
Zeri Build Guides, Runes and Items

From her abilities and runes to her early game and teamfight strategies, this guide will provide you with the... Pablo | 11. December 2022

From her abilities and runes to her early game and teamfight strategies, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to dominate the battlefield with Zeri.

We will also provide some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this fast and electrifying ADC. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or a seasoned player looking to refine your skills, this guide has something for everyone. So strap on your hoverboard and get ready to skate into battle with Zeri.

Pros and Cons

Zeri is a mobile ADC with a strong kit that allows her to deal high damage and excel in teamfights. She has good scaling and can become a formidable force as the game progresses. She is also fun to play and has a flexible build, allowing players to tailor their playstyle to their strengths. Additionally, Zeri is extremely fast and has a long range, allowing her to outmaneuver her enemies and kite them with ease.

However, Zeri has some notable weaknesses. She is easy to counter and can be abused in lane, especially if she doesn’t have peel support. She is also extremely squishy and can be taken down easily if focused. Furthermore, she can be outscaled by other hypercarries and is vulnerable to crowd control effects. She has a high learning curve and requires mastery of her ultimate ability, Lightning Crash, to deal significant damage.

Overall, while Zeri is a powerful champion with a lot of potential, she requires skill and practice to use effectively.


In this section, we will discuss Zeri’s abilities and how to use them effectively in game. Zeri has a unique kit that revolves around her ultimate ability, Lightning Crash, which allows her to quickly move around the battlefield and deal damage to her enemies. We will go over each of her abilities in detail and provide some tips on how to use them to their full potential. By the end of this section, you will have a solid understanding of Zeri’s abilities and how to use them to dominate the battlefield.

Passive: Living Battery

Zeri’s passive ability, Living Battery, allows her to absorb the energy of shields she damages and gain a shield equal to 60% of the post-mitigation damage dealt to the shield. This can be a powerful tool in teamfights, allowing Zeri to sustain herself and stay in the fight longer. Additionally, whenever Zeri receives a shield, she gains 10% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. This can be useful for chasing down enemies or escaping from danger. Overall, Living Battery is a versatile ability that can help Zeri survive and stay mobile on the battlefield.

Q: Burst Fire

Zeri’s Burst Fire ability allows her to fire a burst of 7 rounds in a target direction, dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit. The passive component of this ability increases the strength of slow application from a charged basic attack. The active component has a base damage of 100 and scales with Zeri’s attack damage. For example, if Zeri has 200 attack damage, the ability will deal a total of 700 physical damage (100 base damage + 6 x 200 attack damage). The cooldown and cast time of Burst Fire scale down with attack speed, up to a maximum of 1.5 attacks per second. Any excess attack speed is converted into bonus attack damage.

Zeri doesn’t have a traditional auto attack and uses Burst Fire as an alternative. However, Burst Fire has a shorter range than a typical auto attack and has a cooldown and cast time that scales with attack speed.

Overall, Burst Fire is a powerful ability that allows Zeri to deal high damage and control the battlefield. It is important to use it effectively to maximize its potential.

W: Ultrashock Laser

Zeri’s ability Ultrashock Laser allows her to fire an electric pulse in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them for a duration. If the pulse collides with terrain, it transforms into a laser that grants sight of the area and fires after a brief delay, applying the same effects to all enemies caught within the laser. This ability is useful for dealing damage and slowing enemies, as well as providing vision and control of the battlefield. The magic damage and slow duration can be increased by leveling up the ability, making it even more powerful as the game progresses. Overall, Ultrashock Laser is a versatile ability that can be used offensively and defensively to help Zeri dominate the battlefield.

E: Spark Surge

Spark Surge allows her to dash in the target direction. Afterwards, her next 3 casts of Burst Fire within 6 seconds will pierce through enemies, dealing reduced damage to secondary targets. This damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. If Zeri casts Spark Surge within 50 units of any terrain, she will dash farther and gain unobstructed vision of the surrounding area. Additionally, Spark Surge’s cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds for every champion Zeri hits with charged basic attacks or abilities. It also resets Zeri’s basic attack timer and Burst Fire’s cooldown, allowing her to quickly follow up with other abilities. Zeri can also cast Ultrashock Laser and Lightning Crash while dashing, allowing her to deal damage and control the battlefield while on the move. Overall, Spark Surge is a powerful ability that allows Zeri to quickly reposition and deal damage to multiple enemies.

