
Pro players continue to criticize Counter-Strike 2

When CS:GO was first released, it took a long time for the game to be improved and then stabilized.... Radu M. | 19. September 2023

When CS:GO was first released, it took a long time for the game to be improved and then stabilized. One decade later, we are now going through the same pain that CS:GO veterans experienced.

Counter-Strike 2 looks amazing, but compared to the previous iteration of the game, it feels broken. And in many ways it still is. Valve is obviously trying to fix it as fast as possible, but so far it hasn’t managed to respond to all the bugs.

Professional players all agree that the game is far from being ready to replace CS:GO. Valve originally announced its release for the end of the Summer, but we’re starting to suspect that we might need to wait at least until the end of the year if we want to play something that’s working well and won’t just give us headaches.


One of the players who have repeatedly spoken about CS2’s problems is Robin “Ropz” Kool. He is one of the best and most accomplished players in the world, so his feedback should definitely be taken into consideration.

Recently, he tweeted a long complaint about the servers’ tick rate. In his view, and the CS community is almost entirely on his side, 64 ticks is not enough for a smooth and fair experience. 128-tick servers are needed.

Of course, he was not the only one to complain about the game. Famous players like Aleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev have also said in the last five months that Counter-Strike 2 is a bit bugged and needs some adjustments before it can be played by pro players in tournaments.

Even in pub games it’s problematic. But if tournaments with $1 million in prize money start to be played in Counter-Strike 2, a lot of people will criticize Valve much more severely.

CS:GO players spent 20-30 thousand hours training and trying their best to master CS:GO. Switching to a new form of Counter-Strike, despite the many great features introduced by Valve, will probably be a negative experience overall if the game is broken. Beautiful graphics are useless if you can no longer win the way you used to.

Header: Valve