
WZM: Riveter best-for-mobile loadout!

While shotguns in Warzone Mobile may be challenging to use at first, it can become a deadly close-combat weapon... Paolo | 29. March 2024

While shotguns in Warzone Mobile may be challenging to use at first, it can become a deadly close-combat weapon when used properly and with the right attachments.

Despite some recent nerfs to its pellet spread, the Riveter remains a popular choice simply because of its ease of use and fully automatic action!

Here is a list of recommended attachments that we tried from the Limited Release and may work until this Global Release!


UNDERBARREL: Bruen Heavy Support Grip (unlocked by leveling the Striker SMG to Level 8)

One of two greatly performing grips in Warzone Mobile, the Bruen Heavy Support Grip ensures overall horizontal recoil control and firing aim stability. The grip also does not employ any sprint-to-fire penalties, and can help stabilize your Riveter more effectively and efficiently.

MUZZLE: Crown Breaker Choke (unlocked at Level 18)

Undoubtedly the best option to tighten up pellets, the Crown Breaker Choke allows for a smaller pellet scatter area especially at close ranges. With tighter pellet spreads, this may allow you to down enemies in a few shots.

GRIP: Sakin ZX Grip (unlocked by leveling the M4 to Level 8)

The beauty of the Riveter is that it shares so many parts with the M4 platform or family, which means it also shares the Sakin ZX Grip – the most effective one so far to handle its oftentimes high upward recoil.

LASER: FTAC Grimline Laser (unlocked by leveling the TAQ-V to Level 5)

The FTAC Grimline laser helps give the user a little boost when using the shotgun on hip-fire mode, reducing the pellet spread when firing from the hip and also aids in hip recoil control.

AMMUNITION: 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath (unlocked by leveling up the Expedite 12 shotgun to Level 28)

While this ammo type has been recently nerfed, a well-placed Dragon’s Breath round may replace the bolt for split-second sustained damage that can, in some places, be enough to down unarmored opponents. This can be particularly deadly in modes such as Rebirth Resurgence which are close-quarter battle oriented.


MAGAZINE: 30 Round Mag [to replace Ammunition] (unlocked at Level 19)

Replacing the Dragon’s Breath rounds with a bigger capacity .410 Bore magazine can also be effective in the close-quarters arena and in clearing rooms with multiple hostiles.


Feel free to utilize these attachments and make the most out of this automatic shotgun!