R: Lightning Crash

Zeri channels for up to 2.25 seconds, during which she is able to move freely, but is unable to cast any other abilities or attack. Once the channel is complete, Zeri releases a bolt of lightning in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. For example, if Zeri has 200 ability power, the bolt will deal 200 magic damage to all enemies hit. If Zeri casts Lightning Crash while on terrain, the bolt will travel along the terrain, dealing damage to all enemies hit. This can be useful for hitting enemies who are hiding behind walls or obstacles.

If Lightning Crash hits at least one enemy champion, Zeri becomes Overcharged for 6 seconds and gains 3 stacks of Overcharge per champion hit. Each stack grants her 2% bonus movement speed. For example, if Zeri hits 3 enemy champions with Lightning Crash, she will gain 9 stacks of Overcharge and 18% bonus movement speed. She also gains a stack of Overcharge each time she hits an enemy champion with a charged basic attack or ability, refreshing the duration of Overcharge by 2 seconds in the process.

While Overcharged, Zeri gains bonus attack speed and deals bonus magic damage on-hit. The bonus attack speed and magic damage on-hit increase with each level of Lightning Crash, making them more powerful as the game progresses. Additionally, Burst Fire is empowered while Zeri is Overcharged, allowing her to fire electrified rounds that deal bonus magic damage and chain to up to 4 additional targets. The bonus magic damage of these rounds also increases with each level of Lightning Crash.

Maximizing Zeri’s Potential: The Best Runes for Every Situation

In this section, we will discuss the best runes for Zeri and how to use them to maximize her potential in the game. Runes are special items in League of Legends that allow players to customize their champions and enhance their abilities. Zeri has a unique kit that revolves around her ultimate ability, Lightning Crash, so the right runes can help her deal more damage and control her surroundings. We will go over the best options for each slot and provide some tips on how to use them effectively. By the end of this section, you will have a solid understanding of the best runes for Zeri and how to use them to dominate the battlefield.

Lethal Tempo or Fleet Footwork?

One of the main decisions to make when playing Zeri is choosing between Lethal Tempo and Fleet Footwork as your runes. The main difference between these two runes is the timing of their benefits. Lethal Tempo is a great choice for Zeri in the mid-late game because it allows her to take advantage of her Lightning Crash ability and stack her ultimate, giving her additional range and speed for safety. However, in the laning phase, Lethal Tempo can be challenging to use if you are being pressured by the enemy. In contrast, Fleet Footwork is a better choice in the laning phase because it provides sustain and speed to help you trade and disengage from enemy bullies.

For example, let’s say you are playing Zeri in the bot lane against a lane bully like Lucian. If you choose Lethal Tempo as your rune, you might find it difficult to trade with Lucian in the early game because he will constantly pressure you and your support with his abilities and auto attacks. In this situation, Lethal Tempo might not be the best choice because it doesn’t provide the sustain or speed that you need to trade and disengage from Lucian effectively.

On the other hand, if you choose Fleet Footwork as your rune, you can use the sustain and speed from the rune to trade with Lucian and then quickly disengage when he tries to go for a kill. This will allow you to protect yourself and maintain some control of the lane. Additionally, the sustain from Fleet Footwork will help you and your support stay healthy, which is important because Lucian is known for his strong engage abilities in the lane. In the end, choosing Fleet Footwork as your rune in this situation will give you an advantage in the early game and set you up for success in the mid-late game.

Triumph, Overheal, or Presence of Mind?

When it comes to choosing between Triumph, Overheal and Presence of Mind as your runes, it’s important to consider the role you will be playing and the current state of the game.

