
Overwatch 2’s newest Hero Illari: Abilites, How to unlock, Tips and more

Take a deep dive into the details of Overwatch 2’s freshest hero, Illari, as we dissect her distinct abilities,... Shubh | 11. August 2023

Take a deep dive into the details of Overwatch 2’s freshest hero, Illari, as we dissect her distinct abilities, map out the journey to unlocking her, and equip you with crucial tips and tricks to refine your skills with the new hero.

The sun-soaked battlefields of Overwatch 2 are about to shine even brighter with the arrival of the game’s newest hero, Illari. Emerging as a radiant Peruvian sun master, Illari promises to shake up the support role with her skill-based healing and dynamic abilities. Illari’s journey to the game has been a tantalizing one, with hints and teasers dropped over the past few months.

The new support hero has already sparked excitement among players, who are looking for a fresh addition to the healer lineup after the lukewarm reception of Lifeweaver. Unlike her floral-themed predecessor, Illari’s abilities align her with iconic healers like Ana and Zenyatta, showcasing her capacity to both deal damage and keep her team alive. In a game that’s often been defined by its diverse cast, Illari’s introduction marks another significant step towards ensuring every playstyle is represented.


So, let’s break down Illari’s abilities one by one:

  1. Solar Rifle (Primary Fire)Illari wields a long-range auto-charging rifle that fires laser shots powered by solar energy. The damage of each shot increases when fully charged, requiring precise timing for maximum impact.
  2. Solar Rifle (Secondary Fire)Transforming her rifle, Illari emits a medium-range healing beam fueled by solar energy. This beam, akin to Moira’s healing spray, consistently heals allies within its reach.
  3. Healing Pylon (E Ability) Illari deploys a Healing Pylon on the battlefield. This pylon emits a consistent and impactful burst of healing to nearby allies, functioning like a Torbjörn turret for healing. The pylon persists unless destroyed, allowing for strategic placement and sustained healing support.
  4. Outburst (L SHIFT Ability) Illari employs Outburst to launch herself in the direction she’s moving, knocking back enemies in her path. By holding the jump button, she can achieve greater height and further displace opponents, offering both mobility and crowd control.
  5. Ultimate: Captive Sun: Illari’s ultimate ability, Captive Sun, epitomizes her sun-themed prowess. When activated, she leaps into the air while launching a massive explosive ball of solar energy toward her enemies. Upon impact, this ball slows down affected enemies and subsequently detonates, dealing substantial damage. Additionally, Illari gains aerial maneuverability during Captive Sun, enabling her to control her trajectory, ascend, and descend. This skill ceiling provides skilled players with opportunities for creative plays and impactful ult usage.

Each of Illari’s abilities contributes to her multi-dimensional playstyle as a support hero, blending healing, damage, mobility, and strategic utility. Mastering Illari’s abilities require players to cultivate a deep understanding of her solar energy mechanics, precise timing, and clever positioning to truly harness her potential on the battlefield.

Illari’s cultural connection

Blizzard didn’t just create a hero – they crafted a whole story. Illari’s got deep Peruvian roots, and the devs made sure to honor that. Her appearance, her double braids, and even her interactions are all steeped in Peruvian culture. They even threw in some Quechua, the indigenous language of the Peruvian Andes, to add that extra layer of authenticity. Joshi Zhang, one of the narrative designers, spilled the beans on how they went all out to capture the Peruvian experience. 

How to unlock Illari

To wield the power of the Peruvian sun, players must reach level 45 in Overwatch 2’s Battle Pass. While the journey might be challenging, the reward of playing as Illari is undoubtedly worth the effort as Illari offers a refreshing take on the support role with her unique blend of healing and damage capabilities.

Bulletproof tips for mastering Illari

Ready to wield the power of the sun in Overwatch 2? Check out these pro tips for becoming an Illari expert:

Solar Rifle Strategy: Maximize your damage by charging up your Solar Rifle shots before unleashing devastation. A well-timed fully charged shot can turn the tide of battle.

Healing Beam Precision: Lock onto your teammates with precision when using the Solar Rifle’s healing beam. Effective tracking ensures your healing is on point, keeping your squad in fighting shape.

Pylon Placement Mastery: Deploy your Healing Pylon strategically. Seek cover and hidden spots to protect it from the enemy’s prying eyes. A well-placed pylon can be your team’s lifeline.

Outburst for Escapes and Flair: When the going gets tough, use Outburst to rocket jump out of danger. Knock back enemies to create chaos and secure your escape – it’s your ticket to safety and style.

Captive Sun Brilliance: Your ultimate, Captive Sun, is a game-changer. Choose your moment wisely, targeting grouped enemies to slow them down and dish out explosive damage. Remember, your flying ability during the ult is a secret weapon for repositioning and surprise attacks.

Team Synergy: Pair up with long-range damage dealers like Ana, Widowmaker, or Ashe for maximum effectiveness. Coordinate your powers to create a devastating duo that dominates the battlefield.

Balancing Act: Illari might be a ray of sunshine, but she’s not the tankiest hero out there. Clocking in at 200 HP, she’s a delicate flower that needs some TLC. But here’s the kicker: she deals some serious damage. Nail those headshots with her Solar Rifle, and you’ll be raining pain on the enemy team.

Header: Blizzard