
Major Updates for New League of Legends Ranked Players

Are you ready for something new in League of Legends ranked play? Big changes are coming for anyone new... Aleksandar | 24. January 2024

Are you ready for something new in League of Legends ranked play? Big changes are coming for anyone new to ranked games. It’s not just small updates – these are big steps to make playing more fun and fair for everyone. 

The gaming community is really excited about this, and the game’s creators at Riot Games are listening to what players want. They’re mixing things up in a way that’s good for both new players and those who’ve been playing for a while. So, if you’re thinking about jumping into ranked games, get set for a whole new experience!

Background of Current Ranked System

Right now, if you want to play ranked games in League of Legends, you need to hit level 30 first. This has been the rule for a while. But many players think this isn’t enough to really get ready for the ranked world. 

They feel that just reaching level 30 doesn’t fully prepare you for the challenges and teamwork needed in ranked play. Gamers have been saying this for a long time, asking for a better way to start off in ranked battles.

Proposed Changes and Developer Insights

Riot Games is planning some cool new steps for players before they jump into ranked games. Now, they’re thinking about making you play some normal matches first. This means you’ll get real experience against other players, not just bots. 

Riot Phroxzon and Riot Iksar, the big brains behind these ideas, say this will help place you in the right skill level when you start ranked. They believe it’s a better way to see how good you are. 

This could mean fairer matches and a smoother start in ranked play. The aim is to create a fair playing field where skills really count. It’s all about making ranked games more fun and competitive for everyone.

Community and Player Feedback

Players are really talking about these new ranked game changes! Many think it’s a good move, saying it’ll help newbies learn the ropes better before diving into serious matches. 

But some are worried it might be a bit much for those just wanting to jump in and play. A few gamers are even suggesting their own ideas on how to make it better. Overall, there’s a lot of buzz about making ranked play more fun and fair for everyone who’s ready to level up their game.

Impact on New and Existing Players

For new players, these changes mean a better start in ranked games. They’ll get a real taste of what’s to come by playing normal games first. It’s like a warm-up before the big match. 

For those already in ranked, it could mean better-matched games with teammates and rivals at similar skill levels. Everyone might need a bit of time to adjust to the new system, but it’s looking like these changes could make the whole game environment more competitive and fun for everyone.

Looking Ahead: Future Developments

The talk about these ranked play changes isn’t over yet. Riot Games is still figuring out when to put these new rules into action. They’re taking their time to get it right. League of Legends keeps evolving, always focusing on making the game better for everyone who plays. 

Whether you’re just starting or have been playing for years, these changes show that the game is always growing and improving. It’s all about making sure everyone has the best time playing.