According to most of the Zeri mains out there, Triumph is their go-to rune in most games because it helps with survivability in team fights. This is a good choice if you are playing a more aggressive role and looking to get kills or assist in team fights. The rune provides you with additional gold and healing when you get a kill or assist, which can help you stay healthy and get ahead in the game.

Overheal is also a good choice for Zeri because of her passive ability, which allows her to gain bonus attack speed when she is low on health. This rune can be particularly effective if you choose sustain runes and items like Immortal Shieldbow, which provide additional healing and sustain.

Presence of Mind is not really necessary because Zeri’s abilities are relatively easy to manage and she doesn’t need the additional mana and energy provided by this rune. However, it is a good choice for beginners.

In general, Triumph is a good choice if you are playing an aggressive role and looking to get kills, Overheal is a good choice if you are playing a supportive role and looking to keep yourself and your teammates healthy, and Presence of Mind is a good choice if you are playing a utility-focused role and looking to provide utility for your team. However, the final decision is up to you and should be based on your playstyle and the current state of the game.

Legend Runes

When it comes to choosing between Legend: Alacrity, Legend: Bloodline, and Legend: Tenacity as your runes, it’s important to consider your build and the current state of the game.

Legend: Alacrity is a good choice if you will not be getting any attack speed items early on and if you are building Immortal Shieldbow as one of your items. The attack speed from this rune can help you deal more damage and take down enemies faster, which is particularly useful if you are not getting any attack speed from your items.

Legend: Bloodline is a good choice if you are planning on building Kraken Slayer as one of your items and not building sustain early on. The lifesteal and extra health from this rune can help you stay healthy and sustain your health as the game goes on, which is particularly useful if you are not getting any lifesteal or health from your items.

Legend: Tenacity is a good choice if the enemy team has a lot of crowd control (CC) and you are taking Resolve as your secondary tree. The tenacity from this rune can help you reduce the duration of CC effects and keep your speed going, which is particularly useful if CC directly counters your speed.

In general, Legend: Alacrity is a good choice if you need attack speed, Legend: Bloodline is a good choice if you need lifesteal and health, and Legend: Tenacity is a good choice if you need to reduce the duration of CC effects. The final decision is up to you and should be based on your build and the current state of the game.

The Damage Dealers

When it comes to choosing between Last Stand, Coup De Grace, and Cut Down as your runes, it’s important to consider your build and the current state of the game.

Cut Down is a good choice because Zeri has one of the lowest base health levels in the game. This rune allows you to deal more damage to enemies with higher health levels, which can be particularly useful if you are not getting any additional damage from your items.

Last Stand is a good choice if you will be getting health from items like Overgrowth, Immortal Shieldbow, or health shards, or if the enemy team has a lot of damage. The additional damage from this rune increases as your health decreases, so it can be particularly useful if you are in a low-health situation.

Coup De Grace is a good choice if the enemy team doesn’t have any HP stackers. This rune allows you to deal extra damage to enemies with low health, which can be useful in a variety of situations.

In general, Cut Down is a good choice if you need to deal extra damage to enemies with high health, Last Stand is a good choice if you need additional damage when you are low on health, and Coup De Grace is a good choice if the enemy team doesn’t have any HP stackers. The final decision is up to you and should be based on your build and the current state of the game.

Secondary Runes: Resolve or Domination?

When it comes to choosing between Resolve and Domination as your secondary runes, it’s important to consider your playstyle and the current state of the game.

Resolve is a good choice if you are looking to play a more defensive role and provide utility for your team. This tree provides runes that can help you increase your health, reduce the duration of CC effects, and provide shields for yourself and your allies. These runes can be particularly useful if you are playing a support role or if the enemy team has a lot of CC. Bone Plating and Shield Bash can help you survive longer in fights and provide utility for your team by increasing your durability and allowing you to stun enemies. These runes can be particularly useful in team fights, where the extra armor, magic resist, and stun can help you withstand the damage from multiple enemies and disrupt their abilities.

