
Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Patch 14.8 UPDATE

The latest patch for Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables is on the way, bringing a huge wave of... Stalingrad | 15. April 2024

The latest patch for Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables is on the way, bringing a huge wave of balance changes to champions, traits, augments, and items. Patch 14.8 aims to shake up the current metagame and provide some fresh strategizing for players. Let’s dive into all the major updates coming in this patch.

New Champions Arriving


Two new champions are joining the Inkborn Fables roster in Patch 14.8. First up is Lucien, the Sentinel of Light – a 5-cost Dragonmancer. Lucien brings powerful spells and dragon synergies to high-level builds. The second newcomer is Nasus, the Curator of the Sands – a sturdy 4-cost Guardian ready to taunt enemies and soak up damage.

Base HP Buffs for Late Game Carries


To help balance out the late game, several 4 and 5 cost carry champions are receiving substantial base HP increases. This includes Ashe, Galio, Kai’Sa, Kayn, Lee Sin, Lillia, Morgana, and more getting HP buffs in the 900-1200 range at 1 and 2-star levels. These tankier stats should help elite units survive longer to deal their immense damage.

Major Trait Adjustments


Several Set 11 traits are undergoing key adjustments in Patch 14.8:

  • Dragonlord: Health % damage lowered at 4 and 5 unit breakpoints
  • Exalted: Overall damage bonuses increased 
  • Fated: Sett omnivamp lowered, Syndra damage bonus raised
  • Fortune: Healing reduction at 5 units
  • Heavenly: Team damage bonus nerfed at 7 units
  • Porcelain: Attack speed and damage reduction nerfs
  • Storyweaver: Kayle’s ability power nerfs
  • Umbral: Execute damage threshold adjusted

These changes are aiming to bring more balance to some of the most dominant and underwhelming trait builds currently in the meta.

Augment Tuning


Several existing augments are getting some love too. Powerful options like Celestial Blessing and Cybernetic Implants are being nerfed, while underwhelming picks like Locket of Fortitude and Salvage World Machines are buffed. The goal is to create more diversity in viable augment choices in each game.

Inkshadow Item Balancing


Inkshadow became the newest TFT item category in Set 11, and already a few of these powerful options are seeing number adjustments. Tattoos of Bombardment, Protection, and Toxin are getting minor nerfs, while Tattoo of Vitality base HP is increased.

Individual Champion Tweaks 


Beyond the big HP buffs, many individual champions received smaller ability tweaks to either buff or nerf their power level. Notable changes include:

  • Annie’s HP and ability damage buffs
  • Ashe mana buff for more frequent ults
  • Gnar AD stacking nerfed but damage buffed
  • Alune meteor damage increased  
  • Yone shield nerfed
  • Kai’Sa attack speed lowered
  • Senna AD/AP ratios adjusted
  • Sylas HP buffed

And more finetuning across multiple cost tiers of units. The goal is to achieve better overall balance and counterplay between all the available champions.

System Changes


A couple of system-level adjustments are coming too. Player base damage is being increased across all stages to speed up mid and late games. Level 7 shop odds for 4-cost units are also being slightly nerfed to reduce their availability.

This patch brings a slew of meaningful updates aimed at reshaping the Inkborn Fables meta without drastically overhauling the set. From new champions to sweeping balance tweaks across traits, items, and existing units, there should be a lot of fresh strategizing for dedicated players to dig into. As usual, these changes will first arrive on the PBE for initial testing before the full live release. Keep an eye out for the official patch notes to get all the details!