
Jungle Players Are Struggling in League of Legends – Here’s Why

In the gaming world, every role has its challenges. But recently, jungle players have felt forgotten. Since update 13.20,... Aleksandar | 21. March 2024

In the gaming world, every role has its challenges. But recently, jungle players have felt forgotten. Since update 13.20, they’ve had a tough time. Being a jungler is not easy. It demands a lot from your mind. Yet, what they get back doesn’t match their effort.

Junglers are the hidden heroes, moving in the shadows and supporting their teams. But, their work is often not seen by others.

They face criticism for things they can’t control. It’s tough. Some players turn off their chat to avoid negative comments. Yet, that’s not the best solution. They shouldn’t have to hide to enjoy the game.

The Heart of the Jungle

The role of junglers in LoL is unique. Unlike their teammates who engage in direct combat along the lanes, junglers operate in the spaces between, exerting influence through precision and foresight.

Their role requires strategic planning, quick decision-making, and a keen awareness of the evolving game state.

However, the payoff for all their hard work doesn’t seem worth it anymore. This has made many jungle players feel let down and unhappy.

The Unseen Burden

Riot Continues to avoid Jungle
byu/WeaknessBig inJungle_Mains

The challenges of jungling extend beyond just game mechanics. As a jungler, you’re under constant watch, and every move you make is closely monitored by both your teammates and your opponents.

The pressure is intense. There’s hardly any room for mistakes because even a single misstep can make your whole team angry with you.

This pressure is made worse by the fact that many don’t fully understand or appreciate the complexities of jungling. It’s a role that requires you to think several steps ahead, manage resources across the map, and support your team, all while facing the enemy jungler.

Yet, despite all this effort, junglers often find themselves blamed for things that aren’t their fault – like a lost lane or an unsuccessful team fight.

Personal Experience

Speaking from personal experience, the level of negativity and blame directed at junglers can be overwhelming. I’ve played the jungle role myself and have felt the sting of this toxicity first-hand.

It seemed like no matter what happened in the game, the jungler was always at fault. If a lane lost, it was because the jungler didn’t gank. If the enemy team secured an objective, it was the jungler’s oversight. If a teammate died, it was because the jungler wasn’t there to save them. Or if someone didn’t know how to play their role, somehow, that too was the jungler’s fault.

This constant finger-pointing made the game more stressful and frustrating than enjoyable for me, leading me to switch roles entirely just to escape the barrage of criticism.

To cope with this negativity, some players, including myself at times, resort to muting their in-game chat. This move, while it offers a temporary shield from the harsh words, hardly solves the problem.

A Call for Fair Play

Riot, the game makers, has not focused much on improving things for junglers. Some say it’s because Riot’s team does not have high-ranking junglers. Changes seem far off. A popular gamer’s video might catch their attention, but is that the only way?

A fix that can make the game fairer is to reduce the lead solo players can get and signal when support players move. This could help junglers feel more valued and impactful.

Junglers play a vital role. Yet, they often feel overlooked. It’s time for change, to make the jungle role as rewarding as it is challenging. Let’s not forget the silent struggle of these “guilty” heroes.