Domination is a good choice if you are looking to play a more aggressive role and deal a lot of damage. This tree provides runes that can increase your damage, provide bonus movement speed, and grant you access to additional abilities. These runes can be particularly useful if you are playing a carry role or if you are looking to take down enemies quickly. We can go with any two from Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection or Ultimate Hunter. Taste of Blood is a good choice if you want to play a more sustain-oriented playstyle, Eyeball Collection is a good choice if you want to play a more utility-oriented playstyle, and Ultimate Hunter is a good choice if you want to play a more aggressive playstyle.

In general, Resolve is a good choice if you want to play a more defensive role and provide utility for your team, and Domination is a good choice if you want to play a more aggressive role and deal a lot of damage.

Early Game Strategy for Zeri

The early game is a crucial phase in League of Legends, and mastering it can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. As Zeri, your main goal in the early game is to farm up as much gold as possible while avoiding taking unnecessary damage. This will allow you to quickly unlock your full potential and start dealing massive amounts of damage to enemy champions. In this section, we will go over the key strategies and tips you need to know to excel in the early game as Zeri. From your starting items and abilities to your positioning and trading, we will cover everything you need to know to dominate the battlefield from the very start of the game.

Starting items and abilities

When it comes to starting items for Zeri, there are a few options that are generally considered strong. One option is to start with a Long Sword and 3 Health Potions, which will give you some early game damage and sustain. This can be particularly useful if you expect to be in a lane with a tough opponent who may try to bully you.

Another option is to start with a Dorans Blade and 1 Health Potion, which will give you more sustain and a bit of extra damage. This can be a good choice if you expect the lane matchup to be even, or if you want to play more aggressively from the start.

Regardless of which starting items you choose, it’s important to remember to grab a Noonquiver as soon as possible. This item will give you a significant boost to your damage and attack speed, which are both crucial for Zeri’s playstyle. If you can’t afford a Noonquiver right away, a Pickaxe can also be a good option to help you get some extra damage.

Lane Positioning

Proper positioning and movement are crucial for Zeri in the early game. As an ADC, you will typically be in the bottom lane with your support, so it’s important to stay near your tower and avoid overextending. This will help you avoid taking unnecessary damage from enemy champions and make it easier for your support to protect you.

At the same time, you need to be careful not to get too close to your tower, as this can make it easy for your opponents to hit you with abilities or crowd control. Instead, try to position yourself slightly behind your minions, which will give you some extra protection and make it harder for your enemies to hit you.

It’s important to note that going for kills during the laning phase can be a bad idea as Zeri, as you are relatively fragile and can easily be killed if you overextend or get caught out of position. Instead, focus on farming up as much gold as possible and looking for opportunities to trade damage with your enemies.

Lane Trades

When it comes to trading and skirmishing with enemies in the laning phase, there are a few things to keep in mind as Zeri. One important thing to note is that your Q, “Burst Fire,” can be blocked by minions, so your opponents will often try to use minions to block it. This can make it difficult to hit them with your Q, especially if they are hugging the minion wave.

To counter this, you can try to look for angles away from the minion wave by walking to the sides of the wave and using your long-range Q to poke your enemies. This can help you deal damage to them without having to get too close, which can be useful for playing more safely and avoiding taking unnecessary damage.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should try to use your right-click charge attack when it’s fully charged, rather than when it’s uncharged. Using it before it’s fully charged will still use small amounts of energy, so it’s best to save it for when you need the extra damage. You can use it to last hit minions that are out of range of your Q, or to finish off low-health enemies.

In addition to your Q and right-click charge attack, Zeri’s W, “Ultrashock Laser,” can also be useful for trading and skirmishing. This ability slows enemies and deals a decent amount of damage, so you can use it to follow up on your Qs and right-click charges, or to poke enemies from a safe distance. You can also use it on terrain in the corners of the lane to hit enemies who are hiding behind minions.

Overall, the key to successful trading and skirmishing as Zeri is to be patient and look for opportunities to poke and trade damage with your enemies. Avoid forcing aggression, as you are relatively fragile and can easily be killed if you overextend or get caught out of position. Instead, focus on farming up and scaling into the mid to late game, where Zeri excels. With practice, you will be able to find the right balance and dominate your lane.

