battlefield, baiting enemies into unfavorable situations before striking decisively. His ability to clone himself provides both offensive and defensive capabilities, making him a versatile and unpredictable top laner.

10. Heimerdinger


Continuing our list of least-played champions in the top lane in LoL, Heimerdinger, the revered inventor, secures his position with a 1.2% pick rate and a 49.42% win rate.

His strategic placement of H-28G Evolution Turrets turns the top lane into a deadly maze for opponents. With his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade and Hextech Micro-Rockets, Heimerdinger can fend off ganks and control the pace of the lane.

Players adept at zoning and wave management can find great success with this ingenious tactician.

11. Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate - jungler in LoL

Twisted Fate, the Card Master, plays his hand in the top lane with a 1.2% pick rate and a 49.20% win rate. Known for his mid-lane prowess, his global presence with Destiny/Gate can catch the top-lane opponents by surprise.

Twisted Fate can control minion waves with his Red Card and harass with Wild Cards, while his Pick A Card offers various utilities. Those who can effectively leverage his map-wide influence can make strategic plays that lead to game-winning advantages.

12. Udyr

Udyr in league of legends

Udyr, the Spirit Walker, commands the top lane with a 1.3% pick rate and a 48.67% win rate. His stance-shifting nature gives him the adaptability to adjust his approach to combat on the fly.

Whether it’s the burning aggression of Phoenix Stance or the tenacious sustain of Turtle Stance, Udyr can outlast and outfight his lane opponents. Mastery of Udyr’s diverse kit allows players to exert pressure across the map and become a formidable split-pusher.

13. Singed

Singed in league of legends

Singed, with a 1.3% pick rate and a 51.08% win rate, embodies the role of the mad chemist in the top lane. His unconventional playstyle revolves around poisoning enemies with his Noxious Slipstream and flinging them into harm’s way.

Singed thrives on being chased, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. His Mega Adhesive and Insanity Potion make him a slippery target, while his ability to disrupt and deal with area-of-effect damage makes him a valuable asset in team fights.

14. Warwick

Warwick - Great jungler in LoL

Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun, boasts a 1.3% pick rate and a 51.44% win rate as a top laner. His relentless pursuit of wounded prey with Blood Hunt and his durability in fights make him a menacing presence.

Warwick’s ultimate, Infinite Duress, allows him to lock down key targets, providing a strong engagement or counter-engage for his team. His self-sustain through Eternal Hunger keeps him in the lane, allowing him to maintain pressure and secure objectives.

15. Kled

Kled in league of legends

Kled, the cantankerous cavalier, charges into battle with a 1.4% pick rate and an impressive 52.55% win rate. His unique mechanic of mounting and dismounting Skaarl gives him a second health bar to play with, enabling aggressive trades and risky plays.

Kled’s Beartrap on a Rope and Jousting abilities allow him to stick to enemies, while his ultimate, Chaaaaaaaarge!!!, can initiate fights or secure quick rotations. Adept Kled players can leverage his fearlessness to lead their team to victory.


Our exploration of the least-played champions in the top lane in LoL comes to an end, but your adventure with these champions is just beginning. By understanding and harnessing their unique skill sets, you can surprise your opponents and carve a niche for yourself in the top lane.

These champions may not be in the limelight, but with creativity and skill, they can shine just as brightly. So, take the road less traveled, and let these least-played champions guide you to unexpected triumphs in your League of Legends journey.