Teamfighting as Zeri

Once the laning phase is over and the game transitions into the mid to late game, teamfights become more frequent and important. As Zeri, your role in teamfights is to deal as much damage as possible to enemy champions, while staying safe and avoiding taking unnecessary damage.

When it comes to teamfighting as Zeri, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you need to keep your distance from any potential threats on the enemy team. This means using your Q, “Burst Fire,” at max range when you’re fighting, and being aware of all the different escape routes you have with your E, “Spark Surge.” This will help you avoid taking unnecessary damage and stay safe during teamfights.

Another important thing to consider is the timing and location of your ultimate, “Lightning Crash.” This ability allows you to become overcharged and start kiting and shredding enemies, so you want to use it at the right moment in a teamfight to maximize its effectiveness. Look for opportunities to use it when the enemy team is grouped up or when you can catch multiple enemies in its area of effect.

In addition to your Q and ultimate, Zeri’s E and W abilities can also be useful in teamfights. Your E, “Spark Surge,” can be used to peel for yourself or your allies, or to chase down enemies who are trying to escape. You can also use it to avoid enemy abilities or engage on enemies.

Matchups for Zeri:

In this section, we will take a closer look at how Zeri fares against some of the other champions in League of Legends. We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Zeri in these matchups, as well as some tips and strategies for playing against these champions.

Whether you are facing a tough opponent in a ranked game or just want to learn more about how to play against other champions, this section has something for you.

Zeri’s Advantage: Champions She Beats

Caitlyn: Caitlyn is considered a fairly easy matchup for Zeri. Caitlyn is known for being a lane bully who can abuse her long range to harass and poke enemies, but this is not something she can do effectively against Zeri. Because Zeri has a similar range to Caitlyn, she can trade shots with her and prevent her from getting free damage.

In this matchup, it’s important to avoid Caitlyn’s net and traps, as these can be used to set up kills or force you to miss CS. You should also play safe before level 6, as Caitlyn can easily out-poke and out-trade you if you get too close.

Once you hit level 6, you can start to look for opportunities to all-in Caitlyn and run her down with your R, “Lightning Crash.”

Ezreal: In a matchup against Ezreal, Zeri has the advantage because she can farm safely and out-scale him in the mid to late game. Because both Zeri and Ezreal have poor wave clear, they can typically just sit and farm the minion wave without worrying too much about each other.

However, you should be careful to avoid Ezreal’s Q, “Mystic Shot,” as it can deal a significant amount of damage and slow you down. A peel support can help protect you from this ability and make it easier for you to farm safely.

To maximize your advantage in this matchup, you should try to position yourself behind minions and look for opportunities to poke and trade damage with Ezreal. This will help you maintain an advantage and prevent him from getting free damage on you.

Even Stevens: Champions she goes even with

Aphelios: In a matchup against Aphelios, Zeri is evenly matched because both champions are relatively squishy and can kill each other quickly. However, the outcome of this matchup can depend on which weapons Aphelios has equipped, as each weapon has different abilities and effects.

For example, if Aphelios has the purple weapon equipped, he will have access to a slow and crowd control ability, which can make it difficult for Zeri to kite and trade damage with him. On the other hand, if Aphelios has the red or white weapons equipped, he will have access to sustain and a large amount of damage, which can make it easier for him to trade with Zeri and out-duel her in close combat. However, Zeri may have the upper hand when Aphelios has the green or blue weapons equipped because these abilities are less effective against her playstyle.

To maximize your chances of success in this matchup, you should try to fight Aphelios from max range and kite him to avoid getting hit by his abilities. You should also be careful to watch his weapon bar and predict which abilities he might have available, as this can help you plan your approach and make better decisions in fights

Xayah: In a matchup against Xayah, Zeri has the advantage because she can kite and outplay her in fights. Xayah is a tough opponent in the laning phase because she has good poke and damage with her Q, “Double Daggers,” and her W, “Deadly Plumage.” She can also use her E, “Bladecaller,” to slow enemies and set up kills.

However, once Zeri hits level 6 and unlocks her R, “Lightning Crash,” she can start to dominate Xayah in fights. This ability allows Zeri to become overcharged and start kiting and shredding enemies, which makes it easy for her to run down and kill Xayah

Run!: Champions Zeri should avoid

Kalista: In a matchup against Kalista, Zeri is at a disadvantage because Kalista is a lane bully who can out-trade and control her. Kalista is a mobile champion who moves around a lot and makes it difficult for Zeri to hit her with her Q, “Burst Fire.” This can make it hard for Zeri to farm and deal damage in the laning phase.

Additionally, at level 6, Kalista can use her ultimate, “Fate’s Call,” to send her support flying towards Zeri and CC her for an extended period of time. This can make it difficult for Zeri to escape and survive in fights, and can put her at a significant disadvantage.

To minimize your disadvantage in this matchup, you should try to farm safely and avoid getting caught by Kalista’s abilities. You can use your W, “Ultrashock Laser,” to slow her and prevent her from moving too quickly, and you can use your E, “Spark Surge,” to vault over terrain and escape if necessary

Mages: In a matchup against mages, such as Veigar, Ziggs, Heimerdinger or Swain, Zeri is at a significant disadvantage because these champions can out-damage and outscale her. Mages are powerful champions who deal a lot of damage with their abilities, and they often have crowd control abilities that can stun, slow, or silence Zeri and prevent her from kiting and dealing damage.

Additionally, mages often have strong wave clear and can push the lane quickly, which can make it difficult for Zeri to farm and gain an advantage in the laning phase. This can put Zeri at a significant disadvantage and make it hard for her to secure kills and get ahead in the game.

Tips and Tricks

In this section, we will cover some tips and tricks that you can use to maximize your effectiveness and dominance on the battlefield as Zeri. These tips and tricks will provide you with some advanced strategies and combos that you can use to outplay your opponents and secure victory in your games.

Quick Burst (Q E Q AA Q Q):

This combo allows Zeri to quickly burst down her opponents and deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. To execute this combo, you will need to use your Q, “Burst Fire,” to poke and damage your opponent, then use your E, “Spark Surge,” to dash towards them and energize your next three shots of Burst Fire. This will allow you to pierce through your opponent and deal a lot of damage. You can then follow up with auto attacks and more bursts of Q to finish off your opponent. This combo is effective at catching your opponents off guard and securing kills in fights.

Wall Bounce (Q E (Over a wall) Q Q)

This combo allows Zeri to bounce off of terrain and surprise her opponents with unexpected bursts of damage. To execute this combo, you will need to use your Q, “Burst Fire,” to poke and damage your opponent, then use your E, “Spark Surge,” to dash towards a wall and vault over it. This will allow you to surprise your opponent from an unexpected angle and quickly follow up with more bursts of Q to deal a lot of damage. This combo is effective at catching your opponents off guard and securing kills in fights. It can also be used to escape from dangerous situations or to chase down fleeing enemies.

Surprise Surprise!

This tip allows Zeri to use her W, “Ultrashock Laser,” to damage enemies who are hiding behind turrets. Because turrets are considered terrain, it will pass through turrets and deal damage to anyone on the other side. To execute this tip, you can cast your W at max range into terrain, and it will travel through the turret and hit any enemies on the other side. This is a useful trick for taking down enemies who are hiding behind turrets, and it can also be used to damage enemies who are pushing your turret or to defend your own turret from enemy attacks.


In conclusion, Zeri is the queen of the Rift, a champion who will leave her enemies shocked and zapped by her electrifying power. With her lightning-fast dashes and devastating burst damage, Zeri can take down even the toughest opponents with ease. In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to play Zeri like a pro, from her abilities and runes to her early game and teamfight strategies. We have also provided some killer tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this hoverboarding goddess of the Rift. So strap on your own hoverboard and get ready to rule the battlefield with Zeri. May the sparks fly and the enemies tremble before her might.